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Releases: modrzew/pokeminer

v0.5.4 - pull requests release

17 Aug 21:15
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I finally got to process all pull requests and merge some of them. That means new set of exciting features! (provided that they work correctly of course)

New required config option, DISABLE_WORKERS - can be left as an empty list, but you can use it to disable those workers that normally would operate in a weird area. This can also be used to define shape of the work area (in a slightly weird way). Additionally, disabled workers won't use accounts from config.ACCOUNTS, so you don't need entries for them.


  • forts query is fixed for good - it's fast and shows recent data
  • heatmaps on reports are much faster (credit: @Aiyubi)
  • heatmaps on reports got additional slider that you can use to show heatmap from given time of day (credit: @rollator)
  • link to Google Maps' directions is displayed in Pokemon popup (credit: @YonderGod)
  • ability to disable workers (credit: @YonderGod)
  • BANNED? error code when account is banned (or ToS was not accepted) (credit: @fxbt)

v0.5.3 - it's over 900000!

13 Aug 23:43
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Oh, Niantic, Niantic. Yet again you break things as soon as I'm unavailable. (This time not sleeping, but going for holidays.)

If you're unlucky and your database has been contaminated by entries from September 6, run this SQL query:

DELETE FROM sightings WHERE expire_timestamp > 1473119999

That will remove all sightings from 2016.09.06 0:00:00 and later. As always, have your database backed up in case something goes wrong.


  • ignore spawns that have over 900000 time_to_hidden_ms (i.e. more than 15 minutes) (credit: @seikur0)

v0.6.0-rc1 - coroutines RC1

12 Aug 11:17
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This is a release candidate for v0.6.0, which moves away from using 1 thread per worker in favor of using Python coroutines. v0.6.0 (final) will contain detailed release message, for now please see description of #216.

  • dropped support for Python 2.7, only Python 3.5 supported (note: last v0.5.x version should still work perfectly fine with Python 2.7)
  • coroutines!
  • new config items: NETWORK_THREADS and COMPUTE_THREADS
  • improved way of talking with database (via DatabaseProcessor)
  • more concise status window
  • workers restart from next point, rather than from square 1
  • some fixes I probably forgot about

v0.5.2 - hotfix for database issues

10 Aug 14:42
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99 bugs in the code, 99 bugs in the code, take one down patch it around, 127 bugs in the code...

No fancy release title as this is really just a hotfix.

  • no more pool_size for create_engine (reverts 3a775e5) - it didn't work out of the box for SQLite. Moreover, there's a different solution that will be implemented soon.
  • no more grouping by id in get_forts (reverts d0cb311) - this made query return all fort sightings, instead of only the recent ones.

v0.5.1 - fixes!

10 Aug 09:58
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Nothing fancy, just a bunch of fixes and improvements here and there.

Apply migrations/v0.5.1.sql to your database before using this version. Or, in case of SQLite, modify the database yourself. You might need to recreate it (export data, drop database, create database, import data), as SQLite doesn't support modifying columns.


  • properly handle failed logins (credits: @Aiyubi)
  • lat and lon size changed to 20 (credits: @Kravock)
  • reports no longer raise UnicodeDecodeError in Python 2.7
  • proxy support (credits: @Noctem)
  • removed hardcoded Wrocław from gyms template (credits: @pokemonracer)
  • other various fixes in different places

v0.5.0 - gyms leaflet

08 Aug 15:29
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A quite big update for the beginning of the week! This one brings support for gyms, as well as new map engine.

NOTE: you need to run db.Base.metadata.create_all(db.get_engine()) once again in order to create two tables, forts and fort_sightings. Your sightings table will be left alone. Moreover, you also need to run a migration on sightings - please apply migrations/v0.5.0.sql on your database manually. If you use something different than MySQL and SQLite, modify the migration to suit your needs.

List of changes:

  • support for gyms
    • they are stored in fort_sightings table
    • they are displayed on live map, too
    • contains a page with gym stats that can be shown to public - see for example
  • switched to Leaflet for live map engine
    • as an user you will probably say "ugh, it's so ugly" (and I'll agree), but as a developer it's much, much more comfortable to work with than Google Maps
    • overall it should be faster (including drawing worker circles)
    • you can dynamically toggle Pokemon, trash and gyms layers
    • Pokemon fade out as they are going to expire
  • it's possible to display Pokemon names with different locale (credit goes to @Noctem)
  • Pokemon icons on /report are clickable, and redirect to species report (credit goes to @fxbt)
  • encounter_id in sightings table

v0.4.3 - signing requests

07 Aug 15:06
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Yay, it works again after a 3-day long wild ride with trying to figure out most recent changes in the API. Sadly I didn't partake in the party, as my deassembling skill is close to nonexistent.

On the brighter side, 0.5 with forts (gyms) support is landing very soon.

Note: you need an encryption library compatible with your OS (defined by ENCRYPT_PATH in config), which is not provided in the repo - and won't be.

v0.4.2 - hexagonal scan delay

03 Aug 08:09
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Niantic is keen on adding new limits to API just as I'm falling asleep.

There are new settings in config, SCAN_DELAY and SCAN_RADIUS, which should be self-explaining (if it's not, please see Config page on wiki). The latter also obsoletes LAT_GAIN and LON_GAIN.


  • most recent pgoapi version
  • ability to define starting point of reports (so that you don't show data in the First Era, before spawns changed)
  • Python 3 support (Python 2.7 still works fine)
  • hexagonal grid - 20-30% less points for each worker to visit!
  • SCAN_DELAY and SCAN_RADIUS defined in config

Hotfix: scan every 5-7s

31 Jul 09:34
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Added short delay after each scan request.

You'd probably also want to increase number of workers, because it's more likely single cycle for wide area doesn't finish under 15 minutes, and you risk missed spawns.

v0.4 - stability

30 Jul 19:25
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Whole application should be much more stable now. I removed last remnants of old API code and switched to pgoapi, while also working on improving overall stability.

This release also contains new report for single Pokemon (available at /report/<pokemon_id>), as well as improvements to live map.

Detailed list of changes:

  • application cache (shouldn't attack DB that much)
  • stability, stability, stability
  • overseer can restart worker if it detects it's slacking off
  • more config options (CYCLE_PER_WORKER, AREA_NAME)
  • area size is now calculated instead of being hardcoded
  • punchcard chart on report page works with SQLite, too
  • new report for single species (/report/<pokemon_id>)
  • workers are hidden by default on live map
  • ability to show/hide workers on live map, together with their scan radius
  • ability to center map on your location
  • a few bugfixes