A simple clojure wrapper library around [SPIN API] (http://topbraid.org/spin/api/) inspired and dependent on yesparql. The aim of this project is to experiment with SPIN API and Clojure. It's under active development ...
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Create SPARQL query string:
;; create sparql query string
(def query "PREFIX ex: <http://example.org/demo#>
SELECT ?person
?person a ex:Person .
?person ex:age ?age .
FILTER (?age > 18)}")
Serialize to SPIN Turtle representation and the URI of the new Query resource (or null for a blank node):
(require '[clj-spin.query :refer [serialize-spin]])
(serialize-spin query "http://example-query.com" "TTL")
Load ontology with SPIN from http://topbraid.org/examples/spinsquare.ttl (SPIN Primer: Rectangles and Squares)
(require '[clj-spin.utils :refer [load-model-with-imports]])
(def spinsquare (load-model-with-imports "http://topbraid.org/examples/spinsquare.ttl" "TTL"))
Initialize SPIN registry and register all SPIN expressions from given ontology
(require '[clj-spin.core :refer [init-spin-registry register-all]])
(register-all spinsquare)
Lets call computeArea
function from SPARQL:
(def test-spin-f "PREFIX ss: <http://topbraid.org/examples/spinsquare#>
?rectangle a ss:Rectangle .
BIND (ss:computeArea(?rectangle) AS ?area) .}")
We can execute given query on spinsquare
data previously stored in Jena model.
(require '[clj-spin.query :refer [execute-query]])
(require '[yesparql.sparql :refer [->result result->json]])
(->(execute-query test-spin-f spinsquare)
Fetching all rules defined in spinsquare ontology with get-rules
will return a map of class URIs as keys and lists of corresponding queries as values.
(require '[clj-spin.utils :refer [create-default-model get-rules]])
(println (get-rules spinsquare))
Create empty model to store inferred triples, add it as submodel to main ontology model add apply run-inferences
(require '[clj-spin.inferences :refer [run-inferences]])
(require '[yesparql.sparql :refer [model->ttl]])
(def new-triples (create-default-model))
(.addSubModel spinsquare new-triples)
(register-all spinsquare)
(run-inferences spinsquare new-triples)
(println (model->ttl new-triples))
Run check-constraints
to get the list of SPIN ConstraintViolation objects:
(use '[clj-spin.constraints])
(check-constraints spinsquare)
To get root resource of violation with corresponding messages we can use get-root
and get-messages
(require '[clj-spin.utils :refer [create-default-model get-rules]])
(map #(str ("Constraint violations for" get-label (get-root %)) ": " (get-message %)) (check-constraints spinsquare))
- Templates
Copyright © 2016 FIXME
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.