- Express Framework:
Utilized Express for building a web server to handle HTTP requests and responses.
CORS Middleware:
Incorporated the CORS middleware to enable cross-origin resource sharing. Environment Variables:
Employed the dotenv package to manage and access environment variables securely. JSON Web Tokens (JWT):
Implemented JWT for user authentication, generating and validating tokens for secure access to protected routes. MongoDB Connection:
Established a connection to a MongoDB database using the mongodb and mongoose libraries.
API Routes:
Defined various API routes for different functionalities, including data retrieval, user management, authentication, and handling bookings.
Middleware Functions:
Created middleware functions for JWT verification, admin role verification, and guide role verification to ensure secure access to specific routes.
Collections in MongoDB:
Utilized MongoDB collections for storing data related to tours (dataCollection), tour categories (categoryCollection), tour guides (guideCollection), wishlists (wishlistCollection), bookings (bookingCollection), users (userCollection), stories (storyCollection), and comments (commentCollection).
User Role Management:
Implemented functionality to assign roles (admin or guide) to users and verified their roles using middleware.
- Express Routes:
Created routes for handling user authentication, admin functionalities, guide functionalities, wishlists, bookings, and story sections. Server Deployment:
Configured the server to run on the specified port, defaulting to 5000 if no port is provided.
- Listening to Requests:
Configured the server to listen for incoming requests and respond with appropriate messages.