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Documentation API REST SeekFriendBack




  • http


  • 80


Launch on windows (node prompt) the app with:

  • set DEBUG=seeekfriendback:* & npm start

Launch on ubuntu the app with:

  • sudo DEBUG=seeekfriendback:* & npm start



  • expressjs :

    • Description : Pour notre API REST, nous avons utilisé le module expressjs (qui permet d'avoir un serveur léger et rapide).
  • mongoose :

    • Description : Package qui permet de connecter le serveur à la base de données mongodb (connect dans app.js ligne 58) et permet de créer des models, enregistrer des entrées (save), rechercher des entrées (find), les modifier (findOneAndUpdate) et les supprimer (remove).
  • bcrypt :

    • Description : permet d'encrypter un mot de passe (hashSync) et de comparer un mot de passe avec celui encrypté et stocké dans mongodb (compareSync)
  • jsonwebtoken :

    • Description : permet de créer un token à partir d'une phrase servant de mot de passe et d'un username (dans notre cas un email) et permet de verifier si le token donné en paramètre correspond à celui stocké dans la base. Cela permet l'authentification des requêtes des users.


  • Users :
    • String: email
    • String: pseudo
    • String: password
    • Boolean: isLog
    • String: token
  • Coords :
    • String: user_id
    • String: lat
    • String: lng
    • String: date
  • Friends :
    • String: friends1
    • String: friends2

Routes route.js

Basic Operations without token

  • GET /users/getall

    • Description : Get a json list of all users
    • Body Param : None
    • Response :
      • 200:
        • JsonObject:
          • String: email
          • String: pseudo
          • Boolean: isLog
          • String: token
      • 500:
        • JsonObject: error
  • POST /users/add

    • Description : Add a new user to the data base when a app do Register
    • Module Use :
      • bcrypt : to encrypt the password
      • jwt : to create a token for this email
    • Body Param :
      • String: email
      • String: pseudo
      • String: password
    • Response :
      • 200:
        • JsonObject:
          • Boolean: invalid
      • 400:
        • String: error (all body params are required)
      • 500:
        • JsonObject: error
  • POST /users/login

    • Description : Login a user who is in the database (update of islog field) and retrieve the token
    • Module Use :
      • bcrypt : to check if the password is correct
    • Body Param :
      • String: email
      • String: password
    • Response :
      • 200:
        • JsonObject:
          • Boolean: valid
          • JsonObject: user
            • String: email
            • String: pseudo
            • String: password
            • Boolean: isLog
            • String: token
      • 400:
        • String: error (all body params are required)
      • 401:
        • JsonObject:
          • Boolean: valid
      • 500:
        • JsonObject: error
  • POST /users/getcoords

    • Description : Get all users and coords to show in the sidebar view, used in reloadFriendsList : If you are logged you have every user except you but you can only show the positions of your friends
    • Body Param :
      • Boolean: islog
      • String: user_id
    • Response :
      • 200:
        • JsonArray:
          • JsonObject: user
            • String: email
            • String: pseudo
            • String: password
            • Boolean: isLog
            • String: token
          • JsonArray: info
            • String: user_id
            • String: lat
            • String: lng
            • String: date
          • Boolean: isfriend
      • 400:
        • String: error (islog is required)
      • 500:
        • JsonObject: error
  • POST /users/onsearch

    • Description : Get all users and coords that match with search to show in the sidebar view : If you are logged you have every user who match except you
    • Body Param :
      • Boolean: islog
      • String: search
      • String: user_id
    • Response :
      • 200:
        • JsonArray:
          • JsonObject: user
            • String: email
            • String: pseudo
            • String: password
            • Boolean: isLog
            • String: token
          • JsonArray: info
            • String: user_id
            • String: lat
            • String: lng
            • String: date
          • Boolean: isfriend
      • 400:
        • String: error (islog and search are required)
      • 500:
        • JsonObject: error


  • Use
    • Description : use of jwt.verify() methods to require an authentification token for all others routes
    • Module :
      • jwt : use of verify methods
    • Body Param :
      • String: token
      • String: email
    • Response :
      • 400:
        • String: error (email is required or wrong token)
      • 401:
        • String: error (token is required)
      • 500:
        • JsonObject: error

Operation that require a token (email and token are required for all routes)

  • POST /users/logine

    • Description : Login with a token when you choose remember me option (not working yet)
    • Body Param :
      • String: email
    • Response :
      • 200:
        • JsonObject:
          • Boolean: valid
          • JsonObject: user
            • String: email
            • String: pseudo
            • String: password
            • Boolean: isLog
            • String: token
      • 500:
        • JsonObject: error
  • POST /users/addcoords

    • Description : Add an entry to the coords entity when a user is saving a position
    • Body Param :
      • String: user_id
      • String: lat
      • String: lng
      • String: date
    • Response :
      • 200:
        • JsonObject:
          • String: user_id
          • String: lat
          • String: lng
          • String: date
      • 500:
        • JsonObject: error
  • POST /users/onsearchprofil

    • Description : Get all coords or all coords which match with search to show in the sidebar profil view when you are logged in
    • Body Param :
      • String: email
      • String: search
      • String: user_id
    • Response :
      • 200:
        • JsonArray:
          • JsonObject: user
            • String: email
            • String: pseudo
            • Boolean: isLog
          • JsonArray: info
            • String: user_id
            • String: lat
            • String: lng
            • String: date
      • 400:
        • String: error (user_id and search are required)
      • 500:
        • JsonObject: error
  • POST /users/addfriend

    • Description : add a friendship between two users
    • Body Param :
      • String: friends1
      • String: friends2
    • Response :
      • 200:
        • JsonObject:
          • String: _id
          • String: friends1
          • String: friends2
      • 400:
        • String: error (friends1 and friends2 are required)
      • 500:
        • JsonObject: error
  • POST /users/isfriend

    • Description : check if two users are friends
    • Body Param :
      • String: friends1
      • String: friends2
    • Response :
      • 200:
        • JsonObject:
          • String: isfriend
      • 400:
        • String: error (friends1 and friends2 are required)
      • 500:
        • JsonObject: error
  • POST /users/logout

    • Description : logout and update the parameter islog
    • Body Param :
      • String: email
    • Response :
      • 200:
        • JsonObject:
          • String: email
          • String: pseudo
          • String: password
          • Boolean: isLog
          • String: token
      • 400:
        • String: error (friends1 and friends2 are required)
      • 500:
        • JsonObject: error
  • POST /users/getbyemail

    • Description : get a user who matchs with an email
    • Body Param :
      • String: email
    • Response :
      • 200:
        • JsonObject:
          • String: email
          • String: pseudo
          • String: password
          • Boolean: isLog
          • String: token
      • 500:
        • JsonObject: error
  • POST /users/getbyid

    • Description : get a user who matchs with an id
    • Body Param :
      • String: user_id
    • Response :
      • 200:
        • JsonObject:
          • String: email
          • String: pseudo
          • String: password
          • Boolean: isLog
          • String: token
      • 400:
        • String: error (user_id are required)
      • 500:
        • JsonObject: error
  • PUT /users/pw

    • Description : update the user's password
    • Module :
      • bcrypt : compare the old password with database password
    • Body Param :
      • String: password
      • String: newpassword
      • String: email
    • Response :
      • 200:
        • JsonObject:
          • Boolean: valid
          • JsonObject: user
            • String: email
            • String: pseudo
            • String: password
            • Boolean: isLog
            • String: token
      • 400:
        • String: error (password and newpassword are required)
      • 401:
        • JsonObject:
          • Boolean: valid
      • 500:
        • JsonObject: error
  • POST /users/reset

    • Description : delete all users not use in the app
    • Response :
      • 200:
        • String: Success
      • 500:
        • JsonObject: error
  • POST /users/rm

    • Description : delete one user not used in the app
    • Body Param :
      • String: email
    • Response :
      • 200:
        • String: Success
      • 400:
        • String: error (email is required)
      • 500:
        • JsonObject: error
  • POST /users/removeFriend

    • Description : delete a friendship by users id, used in the sidebar view in the menu template
    • Body Param :
      • String: friends1
      • String: friends2
    • Response :
      • 200:
        • String: Success
      • 400:
        • String: error (friends1 and friends2 are required)
      • 500:
        • JsonObject: error
  • POST /coords/reset

    • Description : delete all coords not used
    • Response :
      • 200:
        • String: Success
      • 500:
        • JsonObject: error
  • POST /coords/rm

    • Description : delete one coord by id, used in profil view when deleting a position record
    • Body Param :
      • String: id
    • Response :
      • 200:
        • String: Success
      • 400:
        • String: error (id is required)
      • 500:
        • JsonObject: error
  • POST /friends/reset

    • Description : delete all friendships not used
    • Response :
      • 200:
        • String: Success
      • 500:
        • JsonObject: error
  • POST /friends/rm

    • Description : delete one friendship by id not used
    • Body Param :
      • String: id
    • Response :
      • 200:
        • String: Success
      • 400:
        • String: error (id is required)
      • 500:
        • JsonObject: error


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