Encryp or Decrypt a section in any web.config or app.config file
.NET Config Section encription
Encrypt multiple sections:
ConfigSectionCrypt --encrypt --include c:\Path\To\SharedFolders.dll --sections configurationStrings,SharedFolders MyApp.exe.config
Decript connectionStrings section:
ConfigSectionCrypt --decrypt --sections configurationStrings MyApp.exe.config
-e, --encrypt Required. Encrypt the enumerated sections
-d, --decrypt Required. Decrypt the enumerated sections
-s, --sections Required. Section names to encrypt / decrypt
-i, --include Include reference to neccessary assemblies to read
config file
-l, --loglevel (Default: Normal) Logging level: Quiet, Normal,
--help Display this help screen.
--version Display version information.
config_file (pos. 0) Required. app.config or web.config to encrypt or
aspnet_regiis utility is provided as part of .NET framework, but does not provide an easy way to protect or unprotect sections in a desktop .config file.
ConfigSectionCrypt is an easy command line tool to encrypt or decryp any section in any .config file