This is a module for the MagicMirror
In France, there is a field hockey championship. Match results, scores, and top scorers are provided on the FFH website. This module offers to display the teams' rankings.
cd MagicMirror/modules
git clone
cd MMM-FieldHockey-FFH
npm i
module: "MMM-FieldHockey-FFH",
position: "bottom_right",
config: {
updateInterval: 3600000, // 1 hour
rotationInterval: 20000, // 10 seconds
poules: [
SaisonAnnee: 2024,
PouleId: 10483,,
PouleTitle: "Elite Hommes",
PouleLogo: "./modules/MMM-FieldHockey-FFH/resources/elite-hommes.png"
SaisonAnnee: 2024,
PouleId: 9893,
PouleTitle: "U16 WHC",
PouleLogo: "./modules/MMM-FieldHockey-FFH/resources/u16-whc.png"
apiUrl: ""
To get the PouleId you would like to display informations about :
- Browse
- Open the dev console with F12
- Choose a club, a championship
- In network tab of the dev console, click on the route
- Get the PouleId