Example of exporting SASS variables to JS / TS with the help of CSS Modules.
This project utilises React and Vue CLI (yes, I use Vue CLI for React projects).
Usage with create-react-app should be the same.
The key part is vars-to-js.module.scss
@import "~bootstrap/scss/functions";
@import "~bootstrap/scss/variables";
@each $_name, $_color in $theme-colors {
@value #{$_name}: #{$_color};
When importing as a CSS module in expose-sass-vars.ts
export { default as sass } from "./vars-to-js.module.scss";
is an object containing theme colors:
"primary": "#007bff",
"secondary": "#6c757d",
"success": "#28a745",
"info": "#17a2b8",
"warning": "#ffc107",
"danger": "#dc3545",
"light": "#f8f9fa",
"dark": "#343a40"