API Client Generator from JSON Hyper Schema.
API Client has generated with Flow types for Request, Response, and Resource. And request parameters is validated with tv4 and power-assert on development phase.
npm install --save @moqada/simple-api-client-generator
Usage: simple-api-client-generator [options] <JSON Schema>
-n, --name API Client class name [string] [default: "APIClient"]
-o, --output output file path [string]
-a, --assert assert library name [string] [default: "power-assert"]
-l, --lang output language [choices: "javascript", "typescript"] [default: "javascript"]
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
simple-api-client-generator ./shema.json Output API Client.
simple-api-client-generator -n AwesomeAPIClient ./shema.json Output API Client given name
Output Example is here from Sample JSON Hyper Schema;
Generated Client depends on following modules.
JSON Hyper Schema must have unique rel
value per resources.