What's new:
- OS: merged in BuildRoot 2017.11 (fixes WPA2 "KRACK" attack vulnerability, among many others)
- OS: motion updated to 4.1.1
- OS: Raspberry Pi (all variants): updated kernel, firmware and userland
- OS: Raspberry Pi (all variants): brownout script was replaced by a throttle watcher that uses
vcgencmd get_throttled
- OS: added Nano Pi Neo2 build (thanks Carlos Poon for donating the board)
- OS: added Orange Pi One build (thanks Mike Fancy for donating the board)
- OS: OdroidC1/C2/XU4, Banana Pi: updated kernel
- OS: other package updates (pycurl, picamera)
- motionEye: added MMAL support (for the Raspberry Pi CSI camera module)
- motionEye: added URL versioning to static files (prevents unwanted browser caching problems)