This is an experiment to run a Beam pipeline locally as GraalVM native image.
Goal of the experiment is to see if it is possible to run the Beam MinimalWordCount
example as native executable
locally and evaluate if it is a feasible approach to quickly process smaller datasets in Cloud environments in terms of
performance and resource consumption. Our expectation is too see much lower memory usage for native images, as well as
faster startup times.
For this experiment we are targeting Beam's DirectRunner
lacking any suitable alternative local runner.
The primary focus of DirectRunner
is to test pipelines and their components for correctness, rather than performance.
So we'll have to interpret results in that context.
While both the SparkRunner
and FlinkRunner
support a local, non-clustered mode, getting these frameworks to work on
native images is significantly more involved and out of scope for this initial investigation. Though, we're planning to
look into these in a follow up.
Java frameworks such as Apache Beam often make heavy use of reflection. Obviously that plays badly with ahead-of-time compilation used to build native images. Another troublesome feature in this context is runtime code generation as possible on the JVM. Both of these have to be dealt with to run Apache Beam as native image.
To offer simpler and more flexible ways of writing pipelines for users, Beam is relying heavily on runtime code
generation using ByteBuddy
. Compared to an alternative reflection based approach, such generated code will
generally provide superior performance.
Despite runtime code generation being used for various features in Beam, there's just one usage we absolutely have to
address here: Beam dynamically generates an invoker class for every DoFn
, whether provided by the user or the Beam
SDK itself. This is even the case for rather primitive DoFns
to map, flapMap or filter data.
Beam schemas are also heavily based on runtime code generation to support efficient getters and setters for rows.
Schemas are a necessary foundation for Beam SQL. Both are considered out of scope for this experiment.
When generating code at runtime, reflection is typically used to gather the necessary metadata. While runtime code
generation is tackled with the point above, in Beam part of the metadata is kept as DoFnSignature
and used at
runtime. Another, less obvious, usage of reflection is Beam's configuration mechanism, PipelineOptions
. These
are implemented using dynamic proxies and there's a huge number of possible interfaces / combinations.
To follow along, make sure you have a GraalVM installed locally. Additionally, you have to install the native-image tool .
# install GraalVM using SDKman!
sdk install java 22.3.r11-grl
sdk default java 22.3.r11-grl
# install native-image tool
gu install native-image
At first, we generate the native-image configuration from an instrumented run with the GraalVM agent. Before your first run, you will have to download the sample data using gsutil.
The agent generates configuration files that record usage of reflection, dynamic proxies and, if enabled, even supports extracting dynamic classes generated at runtime (more on this later).
gsutil cp gs://apache-beam-samples/shakespeare/kinglear.txt /tmp/data/kinglear.txt
gradle -Pagent run
gradle metadataCopy --task run --dir src/graal/resources/META-INF/native-image
Unfortunately, as we'll soon notice, this configuration is not sufficient yet to build an image that can be run successfully.
First, to prevent any potential traps with randomized behavior in DirectRunner
, we simply patch respective code for
the purpose of this investigation. This way we don't risk comparing apples and oranges when later evaluating our
Random generators can prove tricky in native images. If initialized at build time, results won't be random anymore. Instead, each run will produce the very same sequence of numbers as the seed value was already created at build time. Luckily, recent versions of GraalVM catch this at build time and fail compilation.
beam-native-image contains the necessary patches for direct runner. To keep following, pull that branch and build a local Snapshot version of the direct runner.
gradle -Ppublishing -PdistMgmtSnapshotsUrl=~/.m2/repository/ -p runners/direct-java publishToMavenLocal -PenableCheckerFramework=false
Last, but not least, target parallelism of direct runner is set to 4 in the MinimalWordCount
application itself.
If attempting to run a native image compiled using the generated configuration, we'll immediately notice that the agent
did not capture all required combinations of interfaces used for PipelineOptions
, and order matters.
Unfortunately the number of interfaces is far to large to naively generate all possible permutations. Instead we have to make sure we create dynamic proxies from a stable, deterministic order of interfaces.
This requires a small change to Beam's PipelineOptionsFactory
to sort the interfaces before dynamic proxies are
Arrays.sort(interfaces, new Comparator<Class<?>>() {
@Override public int compare(Class<?> c1, Class<?> c2) {
return c1.getName().compareTo(c2.getName());
Class<T> allProxyClass = Proxy.getProxyClass(ReflectHelpers.findClassLoader(interfaces), interfaces);
The above mentioned branch beam-native-image contains this fix as well. This time we have to publish a Snapshot for Beam's core locally.
gradle -Ppublishing -PdistMgmtSnapshotsUrl=~/.m2/repository/ -p sdks/java/core publishToMavenLocal -PenableCheckerFramework=false
Once done, make sure to re-generate the image configuration so changes are
reflected in proxy-config.json
Next, we want to support the generated DoFnInvoker
classes in the native image. Luckily, these classes have a stable
deterministic name, making this task a lot easier.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to simply use the
agent's class define support (
enabled using experimental-class-define-support
) to extract the generated DoFnInvoker
classes automatically during
an instrumented pipeline run and inject them into the native image.
Beam has to load DoFn invokers using the system classloader as well to gain (package) private access. If loaded from a different classloader, packages would not be considered the same despite having matching names. Unfortunately, the agent skips all classes loaded using the system classloader and hence doesn't extract the generated invokers. See this issue for more details.
Lacking an out of the box solution, we'll have to tackle this manually.
First, we'll need to find all DoFns
that require an invoker. We can
use jandex
to index relevant parts of
the classpath and easily query for all DoFn
implementations. This avoids having to load the entire classpath compared
to using a reflection based approach.
To index parts of the classpath, our build.gradle
defines an intransitive configuration jandexOnly
. Classes of jars
of this configuration, excluding their transitive dependencies, are indexed in addition to the project's sources. In our
case we're indexing Beam core
and direct-java
jandexMain {
.filter {'.jar') }
.collect { zipTree(it).filter {'.class') } })
Next, we implement a native build feature that intercepts
image generation to generate DoFn
invoker classes before actually analyzing what must be included in the native
image in the following build stage.
The additional graal
source set defined for this experiment contains code that is executed during native image
generation. PredefinedDoFnInvokerFeature
generates the invoker classes for all DoFn
subclasses using ByteBuddy by
means of the generateInvokerClass
utility in Beam. Note however, this required
a tiny patch to ByteBuddyDoFnInvokerFactory
to open up
visibility of generateInvokerClass
so we can access the utility. That patch is already included in the snapshot of
Beam's core
we've build above.
Despite invoker classes and respective constructors already being listed in reflect-config.json
the agent run, we have to re-register the generated classes in the feature.
Previously, when processing reflect-config.json
, the generated invoker classes were skipped as they simply didn't
exist yet.
Index index = new IndexReader(new FileInputStream(jandex)).read();
for (ClassInfo delegate : index.getAllKnownSubclasses(DoFn.class)) {
Class<?> clazz = Class.forName(, false, contextLoader());
DoFnSignature signature = DoFnSignatures.getSignature((Class) clazz);
// Dynamically generate invoker class using ByteBuddy / Beam.
Class<?> invokerClass = generateInvokerClass(signature);
// Register the invoker class and constructor for inclusion in the image.
Last, to be picked up, we have to register the feature as build argument in the Gradle native plugin.
graalvmNative {
binaries {
main {
buildArgs '--features=beam.dofns.PredefinedDoFnInvokerFeature'
Reflecting upon the previous attempt, we've generated all possible DoFn
signatures and invokers available on the
classpath despite being used or not. And as we're registering all of these for runtime reflecting, everything will
be included in the native image.
Luckily we can simplify the build process, so we don't even have to index the classpath anymore. Instead of
identifying DoFn
invokers using jandex, we can extract the ones used at runtime from the agent
generated reflect-config.json
And if doing so early enough in the native build before reflect-config.json
is actually processed, we can even remove
some entries that won't be used at runtime anymore because we've done the necessary work during the build already.
Having all invokers already pre-built into the image, we obviously don't want to invoke ByteBuddy
anymore when
later calling generateInvokerClass
at runtime. We
therefore substitute respective bytecode during
compilation to just load the right invoker by name:
public final class SubstituteByteBuddyDoFnInvokerFactory {
private static Class<? extends DoFnInvoker<?, ?>> generateInvokerClass(DoFnSignature signature) {
Class<? extends DoFn<?, ?>> fnClass = signature.fnClass();
try {
return (Class) Class.forName(fnClass.getName() + PredefinedDoFnInvokerFeature.INVOKER_SUFFIX);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
In native images classes can either be initialized at runtime or at build time. While initialization at build time has many advantages such as shorter startup times, the semantics can be totally different compared to initialization at runtime when first used as required by the JVM. The goal is to statically initialize as many classes as possible while keeping semantics of the application correct.
A common pitfall used to be statically initialized random number generators as mentioned in the context of direct
runner above. More recent versions of GraalVM will fail the build if such an
instance is detected. In our we have to force runtime initialization of Beam's TupleTag
(and dependents) due to it's
static Random
field (despite it being initialized with seed 0
Finally, we can remove the code path to generate DoFnSignature
s. All required signatures have
already been generated during image generation in the above feature and will be stored in the image.
As signatureCache
has become read-only, we can also replace the ConcurrentHashMap
with a
standard HashMap
. Though, that's more to showcase the possibilities, rather than fixing a real
performance bottleneck.
public final class SubstituteDoFnSignatures {
@RecomputeFieldValue(kind = Kind.Custom, declClass = MapTransformer.class, isFinal = true)
private static Map<Class<? extends DoFn<?, ?>>, DoFnSignature> signatureCache;
public static class MapTransformer implements FieldValueTransformer {
public Object transform(Object receiver, Object originalValue) {
return new HashMap<>((Map) originalValue);
public static <FnT extends DoFn<?, ?>> DoFnSignature getSignature(Class<FnT> fn) {
return signatureCache.get(fn); // don't call parseSignature if absent
private static DoFnSignature parseSignature(Class<? extends DoFn<?, ?>> fnClass) {
return null;
In the following we're going to evaluate performance and memory usage of the native pipeline against the same pipeline
running on multiple JVMs using an uber jar. Each run is repeated 50 times on a MacBook Pro to gather sufficient data.
The time
command is used to gather basic runtime metrics.
gradle nativeCompile
gradle shadowJar
# Configure zsh time command to emit Json for easier postprocessing
TIMEFMT='{"time_user_ms": "%mU", "time_system_ms": "%mS", "time_elapsed_ms": "%mE", "rss_max_kb": %M, "cpu_percentage": "%P"}'
# Trigger 50 instrumented pipeline runs each
repeat 50 time java -jar build/libs/beam-native-experiment-1.0-SNAPSHOT-all.jar &> /dev/null
repeat 50 time build/native/nativeCompile/beam-native-experiment &> /dev/null
The boxplot charts below visualize performance (time elapsed) and memory usage (max RSS) of the native image as well as multiple JVMs based on 50 benchmark runs each. For Java 8, the G1 garbage collector was configured, which became the default for Java 11.
Results are surprising considering our initial expectations; specifically we're looking at the first iteration here.
Memory usage only improved ~ 29% (median) compared to the best performing JVM (Java 8 using G1 GC). On the other hand,
performance also improved ~ 27% (median) compared to the best performing JVM (GraalVM CE 22.3.0). The latter was
certainly not expected as native images are not necessarily known for great performance. The JVM JIT compiler does a
great job optimizing code at runtime, which can't be done with native images. The fact that we were able to push some
costly initialization code (such as generation of DoFn
signatures and invokers) into the native image build might
have helped there.
As expected, results of the 2nd iteration, that slightly refines the generation of DoFn
invokers, are very similar.
The code executed at runtime is identical. The only difference is that we're not including unused DoFn
signatures and
invokers in the native image anymore. Though, considering this, it is unexpected to see a slightly higher memory usage.
"$schema": "",
"data": {"url": "results.json"},
"spacing": 100,
"hconcat": [
"width": 100,
"height": 300,
"mark": "boxplot",
"encoding": {
"x": {"field": "runtime", "type": "nominal", "axis": {"labels": false}, "title":"Runtime system"},
"y": {"field": "time_elapsed_ms", "type": "quantitative", "title": "Total time elapsed (ms)"},
"color": {"field": "runtime", "type": "nominal", "scale": {"scheme": "set2"}, "title":"Runtime system"},
"tooltip": {"field": "time_elapsed_ms", "type": "quantitative"}
"width": 100,
"height": 300,
"mark": "boxplot",
"encoding": {
"x": {"field": "runtime", "type": "nominal", "axis": {"labels": false}, "title":"Runtime system"},
"y": {"field": "rss_max_kb", "type": "quantitative", "title": "Max RSS (kb)"},
"color": {"field": "runtime", "type": "nominal"},
"tooltip": {"field": "rss_max_kb", "type": "quantitative"}
"width": 300,
"height": 300,
"mark": "point",
"encoding": {
"x": {"field": "time_elapsed_ms", "type": "quantitative", "title": "Total time elapsed (ms)"},
"y": {"field": "rss_max_kb", "type": "quantitative", "title": "Max RSS (kb)"},
"color": {"field": "runtime", "type": "nominal"}
Runtime system | Q1 | Median | Q3 | Max | |
Time elapsed | Native - Iteration 1 | 40.8 s | 61.8 s | 75.1 s | 84,3 s |
Native - Iteration 2 | 38.8 s | 61.1 s | 73.1 s | 98.4 s | |
JVM - Corretto 8.322 (G1) | 106.3 s | 118.9 s | 130.2 s | 153.8 s | |
JVM - Corretto 11.0.16 | 88.2 s | 102.8 s | 113.8 s | 166.9 s | |
JVM - GraalVM CE 22.3.0 (11.0.17) | 72.8 s | 85.2 s | 103.2 s | 161.2 s | |
Max RSS | Native - Iteration 1 | 390.8 Mb | 473.7 Mb | 539.9 Mb | 752.5 s |
Native - Iteration 2 | 393.8 Mb | 487.3 Mb | 601.3 Mb | 785.8 Mb | |
JVM - Corretto 8.322 (G1) | 661.1 Mb | 670.3 Mb | 680.7 Mb | 692.3 Mb | |
JVM - Corretto 11.0.16 | 1164.5 Mb | 1175.8 Mb | 1188.6 Mb | 1222.4 Mb | |
JVM - GraalVM CE 22.3.0 (11.0.17) | 1107.3 Mb | 1121.5 Mb | 1139.4 Mb | 1225.6 Mb |
The results seen in this investigation are promising. It is absolutely feasible to run a Beam pipeline locally as native image. However, the unexpected high memory usage of the native pipeline - despite the improvement - is somehow a bit disappointing. Though, this might be an issue of the local runner.
The next step here is to investigate this further with a more performance oriented runner, either using Spark or Flink or even a new lightweight in-memory runner developed from scratch.