Milan Pavlovic: desktop
Alen Huskanovic: mobile
Zoran Antolowic: web (not available)
Made in 2014/15. More details are available here.
PassMatters (“Password matters”) is a system that makes user's password management easier. Using exactly the same password for several accounts, exchanging passwords via unencrypted email or saving passwords in applications such as FTP clients is extremely insecure. Additionally, users often don’t change their password every 3-6 months. Problem is that remembering strong passwords is hard, and lazy user won’t bother with it.
PassMatters makes that part easier - user can store all his accounts and passwords in a web application, and when there is a need for password entering, just choose an account name from the mobile app list and password will be instantly typed into the focused text field on associated PC. With that philosophy, each account can be secured with strong and unique password, since users don’t have to remember them.