Nest.js + typescript + axios + swagger + yuque
Nest.js + swagger-based Wordbird document processing backend service project
Full functional description, Chinese version description
- Yuque API docking, only write to the specified knowledge base write documents and read the specified knowledge base documents
- For more API docking, please see the official documentation Yuque
- Standardized the global config configuration access specification
- Global logger middleware and global exception catch handling
- 'Commitlint', 'Eslint', 'Prettier' and 'Husky'
- 'jest' and 'e2e'
- 'cron' nest's scheduled service requests
- Request data to be automatically written to a local folder
The interface returns the specification
export interface IResponseOptions<T = any, R = IResponseCount> {
success: boolean
count?: number
counts?: R
data?: T
errMsg?: string
errCode?: number
git clone
cd nestjs-yuque
npm i
# development with watch
$ npm run start
# production mode
$ npm run start:prod
Pass The official instructions for obtaining token steps edit
All open APIs need to be authenticated by a token before they can be accessed, and the domain name of the API to access the API under a space needs to use the domain name corresponding to the space
export const yuqueConfig: IYuqueConfig = {
api: '', // The requested address of the Historical Knowledge Group
xApi: '', // Replace it with the address of your own knowledge space
token: '',
// Replace it with the ID of your personal knowledge group/space
groupId: 11111,
csrfToken: '',
csrfSession: '',
visit localhost:3001/swagger
npm run build
├── coverage * Coverage reports after running `yarn coverage` command.
├── dist * Optimized code for production after `yarn build` is run.
├── src
│ └── <module> * Folder where specific modules all files are stored
│ └── dto * Data Transfer Objects.
│ └── entity * Models for module.
│ └── pipes * Includes validation pipes for NestJS modules.
│ └── serializer * Includes serializer for model data.
│ └── <module>.controller.ts * Controller file.
│ └── <module>.controller.spec.ts * Test file for Controller.
│ └── <module>.module.ts * root module file for module.
│ └── <module>.service.ts * Service file for <module>.
│ └── <module>.service.spec.ts * Test file for service.
│ └── <module>.repository.ts * Repository file for <module>.
│ └── <module>.repository.spec.ts * Test file for repository.
│ └── common * Common helpers function, dto, entity, exception, decorators etc.
│ └── config * Configuration variables files.
│ └── app.module.ts * Root module of the application.
│ └── main.ts * The entry file of the application which uses the core function NestFactory to create a Nest application instance.
├── test * Contains E2E tests
Some of the more important root profiles
├── .editorconfig * Coding styles (also by programming language).
├── .env * Environment variables for docker.
├── .prettierrc.js * Formatting Prettier options.
├── .eslintrc.js * ESLint configuration and rules.
├── .docker-compose.yml * Docker compose configuration.
├── Dockerfile * Docker file for prod environment.
├── * Docker file for dev environment.
├── tsconfig.json * Typescript configuration for application.
- Nest is an MIT-licensed open source project. It can grow thanks to the sponsors and support by the amazing backers. If you'd like to join them, please read more here.
- Nest is MIT licensed.