This plugin provides a hacky way to fill a donut before the animation will start. Also on board is a way to add multiple html or text elements to the Donut on different positions. Plugin will just work with Chartist Pie charts.
Please visit for more information.
bower install chartist-plugin-fill-donut --save
npm install chartist-plugin-fill-donut --save
-> search the dist folder for needed js files
var defaultOptions = {
fillClass: 'ct-fill-donut',
label : {
html: '<div class="ct-fill-donut-label"></div>',
items : [{
class : '',
id: '',
content : 'fillText',
position: 'center', //bottom, top, left, right
offsetY: 0, //top, bottom in px
offsetX: 0 //left, right in px
bower install chartist-plugin-fill-donut --save
var chart = new Chartist.Pie('#chart-e1', {
series: [160, 60 ],
labels: ['', '']
}, {
donut: true,
donutWidth: 20,
startAngle: 210,
total: 260,
showLabel: false,
plugins: [
items: [{ //Item 1
content: '<i class="fa fa-tachometer text-muted"></i>',
position: 'bottom',
offsetY : 10,
offsetX: -2
}, { //Item 2
content: '<h3>160<span class="small">mph</span></h3>'
//Animation for the first series
chart.on('draw', function(data) {
if(data.type === 'slice' && data.index == 0) {
array animation
var pathLength = data.element._node.getTotalLength();
'stroke-dasharray': pathLength + 'px ' + pathLength + 'px'
var animationDefinition = {
'stroke-dashoffset': {
id: 'anim' + data.index,
dur: 1200,
from: -pathLength + 'px',
to: '0px',
easing: Chartist.Svg.Easing.easeOutQuint,
fill: 'freeze'
'stroke-dashoffset': -pathLength + 'px'
data.element.animate(animationDefinition, true);
/*make a color different to fill-donut series*/
.ct-chart-donut .ct-series-a .ct-slice-donut {
stroke: red;
/*make b hidden*/
.ct-chart-donut .ct-series-b .ct-slice-donut {
stroke: #efefef;
opacity: 0.0;
/*make all fill-donut series visible and set color*/
.ct-chart-donut .ct-fill-donut .ct-slice-donut{
stroke: #efefef;
opacity: 1;
The FillDonut plugin for Chartist is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.