openFrameworks addon to auto store and recall the basic app window state/settings:
- Window Position (x, y).
- Window Size (w, h).
- Window Mode (window/full screen).
- App target FPS settings, real current framerate, and vSync state.
- "Alert" with a performance red bar when low FPS drops under the expected target frame rate.
- Easy change the app settings just by editing the JSON file**, not the app code.
- Lock mode to avoid future changes after modifying the window. (WIP)
- Reset the command to restore 1080p Full HD settings.
- Custom TTF font.
- On top mode, easy console window disabler. (WIN 32 only)
Dual settings: Big and Mini settings to switch between both presets. (WIP)
Currently, Mini mode is disabled.
( caps enabled or SHIFT )
W: Show debug info.
F: Full screen / Windowed.
V: vSync state (On/Off).
L: Lock mode.
T: Always on top (Window only).
R: Reset Full HD size on the main monitor.
It can be useful to auto-maintain window settings between your app sessions.
Not only for the final user but also for the coder. Usually when you start a clean OF project
you want "to focus on your code", but you need to compile many times and move the app window out of your IDE window several times...
Using this add-on you can forget about this "annoying behavior", as the App Window will be open in the same place and with the same size and settings.
ofxSerialize from @bakercp (Thanks!)
Now it's included into \ofxWindowApp\libs\ofxSerializer
to simplify.
You don't need to add with PROJECT GENERATOR!
#include "ofxWindowApp.h"
ofxWindowApp w;
Nothing more is required on update()
or draw()
Some settings can be configured using key commands.
// Optional
// Default FPS is 60 fps, vSync = off
The add-on will auto-load the settings when your app starts and auto stores too on App exit.
Nothing more it's required!
The JSON file (bin/data/ofxWindowApp/ofxWindowApp.json) will look like this:
"Preset": "Big",
"position": {
"x": 2.0,
"y": 25.0
"size": {
"height": 1053,
"width": 1916
"window_mode": "OF_WINDOW"
"extra_settings": {
"debugPerformance": "1",
"fps": "60",
"lockMode": "0",
"miniPreset": "0",
"showInfo": "0",
"vsync": "0"
- Join with another addon to handle more window settings borderless, put in-front, half screen, send to 2nd monitor... etc
- Windows10 / VS2022 / OF ~0.11
- macOS High Sierra / Xcode 9/10 / OF ~0.11
Addon by @moebiusSurfing
( ManuMolina ). 2020-2023.
MIT License.