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The main objective of this small project is to dive deeper into making inline SVGs interactive. As I worked on the project, I realized the need to pan and zoom the map in order for it to work on mobile, so I wrote the functionality from scratch.
When coding the pan and zoom function I aimed for a similar behavior to Google Maps, since it is likely that the user is familiar with it.
- Detached map logic from the SVG. Adding a new map can be done in minutes.
- Interaction with the SVG map is all handled in JS.
- Panning and Zooming built from scratch in JS.
- Panning and Zooming supports both desktop and mobile devices.
- On desktop, it detects mouse and touch inputs to support touchscreen laptops.
- On mobile, it detects one finger to pan and two fingers (pinch gesture) to zoom.
- Tested on desktop: Firefox, Chrome and Edge
- Tested on mobile: Firefox, Chrome and Safari
In order to keep a clean file structure and also because of the limitations of gh-pages relative
links, I had to use a few workarounds, for example placing the background-image
style directly in
the body tag.