cd flowerChallenge
docker build -t fchimage .
This will create the image and pull in the necessary dependencies.
Once done, run the Docker image
cat ./sample/input.txt | docker run -i --name containerch01 fchimage
The bouquets print on output if you want to save in file
cat ./sample/input.txt | docker run -i --name containerch01 fchimage > output.txt
To run agian
cat ./sample/input.txt | docker start -i containrch01
- index.js
- ReadFile.js
- Algo.js
- Requirement.js
- Bouquet.js
Application receives input from stdin line by line and pass the stream input to Algo for processing. Algo detect the bouquets input and start create the object for each bouquets and store in Algo bouquets. This process stop when received empty line from input. After that flowers receiving from input and Algo start to push them to proper bouquets.
The chanllenge is which bouquets will fullfil faster when the stream on data coming and program does'nt know full set of inputs. In order to have optimized bouquets output, Algo created the set of Requirement from all the bouquets which categorized by size and type of the flowers and the list of Bouquets which has these types. This Requirement help to keep track of number of flowers needed for each type and size plus make deceision on which bouquet should receive flower input at each point of time.
For first round of distributing flowers, if first bouquetin loop needs input flower type it will receive the flower and then update requirement for next round decision by checking the remaining required of each flower type and set the selected bouquets for next round, So program predict which bouquets should receive the next flower type before the flower come over form input.
The other challenge is to handle situation which the number of flower in bouquets is more than sum of the each flower types in bouquet. for handling this challenge, program create the anothe dummy type which same name of bouquet name and set different amount of flower as quantity. So if the Requirements selected this particular bouquet and the type of input flower is not same as type of flower required in this particular bouquet then push flower to this bouquet to make it ready faster.
Algo keep track of number of input and if is more than 256 it will return process. Also Algo uses queue as the speed of input is higher than passing flowers to bouquets using eventmiter to pop the input from queue.
This code tried use OOP to easier implement the logic and also possible to extend.
###TO DO This logic still can be improve for first round of selection using some probabilities technique