I have included the full tracy captures of all runs that were performed to record measurements in this repo; they can be examined them in tracy. For this reason, this repo is very large , beware before downloading.
Goal: Measure startup latency of LCMsec. More precicely, disregard the discovery phase and measure startup latency of GKA+Attestation
The following runs were used in the thesis:
- no_verif_low_delays was done with emulated delays of 20ms , 10ms variance. LCMsec Commit c79e558 - : Adjusted timeouts for latency measurements was used for this measurement
- no_verif_high_delays was done with emulated delays of 250 , 50ms variance. LCMsec Commit c79e558 - : Adjusted timeouts for latency measurements was used for this measurement
- no_verif_high_delays was done with emulated delays of 250 , 50ms variance. LCMsec Commit ad97f93 - "measurement for RA eventlog verification" was used for this measurement.
- run_static_tree_noverif with delays of 20ms,10ms. LCMsec commit e4605ee - "static tree based attestation measurement commit"
- run_static_tree_verif with delays of 20ms,10ms. LCMsec commit e4605ee - "static tree based attestation measurement commit"
- run_naive_tree_noverif with delays of 20ms,10ms. LCMsec commit bd98abd - "Attestation static naive measurement commit"
- run_naive_tree_verif with delays of 20ms,10ms. LCMsec commit bd98abd - "Attestation static naive measurement commit"
Tracy instrumentation is used to measure the times taken for group key agreement / dynamic attestation / static group attestation
- We are running many nodes on one machine => its easy to overflow buffers or overload CPU since we are on a broadcast topology. So we cannot run more than ~40 nodes on one machine. The limit of active nodes in the DB GKA / RA seems to be about 25.
- For the same reason timeouts in the discovery phase are increased for the measurements (ensure discovery doesn't time out).
- You need one normal build of LCmsec as well as one tracy-enabled build. To produce the latter, configure LCMSec to use tracy with
cmake -DUSE_TRACY=ON [...]
. You also need the tracy-csvexport and tracy-capture binaries which can be built from source (tracy-src/capture and tracy-src/csvexport). For me, there were some errors during the build (tracy issue #811 and #548 on github); if that is the case set -DNO_PARALLEL_STL=1 and D_LEGACY=1 when configuring. - run_test.py runs a single instance of the protocol. it takes as arguments: joining(size of J), run(only needed for the name of the output file), directory(where to place output files), and preexisting (size of P) as cmd-parameters
- edit run_test.py to include the path of both LCMsec builds as well as the location of the tracy binary
- gen_certificates.py generates the PKI that is needed to run LCMSec; you need to run this befor running the measurements
- gen_instances.sh generates the needed config files (need a different one for each instance). it uses sed, adjust the template_instance.toml file as needed for changes. You also need to run this one first.
- run_all.py runs many runs of run_test for varying parameters, adjust as needed. For instance, P in {0,5,10,15,20} where used while increasing J from 0 to 15
- finally, analysis.r to analyse the resulting .csv files and produce a graph
- run_all.py will create folder name for test results and simlink "latest_run" to that result.
- all the files from lcm/examples/cpp_security are present: the demo_instance from there is just copied here for to serve as an actual program to be run. Its behaviour is not relevant. However, it does require the tomplusplus c++ library to parse config files.
To emulate network delays:
- add loopback multicast route:
sudo route add -net netmask dev lo
- add delay on loopback:
sudo tc qdisc add dev lo root netem delay 20ms 10ms distribution normal
- add loopback multicast route:
In some of the runs, errors occured, especially for a large number of total nodes. I assume that this was due to the machine being overloaded; with the cpu ran at 100% in some cases. The analysis.r file reports these errors: Sometimes, the group key agreement timed out causing a very large value for the gka_and_attest measurement, which is reported as OOB. Otherwise, datapoints might not available at all (NA) or some io error happened causing a file to be missing. In these cases, the relevant measurement was re-run.