When you need to responsively lay out a dynamic number of dynamically sized items.
yarn add react-variable-width-grid
npm install react-variable-width-grid --save
function App() {
const items = [...Array(20).keys()].map((_, idx) => {
if (idx % 5 === 0) {
return <span key={idx}>Long Item {idx}</span>;
return <span key={idx}>Item {idx}</span>;
return <VariableWidthGrid>{items}</VariableWidthGrid>;
As this is a browser dependent library, we want to ensure that we are only rendering on the client side. To do so, you may import VariableWidthGrid
as follows:
import dynamic from 'next/dynamic'
const DynamicComponentWithNoSSR = dynamic(
() => import('react-variable-width-grid'),
{ ssr: false }
If this is not imported in this way, the app may render a FOUC, Flash of Unstyled Content as it re-calculates the screen width
Name | Required | Type | Default | Description |
children | Y | Node | undefined | The children to display in a grid layout |
columnGap | N | number | 10 | The width of the column gap in px. |
style | N | CSSStyles | undefined | Style overrides |
The component will respect any additional props and spread them on the div.
Flexbox is awesome for one dimensional responsive wrapping, but aligning items within the "columns" is very difficult, unless you have fixed size items. You also need to apply some logic on margins, which feels clunky.
I'm super excited about this; but as of this time (Feb. 2021) it's not supported in Safari, so I don't feel comfortable using it and still having to write fallbacks or polyfills.
CSS Grid is great; adding an extra dimension onto flexbox is fantastic for everything from large scale app layouts to positioning icons. However, CSS Grid requires knowledge ahead of time on either a) the number of columns you want to render, or b) the size of each item.
Essentially, this component seeks to implement grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, max-content)
If using SSR, you need to ensure any component using VariableWidthGrid is client side only. See above in Usage section for details.