The MongoDB Topology Management API is an API to allow to programatically spin up a MongoDB instance, Replicaset or Sharded cluster on your local machine.
It's very simple to create a single running MongoDB instance. All examples are using ES6.
var Server = require('mongodb-topology-manager').Server;
// Create new instance
var server = new Server('binary', {
dbpath: './db'
const init = async () => {
// Perform discovery
var result = await;
// Purge the directory
await server.purge();
// Start process
await server.start();
// Stop the process
await server.stop();
// start the server
It's equally easy to create a new Replicaset instance.
var ReplSet = require('mongodb-topology-manager').ReplSet;
// Create new instance
var server = new ReplSet('mongod', [{
// mongod process options
options: {
bind_ip: 'localhost', port: 31000, dbpath: './db-1'
}, {
// mongod process options
options: {
bind_ip: 'localhost', port: 31001, dbpath: './db-2'
}, {
// Type of node
arbiter: true,
// mongod process options
options: {
bind_ip: 'localhost', port: 31002, dbpath: './db-3'
}], {
replSet: 'rs'
const init = async () => {
// Perform discovery
var result = await;
// Purge the directory
await server.purge();
// Start process
await server.start();
// Stop the process
await server.stop();
// start the replica set
Each of the node objects can take the following options at the top level.
Field | Description |
arbiter | node should become an arbiter. |
builIndexes | should build indexes on the node. |
hidden | node should be hidden. |
builIndexes | should build indexes on the node. |
priority | node should have the following priority. |
tags | tags for the node. |
slaveDelay | the node slaveDelay for replication. |
votes | additional votes for the specific node. |
The object contains the options that are used to start up the actual mongod
The Replicaset manager has the following methods
Method | Description |
---|---| | Return the information from running mongod with --version flag. |
Replset.prototype.start | Start the Replicaset. |
Replset.prototype.primary | Return the current Primary server manager. |
Replset.prototype.shardUrl | Return a add shard url string. |
Replset.prototype.url | Return a connection url. |
Replset.prototype.arbiters | Return a list of arbiter managers. |
Replset.prototype.secondaries | Return a list of secondary managers. |
Replset.prototype.passives | Return a list of secondary passive managers. |
Replset.prototype.waitForPrimary | Wait for a new primary to be elected or for a specific timeout period. |
Replset.prototype.stepDownPrimary | Stepdown the primary. |
Replset.prototype.configuration | Return the replicaset configuration. |
Replset.prototype.reconfigure | Perform a reconfiguration of the replicaset. |
Replset.prototype.serverConfiguration | Get the initial node configuration for specific server manager. |
Replset.prototype.addMember | Add a new member to the set. |
Replset.prototype.removeMember | Remove a member to the set. |
Replset.prototype.maintenance | Put a node into maintenance mode. |
Replset.prototype.stop | Stop the replicaset. |
Replset.prototype.restart | Restart the replicaset. |
Replset.prototype.purge | Purge all the data directories for the replicaset. |
It's a little bit more complicated to set up a Sharded system but not much more.
var Sharded = require('mongodb-topology-manager').Sharded;
const init = async () => {
// Create new instance
var topology = new Sharded({
mongod: 'mongod', mongos: 'mongos'
// Add one shard
await topology.addShard([{
options: {
bind_ip: 'localhost', port: 31000, dbpath: './db-1', shardsvr: null
}, {
options: {
bind_ip: 'localhost', port: 31001, dbpath: './db-2', shardsvr: null
}, {
// Type of node
arbiter: true,
// mongod process options
options: {
bind_ip: 'localhost', port: 31002, dbpath: './db-3', shardsvr: null
}], {
replSet: 'rs1'
// Add one shard
await topology.addShard([{
options: {
bind_ip: 'localhost', port: 31010, dbpath: './db-4', shardsvr: null
}, {
options: {
bind_ip: 'localhost', port: 31011, dbpath: './db-5', shardsvr: null
}, {
// Type of node
arbiter: true,
// mongod process options
options: {
bind_ip: 'localhost', port: 31012, dbpath: './db-6', shardsvr: null
}], {
replSet: 'rs2'
// Add configuration servers
await topology.addConfigurationServers([{
options: {
bind_ip: 'localhost', port: 35000, dbpath: './db-7'
}, {
options: {
bind_ip: 'localhost', port: 35001, dbpath: './db-8'
}, {
options: {
bind_ip: 'localhost', port: 35002, dbpath: './db-9'
}], {
replSet: 'rs3'
// Add proxies
await topology.addProxies([{
bind_ip: 'localhost', port: 51000, configdb: 'localhost:35000,localhost:35001,localhost:35002'
}, {
bind_ip: 'localhost', port: 51001, configdb: 'localhost:35000,localhost:35001,localhost:35002'
}], {
binary: 'mongos'
// Start up topology
await topology.start();
// Shard db
await topology.enableSharding('test');
// Shard a collection
await topology.shardCollection('test', 'testcollection', {_id: 1});
// Stop the topology
await topology.stop();
// start the shards
The Sharded manager has the following methods
Method | Description |
---|---| | Return the information from running mongod with --version flag. |
Replset.prototype.start | Start the Sharded cluster. |
Replset.prototype.stop | Stop the replicaset. |
Replset.prototype.restart | Restart the replicaset. |
Replset.prototype.purge | Purge all the data directories for the replicaset. |
Replset.prototype.addShard | Add a new shard to the cluster. |
Replset.prototype.addConfigurationServers | Add a set of nodes to be configuration servers. |
ReplSet.prototype.addProxies | Add a set of mongo proxies to the cluster. |
ReplSet.prototype.enableSharding | Enable sharding on a specific db. |
ReplSet.prototype.shardCollection | Shard a collection. |