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This was forked from for some custom colors.

Colors Palette

Base Colors

Note: The Syntax color ID's are not an exhaustive & complete list.

Palette Hex HSV/HSB RGB cterm/256 SYN ID
Red #e33400 14,100,89 227, 52, 0 166 Error, Ignore
Orange #e39400 39,100,89 227, 148, 0 172 Exception, Keyword, SpecialChar
Green #5ccc96 151,55,80 92, 204, 150 78 Statement, Underlined, Function, Include, Conditonal
Yellow #f2ce00 51,100,95 242, 206, 0 220 Constant, Boolean, Character, Float, Number
Purple #b3a1e6 256,30,90 179, 161, 230 146 PreProc, Special, Tag, Debug, StorageClass
Purple2 #7a5ccc 256,55,80 122, 92, 204 98 Title, Define, Macro, Define, Precondit, (Operator)
Dark Purple #30365F 232, 49, 37 48, 54, 95 237 Comment, LineNR, MatchParen, EndOfBuffer, Pmenu, IncSearch
Dark Purple2 #686f9a 232,32,60 104, 111, 154 60 Todo, PmenuSbar, Conceal, Search
Cyan #00a3cc 192,100,80 0, 163, 204 38 Identifier, String, Structure, Typedef
Magenta #ce6f8f 340,46,81 206, 111, 143 168 Type, Delimeter, Operator

Special Colors

Palette Hex HSV/HSB RGB cterm/256 SYN ID
Background #0f111b 230,44,11 15, 17, 27 233 Background
Foreground #ecf0c1 65,20,94 236, 240, 193 255 Foregrond, Delimiter
Visual Selection #1b1c36 238, 50, 21 27, 28, 54 234 Visual
Cursor Line #16172d 237,51,18 22, 23, 45 234 CursorLine

Coloration Colors

Palette Hex HSV/HSB RGB cterm/256 SYN ID
Grey #818596 229,14,59 129, 133, 150 102 Cursor, Tabline
Grey 2 #c1c3cc 229,5,80 193, 195, 204 251 TabLineSel
Pure White #ffffff 0,0,100 255, 255, 255 15 Search, Todo
Pure Black #000000 0,0,0 0, 0, 0 0 VertSplit, TabLine

Current Language Support

Basically languages I looked at with my eyes to make sure they didn't look like poop.


Note: if something looks off please submit an issue with a screenshot

  • C, C++, fortran, haskell, html, java, javascript, markdown, php, python, ruby, sql, LaTeX, typescript



Vim and Neovim

I won't be testingin Neovim - Matt

This repo hosts the Vim/Neovim color scheme.

Install the plugin with whatever plugin manager you use:

Plug 'mpetricone/spacedork', { 'branch': 'main' }

And add this to your vimrc/init.vim configuration file:

    if exists('+termguicolors')
      let &t_8f = "\<Esc>[38;2;%lu;%lu;%lum"
      let &t_8b = "\<Esc>[48;2;%lu;%lu;%lum"
      set termguicolors

   colorscheme spacedork

Or manually add the color theme to your 'runtimepath' for the file.

:h colors

  let g:airline_theme = 'spacedork'

No plans on testing or using lightline unless Airline becomes problematic. - Matt

    let g:lightline = {
          \ 'colorscheme': 'spacedork',
          \ }

Don't be afraid of the vim documentation either for more information, like for manual installs! :h colorscheme

No plans on testing lualine - Matt

You only really need 'theme': 'spacedork', but this is what I have in my vimrc:

  let g:lualine = {
      \'options' : {
      \  'theme' : 'spacedork',
      \  'section_separators' : ['', ''],
      \  'component_separators' : ['', ''],
      \  'icons_enabled' : v:true,
      \'sections' : {
      \  'lualine_a' : [ ['mode', {'upper': v:true,},], ],
      \  'lualine_b' : [ ['branch', {'icon': '',}, ], ],
      \  'lualine_c' : [ ['filename', {'file_status': v:true,},], ],
      \  'lualine_x' : [ 'encoding', 'fileformat', 'filetype' ],
      \  'lualine_y' : [ 'progress' ],
      \  'lualine_z' : [ 'location'  ],
      \'inactive_sections' : {
      \  'lualine_a' : [  ],
      \  'lualine_b' : [  ],
      \  'lualine_c' : [ 'filename' ],
      \  'lualine_x' : [ 'location' ],
      \  'lualine_y' : [  ],
      \  'lualine_z' : [  ],
      \'extensions' : [ 'fzf' ],

  lua require("lualine").setup()


I probably won't be testing this. I use i3 when terminals are abundant. - Matt

Checkout some tmux config inspiration here at the terminal repo. Or if you're in a rush you can use this basic one:

  # Basic color support setting
  set-option -g default-terminal "screen-256color"

  # Default bar color
  set-option -g status-style bg='#1b1c36',fg='#ecf0c1'

  # Active Pane
  set -g pane-active-border-style "fg=#5ccc96"

  # Inactive Pane
  set -g pane-border-style "fg=#686f9a"

  # Active window
  set-option -g window-status-current-style bg='#686f9a',fg='#ffffff'

  # Message
  set-option -g message-style bg='#686f9a',fg='#ecf0c1'
  set-option -g message-command-style bg='#686f9a',fg='#ecf0c1'

  # When Commands are run
  set -g message-style "fg=#0f111b,bg=#686f9a"


True color

Make sure you are using a terminal emulator that supports truecolor.

Read more about truecolor support here.

Colors don't look right

If you are running vim within tmux, you may run into some truecolor issues.

To fix, add this to you tmux.conf:

    set -g terminal-overrides ',xterm-256color:Tc'
    set -g default-terminal "tmux-256color"
    set -as terminal-overrides ',xterm*:sitm=\E[3m'

And in your .bash_profile or .zshrc:

  export TERM="xterm-256color"



If you'd like to contribute please reach out! I don't know what I'm doing (Doubly so in my case - Matt). Try to send a screenshot when posting issues as well. If you port it to whatever you're using, send me a link so I can link it here!

Vim Estilo

I do not use estilo and probably won't test it to see if it still works. - Matt

I currently use estilo to manage colors for Vim/Neovim, please install the dependencies to compile the colors specified in the YAML into the color scheme.

To find the current syntax element under the cursor, I use this mapping which maps Ctrl+a to find the id under the cursor:

" Show syntax color highlighting groups for word under cursor
    nmap <c-a> :call <SID>SynStack()<CR>
    function! <SID>SynStack()
      if !exists("*synstack")
      echo map(synstack(line('.'), col('.')), 'synIDattr(v:val, "name")')

This will show you the syntax ID to where we can then modify the color of that word.

Testing colors look good

  • To test that colors look good, you can run: :source $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/hitest.vim this will open a buffer of all color groups defined!
  • Check current defined colors in buffer :highlight or :hi for short.
  • Looking for more syntax elements? Check out $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/ for all of vim's language support.


It's pinapplegiant's spaceduck with some custom changes.







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  • Vim Script 92.9%
  • Lua 7.1%