SPARQLom is SPARQL query builder and DSL for clojure based on clojure.spec.alpha and instaparse. It's in early development phase.
Represent SPARQL query as a map:
(def query '{:select [?s ?p ?o :distinct]
:where [[?s ?p ?o]
{:filter (and
(>= ?o 100)
(< ?o 123))}]
:limit 100})
Call ->sparql
method to get SPARQL query string:
(require [sparqlom.core :refer [->sparql]])
(->sparql query)
=> "SELECT DISTINCT ?s ?p ?o WHERE {?s ?p ?o . FILTER ((?o >= 100) && (?o < 123))} LIMIT 100"
More complex example:
(def complex-query
'{:prefix {:owl "<>"
:rdfs "<>"
:rdf "<>"}
:select [?s :distinct]
:where [[?s :rdf/type :owl/Thing]
[[?s ?a ?b]
{:select [* :distinct]
:where [["<>" ?p ?s]
[?s :rdf/type :owl/Thing]
{:optional [["<>" ?b ?s]]}]}]}]
:limit 100
:offset 100})
(->sparql complex-query)
=>"PREFIX owl: <> PREFIX rdfs: <> PREFIX rdf: <> SELECT DISTINCT ?s WHERE {?s rdf:type owl:Thing . {?s ?a ?b .} UNION {SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE {<> ?p ?s . ?s rdf:type owl:Thing . OPTIONAL {<> ?b ?s .}}}} LIMIT 100 OFFSET 100"
- FILTER functions
- SELECT expressions
- property paths
- more query validations
- transformation from SPARQL to SPARQLom map
- SPARQL pretty printer
- ...
Copyright © 2016 Vladimir Mladenovic
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.