Real-time rendering engine, built on OpenGL
- Assets loader based on Assimp
- Classical Blinn-Phong Material Support
- Scene Hierarchy
- Deferred Rendering
- Shadow Mapping with cube map, supporting at most one point light
- Percentage-Closer Soft Shadow (PCSS)
- Screen Space Ambient Occlusion (SSAO)
- Reflective Shadow Mapping (RSM) for diffuse indirect illumination
- Screen Space Reflection (SSR) for gloosy and specular indirect illumination
- Denoising with Joint Bilateral Filtering (JBF)
- Prefiltered Image-based Lighting
- Precomputed Radiance Transfer with SH basis
- Skeleton Animation
GLFW, GLAD, GLM, Assimp, CMake
Building with GCC is recommended. Already tested on Windows 10 and Ubuntu 20.04.