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**EXPERIMENTAL** vNext Auditing Bounded Context Mono Repository


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EXPERIMENTAL vNext Auditing Bounded Context Mono Repository

The Auditing BC is responsible for maintaining an immutable record of all of the transactions that take place on the Switch.

See the Reference Architecture documentation Auditing Section for context on this vNext implementation guidelines.



The Auditing BC consists of the following packages;

auditing-svc Auditing Service. README

client-lib Auditing BC Client Library. README

public-types-lib Auditing BC Public Types Library. README

Running Locally


npm run start:auditing-svc


Install Node version

More information on how to install NVM:

nvm install
nvm use

Install Dependencies

npm install


npm run build

Run the services

Startup supporting services


To startup Kafka, MongoDB, Elasticsearch and Kibana, follow the steps below(executed in docker-compose-infra/):

  1. Create a sub-directory called exec inside the docker-compose-infra (this) directory, and navigate to that directory.
mkdir exec
cd exec
  1. Create the following directories as sub-directories of the docker-compose/exec directory:
  • certs
  • esdata01
  • kibanadata
  • logs
mkdir {certs,esdata01,kibanadata,logs}
  1. Copy the .env.sample to the exec dir:
cp ../.env.sample ./.env
  1. Review the contents of the .env file

  2. Ensure vm.max_map_count is set to at least 262144: Example to apply property on live system:

sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144 # might require sudo

Start Infrastructure Containers

Start the docker containers using docker-compose up (in the exec dir)

docker-compose -f ../docker-compose-infra.yml --env-file ./.env up -d

To view the logs of the infrastructure containers, run:

docker-compose -f ../docker-compose-infra.yml --env-file ./.env logs -f

To stop the infrastructure containers, run:

docker-compose -f ../docker-compose-infra.yml --env-file ./.env stop

Viewing the dashboards

Once started, the services will available via localhost. Use the credentials set in the .env file.

ElasticSearch and Kibana

Kafka and RedPanda Console

  • Kafka Broker - localhost:9092
  • Zookeeper - localhost:2181
  • RedPanda Kafka Console - http://localhost:8080

Mongo and Mongo Express Console


Setup ElasticSearch Mappings

Once ElasticSearch has started you should upload the data mappings for the logs and audits indexes using the following commands.

This must be executed once after setting up a new ElasticSearch instance, or when the indexes are updated.

Execute this in the directory containing the files es_mappings_logging.json and es_mappings_auditing.json.

When asked, enter the password for the elastic user in the .env file.

# Create the logging index
curl -i --insecure -X PUT "https://localhost:9200/ml-logging/" -u "elastic" -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data-binary "@es_mappings_logging.json"
# Create the auditing index
curl -i --insecure -X PUT "https://localhost:9200/ml-auditing/" -u "elastic" -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data-binary "@es_mappings_auditing.json"

NOTE: The master/source for the mappings files is the respective repositories: logging-bc and auditing-bc.

We can see the indexes in ElasticSearch API:


Additional Information on Elastic mappings

Setup Kibana Dashboards Setup

Once the mappings are installed, it is time to import the prebuilt Kibana objects for the DataView and the search.

  1. Open Kibana (login with credentials in .env file)
  2. Navigate to (top left burger icon) -> Management / Stack Management -> Kibana / Saved Objects

Or go directly to: http://localhost:5601/app/management/kibana/objects

  1. Use the Import button on the top right to import the file kibana-objects.ndjson located in the docker-compose directory (this one).

Viewing Kibana Logs

Go to (top left burger icon) -> Analytics / Discover, and then use the Open option on the top right to open the imported "MojaloopDefaultLogView" view.

Viewing Kibana Audits

Go to (top left burger icon) -> Analytics / Discover, and then use the Open option on the top right to open the imported "MojaloopDefaultLogView" view.

Additional information

Useful Commands

Monitor Kafka Events (Download the Kafka clients from

./ --topic nodejs-rdkafka-svc-integration-test-log-bc-topic --from-beginning --bootstrap-server localhost:9092


docker-compose down -v

After running the docker-compose-infra we can start auditing-bc:

npm run start:auditing-svc


See the file on each services for more Environment Variable Configuration options.


Unit Tests

npm run test:unit

Run Integration Tests

npm run test:integration

Run all tests at once

Requires integration tests pre-requisites

npm run test

Collect coverage (from both unit and integration test types)

After running the unit and/or integration tests:

npm run posttest

You can then consult the html report in:


Auditing Dependencies

We use npm audit to check dependencies for node vulnerabilities.

To start a new resolution process, run:

npm run audit:fix

You can check to see if the CI will pass based on the current dependencies with:

npm run audit:check

CI/CD Pipelines

Execute locally the pre-commit checks - these will be executed with every commit and in the default CI/CD pipeline

Make sure these pass before committing any code

npm run pre_commit_check

Work Flow

As part of our CI/CD process, we use CircleCI. The CircleCI workflow automates the process of publishing changed packages to the npm registry and building Docker images for select packages before publishing them to DockerHub. It also handles versioning, tagging commits, and pushing changes back to the repository.

The process includes five phases.

  1. Setup : This phase initializes the environment, loads common functions, and retrieves commits and git change history since the last successful CI build.

  2. Detecting Changed Package.

  3. Publishing Changed Packages to NPM.

  4. Building Docker Images and Publishing to DockerHub.

  5. Pushing Commits to Git.

All code is automatically linted, built, and unit tested by CircleCI pipelines, where unit test results are kept for all runs. All libraries are automatically published to npm.js, and all Docker images are published to Docker Hub.


The following documentation provides insight into the FSP Interoperability API Bounded Context.


Unable to load dlfcn_load

error:25066067:DSO support routines:dlfcn_load:could not load the shared library

Fix: export OPENSSL_CONF=/dev/null