Author: Morten Hansen
This is my first powershell script. So, any ideas and better ways of doing things is welcome.
This is a dns api for use with wacs that uses Let's Encrypt for issuing certificates. It enables you to automatically update dns-records for your domains hosted on their dns servers.
For this to work, download and install wacs and copy the GratisDNS.ps1 file into the sub directory Scripts.
Before using it with wacs you have to register username and password.
This is done with running the script with the user wacs is to run with. If not, it will not be possible for wacs to read out the credentials, due to credentials is encrypted to that user.
Run script with option setcred
GratisDNS.ps1 setcred
Fill in your correct gratisdns username and password as asked by the script.
GratisDNS.ps1 takes the default parameters asked by wacs. That is:
create {Identifier} {RecordName} {Token}
delete {Identifier} {RecordName} {Token}
Specific to GratisDNS they sometimes ask for Acceptence of Terms on login. By default, this is accepted by the script. If this is undesired add the parameter DeclineTerms to the end. Example:
create {Identifier} {RecordName} {Token} DeclineTerms
In case GratisDNS askes for Acceptence of Terms and DeclineTerms is issued an error will be trown stating terms was not accepted.
wacs default wait timer for DNS replication may not be sufficient consider increasing these. Example in settings.json file:
"PreValidateDnsRetryCount": 5,
"PreValidateDnsRetryInterval": 150,
Please see win-acme website found at