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Money on Chain Integration v2

Warning: This is only for version 2 of the main contracts.

Money on chain token operations (backend to contracts)

  • Mint / Redeem Pegged Token (TP): Ex.: USDRIF, ARSFLIP, COPFLIP (depends on the project)
  • Mint / Redeem Collateral Token (TC): Ex.: RIFP, BPROMAX
  • Allowance to use Collateral Asset
  • Status of Main MoC Contracts
  • Admin operations: Ex. Execute settlement, calculate EMA, Vendor, etc.
  • OMOC operations: staking, vesting


Token Name Ex.
TP Token Pegged USDRIF, ARSFLIP, COPFLIP Pegged token
TC Collateral Token RIFP, BPROMAX HODL + Earn Token
Fee Token Fee Token MOC, FLIP Pay w/ Fee Token


  1. nvm use
  2. npm install
  3. Clone .env.flipmoneyRskTestnet and save it as .env ... use environment you want to use please refer environment table
  4. Fill in wallet address and private key (it needs some testnet RBTC) in that file.

Money on Chain projects and tokens

Token Token name Project Token Name Collateral
TP Pegged Token 1:1 ROC USDRIF RIF
TC Collateral Token ROC RIFP RIF
Fee Token Fee Token ROC MOC -
TG Token Govern ROC MOC -
TP Pegged Token 1:1 Flipmoney ARSFLIP, COPFLIP BPRO
TC Collateral Token Flipmoney BPROMAX BPRO
Fee Token Fee Token Flipmoney FLIP -
Fee Token Token Govern Flipmoney FLIP -

Money on Chain projects and Collateral types

Project Name Collateral Type Collateral
Flipmoney Flipmoney RC20 BPRO


Stable protocol core v2

RIF on Chain implementation v2

Flipmoney implementation v2

Environment table

Environment is our already deployed contracts.

Network Name Project Environment Network
flipmoneyRskTestnet Flipmoney Flipmoney Testnet RSK Testnet
flipmoneyRskMainnet Flipmoney Flipmoney Mainnet RSK Mainnet
rocRskTestnet ROC Rif on Chain Testnet RSK Testnet
rocRskMainnet ROC Rif on Chain RSK Mainnet

Faucets (testnet)

In testnet you may need some test tRIF o tRBTC

How to run scripts

Example Contract status:

node scripts/contract-status.js


 node scripts/contract-status.js

Contract Status

Total amount of Collateral Asset held in the Collateral Bag (nACcb): 52.06436453972232587
Collateral Token in the Collateral Bag (nTCcb): 50.993851282756313852
Total supply of GoARS:  59
Total supply of GoMXN:  18.0394335
Total supply of DOC:  47.153295591823618332
Total supply of USDRIF:  5.004989999999999997

Note before mint or redeem you need to make an allowance to contract like this

node scripts/rc20/allowance-ca.js

Example Mint TC in ROC project:

node scripts/rc20/tc-mint.js

Example Mint TC in Flipmoney project:

node scripts/rc20/tc-mint.js