By default, all the steps will be run in the current working directory. Additionally, we can specify a path with --path relative/path/to/dir. If any other flags are set, the tool will only run the steps specified.
npx decaf-transform [options]
-h shows this help
-r replaces lines of code that say *.coffee to no extension
-d decaffeinates coffee files & generates new js files
-m removes coffee files
-t runs transform (from js -> jsx)
-e runs eslint --fix
-p runs prettier
--path relative/path specify a specific directory/file to work on
--skip-subdirectories Will only run on coffee files in the directory provided
npx decaf-transform --path modules/projects to run everything against projects
npx decaf-transform -p --path skeletor runs prettier just in skeletor
npx decaf-transform -rd to run first two steps (can compare
new js files to old coffee)