The software suite is developed to meet the data processing demands of the new generation of high-data-rate photoemission experimental setups, often featuring a time-of-flight photoelectron detector. This measurement technique is collectively named multidimensional photoemission spectroscopy (MPES), and includes angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) as a subsituent technique.
The main components of the software suite currently include the following,
mpes: distributed statistical processing of single-electron data, artifact correction, measurement calibration, visualization and basic analysis tools for multidimensional photoemission spectroscopy.
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pesfit: baseline routines and benchmarks for semi-automated multi-band lineshape fitting.
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fuller: machine-learning-based band structure reconstruction, band structure parametrization and automated photoemission-like data generation.
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Other related software packages include,
symmetrize: generic algorithm for landmark-based 2D pattern symmetrization.
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mclahe: generic algorithm for contrast enhancement of multidimensional data.
R. Patrick Xian (RealPolitiX)
Vincent Stimper (VincentStimper)
Laurenz Rettig (rettigl)
Maciej Dendzik (mdendzik)
Julian Maklar (JMaklar)