Flutter Food Order Application Using Provider , GET_IT and Firebase Firestore. The goal of this app is to build a fully functioning Food Order app using Flutter. The app depends mainly on Firebase Firestore as source of data and we work with Provider as our state managment and we used get_it as dependency injection. This app is a part of a series of youtube tutorial updated weekly to add new features to the app. Here is the link to my youtube channel if you are interested to see the app built step by step: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMWNUCyoCdQNnH7B_Qv_fFw . Currently the channel have arabic Flutter videos soon the app videos will be provided in both english and arabic language. The app is still in development phase in both recording videos and coding it this repo will be updated with new screenshots and new app code parts.
App code Partioning :
Part 2 : We are reading data from our firestore database using stream builder.
Part 3_start : Skeleton of the Architecture that we will use in our app.
Part 3_final : Reading the data of the home page from firestore after adding code Architecture .
Part 4: Add food in each of the food categories found in the home page.
Part 5: Add food details for each food (describtion , image, name).
Part 6 : Add adding to cart functionality (Sqlite database), modify item price, modify item quantity, add/remove items to cart list and update the total item price.