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v1.4.1 - Native L Vars and improved Pause Events

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@mpaperno mpaperno released this 15 Apr 07:22
· 128 commits to next since this release

Changes since v1.3.2

Version number: 1040100

  • Added ability to request and set Local ("L") type simulator variables without WASM add-on (now a native SimConnect feature since SU12).
    • Note: SimConnect automatically creates L vars if they are requested before they actually exist in the sim. "Missing" L vars are no longer reported as warnings.
      This could lead to some confusion, for example if a variable name is misspelled or never used by any model in the first place.
  • Added some basic validation of variable request parameters when loading from .INI configuration files. Invalid requests are rejected. Validation errors and warnings are reported in the plugin's log.
  • The "Paused", "Unpaused" and "Pause Toggled" Touch Portal Events now work correctly (or at least more logically/consistently) due to a fix in SU12.
    • Note: the "Pause Toggled" event triggers on any/every "pause mode" change, even if the sim is not actually "unpaused" completely.
      The name has been kept for backwards compatibility. See the new event descriptions below for more details on pause modes.
    • The "Paused" event is also triggered when any pause mode is activated, even if the simulator already had another pause mode active.
    • "Unpaused" at least behaves as expected and only triggers when all pause modes have been deactivated.
  • Prevent a rare condition when connecting to MSFS where the main SimConnect connection gets established properly but the WASM client's connection fails unexpectedly.
  • Updated database of Simulator Variables and Event IDs imported from MSFS SDK Web site documentation as of April 12th.
  • Updated SimConnect libraries to latest versions (SDK v0.21.0.0).

Added or Updated Actions/Connectors

MSFS - Simulator System category:

  • Added "Pause - Full" - Action, pauses the simulation completely, including any time passing in the simulated world. Same as "Dev Mode Pause" (in developer toolbar "Options" menu).
  • Added "Pause - Simulator" - Action, pauses some aspects of the simulation, but not time. Same as "Menu (ESC) Pause" but w/out the actual menu.
  • Added "Simulation Rate Set" - Action and connector.
  • Renamed "Simulation Rate" to "Simulation Rate Adjust" and added "Select (for +/- adjustment)" option.
  • Renamed "Change Selected Value (+/-)" to "Adjust a Selected Value (+/-)" and added a description/help text.

Added Events

Added to MSFS - Simulator System -> Simulator System Event choices:

  • "Full Pause" - Indicates a complete pause including any time passing. Triggered when a flight is loading, by "Dev Mode Pause" (in developer toolbar "Options"),
    the new "Pause - Full" plugin action, or a SimConnect "PAUSE_SET" Event with a value of 1. (Possibly other ways as well?)
  • "Active Pause" - Simulator has been paused using "active pause" key binding or toolbar button.
  • "Simulator Pause" - The simulator has been paused with the "ESC" key to the menu, or with "Pause - Simulator" action, or "PAUSE_ON" SimConnect Event.
  • "Full Pause (FSX Legacy)" - Not used in FS2020

Added State

MSFS - Simulator System category:

  • "Simulator Pause State Flag(s) (OFF|FULL|ACTIVE|SIM)" - Lists any "pause states" which are currently active, separated by commas, or "OFF" if the simulation is not paused in any way.
    Eg. if "active pause" is enabled and the sim is also paused with the "ESC" key, the value of this state would be "ACTIVE,SIM". See descriptions of new Events for more details on pause modes.

Patch for v1.4.0

  • v1.4.1 fixes WASM Client connection issue found in v1.4.0 release. Thanks to Glenn#6307 on Discord for the quick report!

Check the README for installation instructions and other documentation.

There are no changes in the optional WASimModule component. The version listed here under Assets is the same as from the plugin's v1.3.1 release. No need to update it if already installed.