This plugin transform testID
JSX attributes into accessibility properties
so that Android can be found on black box end-to-end tooling like Appium.
On Android for the application elements to be targetable/found it needs
to use the resourceId
, we assumed React Native would convert testID
to resourceId
, unfortunately it didn't. With a quick search, you'll
find a few dozens of closed tickets on this subject.
To achieve this we could do the same approach as react-native-testid, but this meant that the developer is responsible to remember to use this tool, plus it means changing the code every where with this change.
Another possibility would be to wrap all React Native components with
this converter (testID
to accessibility on Android) and make a proxy
module with them. This has a similar flaw like the previous idea, the
developer must remember to import the React Native components from our
custom module.
This solution (current plugin) allow us developers to code as before,
completely oblivious of these testID
differences between Android and
We used Detox to test our app from an end-to-end perspective. Detox takes the gray box approach, which means the package as to be installed directly onto the app so that it can work.
Besides having some challenges with Detox itself and we preferring the black box approach, the main flaw for us is that Detox (currently) does not support to run tests on real devices. After some investigation we found Appium, and here is where the reason for this plugin pop'ed.
$ npm install --save-dev @mloureiro/babel-plugin-react-native-testid
$ yarn add --dev @mloureiro/babel-plugin-react-native-testid
Add the plugin to your babel configuration
For example in .babelrc
or babel.config.json
it is:
"plugins": ["@mloureiro/babel-plugin-react-native-testid"]
Note: to improve the code use this configuration only for development builds, to improve even more use babel-plugin-remove-test-ids, remember to set the remove plugin to use the attribute
, check their documentation