It is a javascript cryptography library offering a symmetric cipher and a hashing algorithm
The encryption algorithm is GOST 28147-89
The hash algorithm is GOST R 34.11-94 in two variants: standard and crypto, see details below
The cipher (called magma) is implemented with updated sbox from RFC 8891 in CBC mode
The hash function is available in two variants:
- Standard variant (with sbox from RFC 4351), commonly called GOST
- The CryptoPro variant, implemented with sbox suggested by CryptoPro company in RFC 4357, commonly called gost-crypto
The cipher offers two functions:
- encrypt
- decrypt
The encrypt function takes a string (plaintext) and the key, (can be an array of 8 integers or a hexadecimal string of length 64)
The decrypt function takes the ciphertext (a string returned by encrypt) and the key
Note: There is no way to know if decryption was correct, you have to verify it
<script type='text/javascript' src='gost.js'></script>
var pt = 'gost';
var key = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7];
var ct = GostCipher.encrypt(pt, key);
var secret = GostCipher.decrypt(ct, key);
if (secret != pt) {
alert('gost cipher failed');
There are two public functions, both take a string and return its hash as string. Functions are:
- hash (standard version)
- hashCrypto (CryptoPro version)
<script type='text/javascript' src='gost_hash.js'></script>
console.log(GostHash.hashCrypto('')); // Write the gost-crypto hash of the empty string
console.log(GostHash.hash('hello world')); // Write the gost hash of the 'hello wordl' string
- Hash and cipher are independent, so you can use only one if needed
- See test file for code example
You can find a richer and better alternative cryptographic libraries for your site
But you won't find many solutions compliant with ECMAScript 3
RSS has been tested with most modern browsers down to MSIE7
so you shouldn't have any compatibility issues!
Short explanation: you can trust
Long explanation:
Cipher is considered deeply flawed, and known attacks are much better than brute-force, but still require a lot of resources.
For further details and references see links on wikipedia page in section Cryptanalysis of GOST
Hash algorithm is considered broken, but again the efforts required are far from practical.
See details in this paper