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MobileCoin nanoapp for Ledger hardware wallets


Apache-2.0, GPL-3.0 licenses found

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Ledger Mobilecoin

A MobileCoin NanoApp for Ledger nanosplus and nanox devices. You can grab the latest (unsigned) firmware and tooling here, or follow the Getting Started instructions to build your own.

For application interaction or integration see the library, Engine and APDU documentation.


This software is pre-release and under active development

CI GitHub tag

Supported Hardware

  • Ledger NanoSPlus
  • Ledger NanoX #27
  • Ledger Stax #60



This repository contains pre-release and unaudited firmware releases for development and testing purposes only, use with caution.

End users should install signed and security-audited releases via Ledger Live for use with real funds, and use a supported wallet application for building and signing transactions.

Installing pre-built binaries

Side-loading is only supported on nanosplus devices with the latest firmware version and should only be used for development purposes.

  • Download the latest nanosplus release here
  • tar -xvf ledger-mob-fw-nanosplus.tgz to extract the firmware package
  • cargo ledger --use-prebuilt [APP.elf] build --load to install the nanoapp
    • You may need to add the -f argument to correctly unload prior releases

Building and Testing

The project contains a top-level Makefile exposing common functions, as well as a .envrc file to export common environmental variables.

This repository uses submodules, clone with the --recurse-submodules option or run git submodule update --init --recursive to configure these.

Project Layout

  • apdu provides APDU / protocol definitions for communication with a hardware wallet
  • core contains platform-independent hardware wallet engine, used by fw and lib
  • fw contains ledger firmware for nanosplus and nanox targets
  • lib provides a library for interacting with the MobileCoin NanoApp and a CLI for basic interaction.
  • tests provides high-level functional tests, used in core and lib, as well as a CLI for manually exercising these against the simulator or a physical device.
  • vendor contains forked and vendored dependencies, with the intent that these will be removed as contributions are merged upstream.


You will need rust (nightly), docker, and a collection of libraries / tools to build the project...

All Platforms:

  • rustup default nightly to default to nightly rust toolchain
  • rustup component add rust-src to support rust compilation out-of-tree targets
  • docker pull for tests using speculos in docker
  • ledgerctl for side-loading apps to the ledger, using the github repo for api_level support
    • git clone to fetch the latest development version
    • cd ledgerctl && pip3 install -e . to install


  • apt install make pkg-config clang gcc-multilib gcc-arm-none-eabi protobuf-compiler protobuf-c-compiler for compiling and linking firmware
  • apt install libusb-1.0-0-dev lidbus-1-dev libhidapi-dev libudev-dev for communication with physical ledger devices

To talk to the device you will also need to install the udev rules

  • wget to download the rules
  • sudo cp 20-hw1.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/ to move the rules to the right place
  • sudo udevadm control --reload-rules to reload udev rules
  • replug the device


  • brew install python3 to install python3
  • pip3 install flit_core for, some reason
  • brew install --cask gcc-arm-embedded to fetch toolchain

You will also need to make sure your python path is set up correctly for ledgerctl and to function.


  • speculos to run the local simulator
    • see here for speculos-specific dependencies
    • make speculos to build the vendored speculos module
  • apt insall direnv to install direnv (then set up your shell) to automatically load environmental variables
    • otherwise see .envrc for expected environment configuration


A top level Makefile exposes common functions for building / testing the project.

  • make fw to build nanosplus and nanox firmware
  • make lib to build the library and CLI
  • make test to build and run all tests
  • make nanosplus-run or make nanox-run to build and run the firmware under speculos
  • make nanosplus-load to build firmware and load onto a nanosplus device (it is not possible to sideload onto the nanox)
  • make nanosplus-test or make nanox-test to run integration tests via the simulator
  • make lint to check cargo fmt and cargo clippy lints
  • make miri to run miri tests over out-pointer based functions (extremely slow)
    This requires cargo-nextest as well as disabling the blake2/simd feature in vendor/mobilecoin/crypto/hashes/cargo.toml

For more detail you might like to look at .github/workflows/rust.yml


Integration are build into the lib package, using speculos with MODEL=nanosplus by default. Please note that if invoking this via cargo test you must rebuild the relevant firmware manually.

Integration tests may also be executed against the simulator or physical device using the ledger-mob-tests tool. Note that test targets must be configured with the appropriate SLIP-0010/BIP-0039 mnemonic for a given test vector.

To exercise all functionality on a physical nanosplus (from the tests directory):

  • cargo run -- --target hid wallet-keys to check root key derivation
  • cargo run -- --target hid subaddress-keys to check subaddress key derivation
  • cargo run -- --target hid memo-sign to check memo signing
  • cargo run -- --target hid tx --input vectors/tx1.json will execute a block version 2 transaction (no summary) on the attached ledger device
  • cargo run -- --target hid tx --input vectors/tx3.json will execute a block version >=3 transaction (with summary) on the attached ledger device

See ledger-mob-tests --help for more tests and configuration options.


  • ledgerwallet.client.CommException: Exception : Invalid status 6512 (Unknown reason) when loading app
    • your ledger device may be running old firmware, check your firmware version is 1.1.0 and update via ledger live if required
    • your ledgerctl may not support the api_level flag, try updating with pip3 install ledgerwallet or check out the development branch from and install with pip3 install -e .
  • MobileCoin app displays RNG Unavailable
    • your ledger device may be running old firmware, check your firmware version is 1.1.0 and update via ledger live if required


Bug Reports

The MobileCoin NanoApp is a prototype that is being actively developed.

Please report issues to

  1. Search both open and closed tickets to make sure your bug report is not a duplicate.
  2. Do not use github issues as a forum. To participate in community discussions, please use the community forum at

Pull Requests (PRs)

If you come across an issue / improvement feel free to submit a PR! Please make sure these are linted and tested locally prior to submission.

Sign the Contributor License Agreement (CLA)

You will need to sign our CLA before your pull request can be merged. Please email and we will send you a copy.

Get in Touch

We're friendly. Feel free to ping us!


MobileCoin nanoapp for Ledger hardware wallets



Apache-2.0, GPL-3.0 licenses found

Licenses found


Security policy





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