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a sample project that contains 1.springboot-actuator 2.springboot-aop 3.springboot-async 4.springboot-caching 5.springboot-datajpaoracle 6.springboot-eureka 7.springboot-grpcstarter 8.springboot-indexinghibernatesearch 9.springboot-profileproperties 10.springboot-scheduling

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Spring Boot Microservice with gRPC and Eureka

this project is a demo for all technologies i have in the repository, containing:

  1. springboot-actuator
  2. springboot-aop
  3. springboot-async
  4. springboot-caching
  5. springboot-datajpaoracle
  6. springboot-eureka
  7. springboot-grpcstarter
  8. springboot-indexinghibernatesearch
  9. springboot-profileproperties
  10. springboot-scheduling

Project Stack:

  • Language: Java 13
  • Framework: Spring Boot 2.3.0
  • Authentication: Spring Security + OAuth2
  • Data: Spring Data + JPA + Hibernate-ORM + Oracle Database
  • Caching: Spring Data + Redis
  • Indexing: Spring Data + Hibernate Search
  • Microservice: gRpc + ProtoBuffer3 + Eureka Server
  • Front-end: ReactJs 16.8

Projects Domain:

  1. msutility: this project is a shared common utility project for microservice projects as a pom dependency to reduce boilerplate code in multiple projects.
  2. msjpautility: this project is a shared jpa utility project(msutility is used inside msjpautility) for microservice projects as a pom dependency to reduce boilerplate code in multiple projects.
  3. msdiscoveryserver: a eureka discovery server project
  4. msgeo: a business microservice which contains geo domain like city
  5. mslogin: a business microservice which contains authentication and user and etc.

Project Descriptions:


  1. java requirements:
    • install java 13 and add belo windows system environment variable and add "%JAVA_HOME%\bin" to PATH variable:
      • JAVA_HOME = C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-13.0.2
      • Add to path : %JAVA_HOME%\bin
  2. oracle requirements:
    • download oracle 18 express from :
    • install oracle and in the setup wizard set password:"123456" for "sys" and "system" users
    • in windows environment add these variables:
      • ORACLE_HOME = C:\app\MyUser\product\18.0.0\dbhomeXE
      • ORACLE_SID = XE
    • make default profile and "system" user expiration date to unlimited (default is 180 days). open cmd as administrator and run: sqlplus /nolog
      • connect / as SYSDBA;
    • execute "C:\app\MyUser\product\18.0.0\dbhomeXE\bin\sqlplus.exe" and enter with "system" and "123456" and run these commands to create msgeo and mslogin schema with 123456 password:
      • CREATE BIGFILE TABLESPACE tbsmot_perm_01 DATAFILE 'tbsmot_perm_01.dat' SIZE 20M AUTOEXTEND ON;
      • CREATE TEMPORARY TABLESPACE tbsmot_temp_01 TEMPFILE 'tbsmot_temp_01.dbf' SIZE 20M AUTOEXTEND ON;
      • CREATE USER msgeo IDENTIFIED BY 123456 DEFAULT TABLESPACE tbsmot_perm_01 TEMPORARY TABLESPACE tbsmot_temp_01 QUOTA 20M on tbsmot_perm_01;
      • GRANT create session TO msgeo;
      • GRANT create table TO msgeo;
      • GRANT create view TO msgeo;
      • GRANT create any trigger TO msgeo;
      • GRANT create any procedure TO msgeo;
      • GRANT create sequence TO msgeo;
      • GRANT create synonym TO msgeo;
      • GRANT connect TO msgeo;
      • alter user msgeo default role all;
      • CREATE USER mslogin IDENTIFIED BY 123456 DEFAULT TABLESPACE tbsmot_perm_01 TEMPORARY TABLESPACE tbsmot_temp_01 QUOTA 20M on tbsmot_perm_01;
      • GRANT create session TO mslogin;
      • GRANT create table TO mslogin;
      • GRANT create view TO mslogin;
      • GRANT create any trigger TO mslogin;
      • GRANT create any procedure TO mslogin;
      • GRANT create sequence TO mslogin;
      • GRANT create synonym TO mslogin;
      • GRANT connect TO mslogin;
      • alter user mslogin default role all;
  3. msutility build:
    • if your windows account is for example "myuser" and you have "C:\Users\MyUser.m2\repository\com\motaharinia\MsUtility" folder, remove it.
    • open msutility project by IntellliJ IDEA(enable auto import , Windows defender automatic fix) and check in "project structure" that jdk 11 is selected.
    • in IntellliJ IDEA open right side maven panel and select lifecycle/install and run maven to build it in "C:\Users\MyUser.m2\repository\com\motaharinia\MsUtility"
  4. msjpautility build:
    • if your windows account is for example "myuser" and you have "C:\Users\MyUser.m2\repository\com\motaharinia\MsJpaUtility" folder, remove it.
    • open msjpautility project by IntellliJ IDEA(enable auto import , Windows defender automatic fix) and check in "project structure" that jdk 11 is selected.
    • in IntellliJ IDEA open right side maven panel and select lifecycle/install and run maven to build it in "C:\Users\MyUser.m2\repository\com\motaharinia\MsJpaUtility"
  5. msdiscoveryserver start:
    • open msdiscoveryserver project by IntellliJ IDEA (enable auto import , Windows defender automatic fix) and check in "project structure" that jdk 11 is selected.
    • run msdiscoveryserver project and open "http://localhost:8761" to monitor eureka clients that register themselves later on eureka server.
  6. msgeo and mslogin start:
    • follow msgeo and mslogin steps like "springboot-caching" and "springboot-indexinghibernatesearch" steps in their repository readme project description, that you can run these two projects.
    • open msgeo project by IntellliJ IDEA (enable auto import , Windows defender automatic fix) and check in "project structure" that jdk 11 is selected.
    • in IntelijIDEA for build stub files from proto file: view menu>tool windows>maven>start
    • run msgeo project with "dev" active profile (IntelijIDEA: Run -> Edit Configuration -> Spring Boot -> XXXApplication -> Environment -> VM Options:
    • open mslogin project by IntellliJ IDEA (enable auto import , Windows defender automatic fix) and check in "project structure" that jdk 11 is selected.
    • if table "OAUTH_CLIENT_DETAILS" is empty or in table "ADMIN_USER" there is not any user with username "" and bcrypted password in mslogin database, before go to next step, only one time rename file from "resources/data-oracle222.sql" to "resources/data-oracle.sql", and after next step(running mslogin project), one row will be inserted to "OAUTH_CLIENT_DETAILS" and "ADMIN_USER" tables in mslogin database.
    • run mslogin project with "dev" active profile (IntelijIDEA: Run -> Edit Configuration -> Spring Boot -> XXXApplication -> Environment -> VM Options:
    • do not forget to rename sql file again to "resources/data-oracle222.sql". this file only used for the first time that "OAUTH_CLIENT_DETAILS" and "ADMIN_USER" tables in mslogin database are empty.
  7. client side changes and apps like "reactjs-graphqlapollo" is inside the "client" folder: yarn install yarn add fine-uploader yarn add react-fine-uploader yarn add fine-uploader-wrappers yarn add js-file-downloader yarn start

IntellliJ IDEA Configurations:

  • IntelijIDEA: Help -> Edit Custom Vm Options -> add these two line:
    • -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8
    • -Dconsole.encoding=UTF-8
  • IntelijIDEA: File -> Settings -> Editor -> File Encodings-> Project Encoding: form "System default" to UTF-8. May be it affected somehow.
  • IntelijIDEA: File -> Settings -> Editor -> General -> Code Completion -> check "show the documentation popup in 500 ms"
  • IntelijIDEA: File -> Settings -> Editor -> General -> Auto Import -> check "Optimize imports on the fly (for current project)"
  • IntelijIDEA: File -> Settings -> Editor -> Color Scheme -> Color Scheme Font -> Scheme: Default -> uncheck "Show only monospaced fonts" and set font to "Tahoma"
  • IntelijIDEA: Run -> Edit Configuration -> Spring Boot -> XXXApplication -> Configuration -> Environment -> VM Options:
  • IntelijIDEA: Run -> Edit Configuration -> Spring Boot -> XXXApplication -> Code Coverage -> Fix the package in include box


a sample project that contains 1.springboot-actuator 2.springboot-aop 3.springboot-async 4.springboot-caching 5.springboot-datajpaoracle 6.springboot-eureka 7.springboot-grpcstarter 8.springboot-indexinghibernatesearch 9.springboot-profileproperties 10.springboot-scheduling







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