This role is to provision out a complete OpenStack (Kilo) deployment. Including all services, networks and tenants (Projects).
You must define an IP address and DNS FQDN to be used for Load Balancing and services to connect to. These vars are defined in openstack_services_vip and openstack_services_vip_fqdn
You also need to define Multi-Cast addresses for Pacemaker/Corosync HAProxy and Controller nodes. They MUST be different for each as we are creating separate Pacemaker clusters for HAProxy and Controller nodes. Define the Multi-Cast address in group_vars as below.
Also make sure to define one of your controller nodes as openstack_keystone_api_master...using keystone_user module does not work with run_once and causes additional controller nodes to fail when creating keystone users, endpoints, tenants and services...
Also make sure to define one of your controller nodes as mysql_master...should be the same as the node defined as openstack_keystone_api_master...this should already be set if installing ansible-mariadb-galera-cluster role.
openstack_keystone_api_master: os-controller-01
mysql_master: true
All additional Ansible requirements are included in the requirements.yml
sudo ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
# defaults file for ansible-openstack
# generate passwords and keys using 'openssl rand -hex 10'
config_openstack_neutron_networks: false #defines if networks in openstack_neutron_external_networks and openstack_neutron_tenant_networks are configured
enable_haproxy_admin_page: true
enable_haproxy_remote_syslog: true
haproxy_admin_user: admin
haproxy_admin_password: admin
haproxy_admin_port: 9090
mysql_master: false #defines if inventory_hostname is considered mysql_master...This needs to be defined on one controller node in host_vars/os-controller-xx ..This should already be set for building Galera Cluster. **IMPORTANT***
mysql_root_password: [] #Root password for the database
openstack_admin_email: 'admin@{{ pri_domain_name }}' #Defines admin users email
openstack_admin_pass: [] #Password of user admin
openstack_keystone_api_master: os-controller-01 #defines one of the controller nodes as a primary to create keystone users, endpoints, tenants and services...this gets around the issue of errors since run_once does not work on keystone_user.
openstack_ceilometer_dbpass: [] #Database password for the Telemetry service
openstack_ceilometer_pass: [] #Password of Telemetry service user ceilometer
openstack_ceilometer_token_secret: [] #defines the token secret to configure Telemtry services.
openstack_ceilometer_url: 'http://{{ openstack_services_vip_fqdn }}'
openstack_ceilometer_verbose_logging: false #Defines if ceilometer should enable verbose logging for troubleshooting
openstack_cinder_dbpass: [] #Database password for the Block Storage service
openstack_cinder_install: true #Defines if Cinder (Block-Storage) services should be installed.
openstack_cinder_pass: [] #Password of Block Storage service user cinder
openstack_cinder_url: 'http://{{ openstack_services_vip_fqdn }}' #http://cinder.{{ pri_domain_name }}
openstack_dash_dbpass: [] #Database password for the dashboard
openstack_debian_repository: 'deb trusty-updates/{{ openstack_release }} main'
openstack_demo_email: 'demo@{{ pri_domain_name }}' #Defines demo users email
openstack_demo_pass: [] #Password of user demo
openstack_enable_remote_syslog: false #defines if all openstack services should write to syslog which allows remote syslog functionality...
openstack_glance_dbhost: "{{ openstack_services_vip_fqdn }}" #Defines glance db host
openstack_glance_dbpass: [] #Database password for Image Service
openstack_glance_images: #define cloud images to automatically upload to Glance
- name: cirros
container_format: bare
disk_format: qcow2
installed: true
- name: Fedora-22
container_format: bare
disk_format: qcow2
installed: true
- name: Ubuntu-14.04
container_format: bare
disk_format: qcow2
installed: true
openstack_glance_manage_images: false #defines if images should be managed based on openstack_glance_images....this should be ran as part of the playbook as a local task
# rather than during initial deploy as it will error our and tasks will fail due to services for keystone and glance not being restarted. But can be set to true after the stack is up!!!
openstack_glance_pass: [] #Password of Image Service user glance
openstack_glance_url: 'http://{{ openstack_services_vip_fqdn }}' #http://glance.{{ pri_domain_name }}
openstack_glance_verbose_logging: false #Defines if glance should enable verbose logging for troubleshooting
openstack_group_based_policy_install: false #Defines if Group Based Policy Should be installed.
openstack_haproxy_config: true #defines if haproxy should be configured on controller nodes....can separate out but installing on controller nodes is common practice and use corosync/pacemaker to handle the VIP.
openstack_heat_dbhost: '{{ openstack_services_vip_fqdn }}' #Defines heat db host
openstack_heat_dbpass: [] #Database password for the Orchestration service
openstack_heat_domain_pass: [] #Password for Heat domain in Identity service
openstack_heat_install: true #Defines if Heat (Orchestration Module) is to be installed
openstack_heat_pass: [] #Password of Orchestration service user heat
openstack_heat_url: 'http://{{ openstack_services_vip_fqdn }}' #http://heat.{{ pri_domain_name }}
openstack_heat_verbose_logging: false #Defines if glance should enable verbose logging for troubleshooting
openstack_horizon_install: true #Defines if Horizon Dashboard should be installed
openstack_horizon_remove_ubuntu_theme: false #Defines if the Ubuntu Horizon theme should be removed and the original Horizon theme restored
openstack_instance_tunnel_ip: [] #Define interface address for tunnel interface....ex. {{ ansible_eth2.ipv4.address }}
openstack_keystone_dbhost: '{{ openstack_services_vip_fqdn }}' #Defines keystone db host
openstack_keystone_dbpass: [] #Database password of Identity service
openstack_keystone_default_region: regionOne
- service_name: ceilometer
public_url: "{{ openstack_ceilometer_url }}:8777"
internal_url: "{{ openstack_ceilometer_url }}:8777"
admin_url: "{{ openstack_ceilometer_url }}:8777"
- service_name: cinder
public_url: "{{ openstack_cinder_url }}:8776/v2/%(tenant_id)s"
internal_url: "{{ openstack_cinder_url }}:8776/v2/%(tenant_id)s"
admin_url: "{{ openstack_cinder_url }}:8776/v2/%(tenant_id)s"
- service_name: cinderv2
public_url: "{{ openstack_cinder_url }}:8776/v2/%(tenant_id)s"
internal_url: "{{ openstack_cinder_url }}:8776/v2/%(tenant_id)s"
admin_url: "{{ openstack_cinder_url }}:8776/v2/%(tenant_id)s"
- service_name: glance
public_url: "{{ openstack_glance_url }}:9292"
internal_url: "{{ openstack_glance_url }}:9292"
admin_url: "{{ openstack_glance_url }}:9292"
- service_name: heat
public_url: "{{ openstack_heat_url }}:8004/v1/%(tenant_id)s"
internal_url: "{{ openstack_heat_url }}:8004/v1/%(tenant_id)s"
admin_url: "{{ openstack_heat_url }}:8004/v1/%(tenant_id)s"
- service_name: heat-cfn
public_url: "{{ openstack_heat_url }}:8000/v1"
internal_url: "{{ openstack_heat_url }}:8000/v1"
admin_url: "{{ openstack_heat_url }}:8000/v1"
- service_name: keystone
public_url: "{{ openstack_keystone_url }}:5000/v2.0"
internal_url: "{{ openstack_keystone_url }}:5000/v2.0"
admin_url: "{{ openstack_keystone_url }}:35357/v2.0"
- service_name: neutron
public_url: "{{ openstack_neutron_url }}:9696"
internal_url: "{{ openstack_neutron_url }}:9696"
admin_url: "{{ openstack_neutron_url }}:9696"
- service_name: nova
public_url: "{{ openstack_nova_url }}:8774/v2/%(tenant_id)s"
internal_url: "{{ openstack_nova_url }}:8774/v2/%(tenant_id)s"
admin_url: "{{ openstack_nova_url }}:8774/v2/%(tenant_id)s"
openstack_keystone_roles: #Tenants are now Projects
- name: admin
user: admin
tenant: admin
- name: admin
user: ceilometer
tenant: service
- name: admin
user: cinder
tenant: service
- name: admin
user: glance
tenant: service
- name: admin
user: heat
tenant: service
- name: heat_stack_owner
user: demo
tenant: demo
- name: heat_stack_user
user: demoheatuser #account to test as a Heat user vs. Heat owner...same password as demo account
tenant: demo
- name: admin
user: neutron
tenant: service
- name: admin
user: nova
tenant: service
- name: user
user: demo
tenant: demo
- name: ceilometer
description: "Telemetry"
service_type: metering
- name: cinder
description: "OpenStack Block Storage"
service_type: volume
- name: cinderv2
description: "OpenStack Block Storage"
service_type: volumev2
- name: glance
description: "OpenStack Image Service"
service_type: image
- name: heat
description: "Orchestration"
service_type: orchestration
- name: heat-cfn
description: "Orchestration"
service_type: cloudformation
- name: keystone
description: "OpenStack Identity"
service_type: identity
- name: neutron
description: "OpenStack Networking"
service_type: network
- name: nova
description: "OpenStack Compute"
service_type: compute
openstack_keystone_temp_admin_token: [] #Key for initial setup of keystone
openstack_keystone_tenants: #Tenants are now Projects
- name: admin
description: "Admin Project"
- name: demo
description: "Demo Project"
- name: service
description: "Service Project"
openstack_keystone_url: 'http://{{ openstack_services_vip_fqdn }}' #http://keystone.{{ pri_domain_name }}
openstack_keystone_users: #Tenants are now Projects
- name: admin
password: "{{ openstack_admin_pass }}"
email: "{{ openstack_admin_email }}"
tenant: admin
- name: ceilometer
password: "{{ openstack_ceilometer_pass }}"
tenant: service
- name: cinder
password: "{{ openstack_cinder_pass }}"
tenant: service
- name: demo
password: "{{ openstack_demo_pass }}"
email: "{{ openstack_demo_email }}"
tenant: demo
- name: demoheatuser #account to test as a Heat user vs. Heat owner...same password as demo account
password: "{{ openstack_demo_pass }}"
email: "{{ openstack_demo_email }}"
tenant: demo
- name: glance
password: "{{ openstack_glance_pass }}"
tenant: service
- name: heat
password: "{{ openstack_heat_pass }}"
tenant: service
- name: neutron
password: "{{ openstack_neutron_pass }}"
tenant: service
- name: nova
password: "{{ openstack_nova_pass }}"
tenant: service
openstack_keystone_verbose_logging: false #Defines if keystone should enable verbose logging for troubleshooting
openstack_metadata_secret: [] #Defines shared metadata secret for metadata services
openstack_mongodb_admin_user: admin #define mongodb admin user for mongodb cluster
openstack_mongodb_dbpath: /var/lib/mongodb #defines mongodb path for database
openstack_mongodb_keyfile: /etc/mongodb-keyfile #defines where auth keyfile is located
openstack_mongodb_master: false #defines if host is master or slave...define false here and set to true on one host_vars/hostname
openstack_multi_controller_setup: false #defines if more than 1 controller is being setup...for production this should be set to true with at least 3 controllers.
openstack_networking: neutron #Defines networking to use...neutron or nova (legacy)
openstack_neutron_bridges: #defines OVS bridges and physical interface(s)
- bridge_name: br-ex #defines the OVS Bridge name to create.
- external #defines the physical_network name which maps to the OVS bridge_name
# - external-vlans
ports: #defines the physical interface port(s)
- eth2
openstack_neutron_dbhost: '{{ openstack_services_vip_fqdn }}' #Defines neutron db host
openstack_neutron_dbpass: [] #Database password for the Networking service
openstack_neutron_dhcp_domain: '{{ pri_domain_name }}' #Defines the domain name assigned to tenant instances
openstack_neutron_dhcp_dnsmasq_dns_servers: ',' # Comma-separated list of DNS servers which will be used by dnsmasq as forwarders.
openstack_neutron_external_networks: #Define external networking resources
- name: external-networks #description for networks
login_password: "{{ openstack_admin_pass }}"
login_username: admin
login_tenant_name: admin
region_name: #Name of the region
networks: #define networks to create
- name: ext-net #Name to be assigned to the nework
admin_state_up: true #Whether the state should be marked as up or down
provider_network_type: flat #The type of the network to be created, flat, gre, vxlan, vlan, local
provider_physical_network: external #The physical network which would realize the virtual network for flat and vlan networks. Defined in openstack_neutron_bridges.
provider_segmentation_id: #The id that has to be assigned to the network, in case of vlan networks that would be vlan id, for gre the tunnel id and for vxlan the VNI
router_external: true #If 'yes', specifies that the virtual network is a external network (public)
shared: false #Whether this network is shared or not
state: present #Indicate desired state of the resource
- router_name: external-router #Name of the router to which the subnet's interface should be attached
subnet_name: ext-subnet #Name of the subnet to whose interface should be attached to the router
state: present #Indicate desired state of the resource
routers: #Defines routers to create
- name: external-router #Name to be give to the router
admin_state_up: true #desired admin state of the created router
state: present #Indicate desired state of the resource
subnets: #define subnets to create by using networks created above
- name: ext-subnet
allocation_pool_end: #From the subnet pool the last IP that should be assigned to the virtual machines
allocation_pool_start: #From the subnet pool the starting address from which the IP should be allocated
cidr: #The CIDR representation of the subnet that should be assigned to the subnet
dns_nameservers:, #DNS nameservers for this subnet, comma-separated
enable_dhcp: false #Whether DHCP should be enabled for this subnet
gateway_ip: #The ip that would be assigned to the gateway for this subnet
ip_version: 4 #The IP version of the subnet 4 or 6
network_name: ext-net #Name of the network to which the subnet should be attached
no_gateway: false #If "true", no gateway will be created for this subnet
state: present #Indicate desired state of the resource
openstack_neutron_flat_networks: #defines the physical_network(s) defined in openstack_neutron_bridges to use as external uplinks for flat networking.
# - external
- "*" #defines allow all
openstack_neutron_mechanism_drivers: #defines the networking mechanism driver entrypoints to load....openvswitch, arista, cisco, brocade, linuxbridge, and etc....
- openvswitch
- l2population
# - cisco
openstack_neutron_pass: [] #Password of Networking service user neutron
openstack_neutron_tenant_network_types: #defines tenant network type(s) for tenant networks..local,vlan,gre,vxlan
- gre
- name: demo-networks
login_password: "{{ openstack_demo_pass }}"
login_username: demo
login_tenant_name: demo
region_name: #Name of the region
networks: #define networks to create
- name: demo-net-1 #Name to be assigned to the nework
admin_state_up: true #Whether the state should be marked as up or down
provider_network_type: flat #The type of the network to be created, flat, gre, vxlan, vlan, local
shared: false #Whether this network is shared or not
state: present #Indicate desired state of the resource
- name: demo-net-2 #Name to be assigned to the nework
admin_state_up: true #Whether the state should be marked as up or down
provider_network_type: flat #The type of the network to be created, flat, gre, vxlan, vlan, local
shared: false #Whether this network is shared or not
state: present #Indicate desired state of the resource
- router_name: demo-router #Name of the router to which the subnet's interface should be attached
subnet_name: demo-subnet-1 #Name of the subnet to whose interface should be attached to the router
state: present #Indicate desired state of the resource
- router_name: demo-router #Name of the router to which the subnet's interface should be attached
subnet_name: demo-subnet-2 #Name of the subnet to whose interface should be attached to the router
state: present #Indicate desired state of the resource
routers: #Defines routers to create
- name: demo-router #Name to be give to the router
admin_state_up: true #desired admin state of the created router
state: present #Indicate desired state of the resource
subnets: #define subnets to create by using networks created above
- name: demo-subnet-1
allocation_pool_end: #From the subnet pool the last IP that should be assigned to the virtual machines
allocation_pool_start: #From the subnet pool the starting address from which the IP should be allocated
cidr: #The CIDR representation of the subnet that should be assigned to the subnet
dns_nameservers:, #DNS nameservers for this subnet, comma-separated
enable_dhcp: true #Whether DHCP should be enabled for this subnet
gateway_ip: #The ip that would be assigned to the gateway for this subnet
ip_version: 4 #The IP version of the subnet 4 or 6
network_name: demo-net-1 #Name of the network to which the subnet should be attached
no_gateway: false #If "true", no gateway will be created for this subnet
state: present #Indicate desired state of the resource
- name: demo-subnet-2
allocation_pool_end: #From the subnet pool the last IP that should be assigned to the virtual machines
allocation_pool_start: #From the subnet pool the starting address from which the IP should be allocated
cidr: #The CIDR representation of the subnet that should be assigned to the subnet
dns_nameservers:, #DNS nameservers for this subnet, comma-separated
enable_dhcp: true #Whether DHCP should be enabled for this subnet
gateway_ip: #The ip that would be assigned to the gateway for this subnet
ip_version: 4 #The IP version of the subnet 4 or 6
network_name: demo-net-2 #Name of the network to which the subnet should be attached
no_gateway: false #If "true", no gateway will be created for this subnet
state: present #Indicate desired state of the resource
openstack_neutron_tunnel_types: #defines the tunnel types to use for agent communications....gre, vxlan, etc.
- gre
openstack_neutron_type_drivers: #local, flat, vlan, gre, vxlan
- flat
- gre
- vlan
- vxlan
openstack_neutron_url: 'http://{{ openstack_services_vip_fqdn }}'
openstack_neutron_verbose_logging: false #Defines if neutron should enable verbose logging for troubleshooting
openstack_neutron_vlans: #define vlans to be configured as external networks....ex. 101, or for a group 101:110
- physical_network: external
- range: 114:114
openstack_nova_dbhost: '{{ openstack_services_vip_fqdn }}' #Defines nova db host
openstack_nova_dbpass: [] #Database password for Compute service
openstack_nova_my_ip: '{{ ansible_eth0.ipv4.address }}' #defines the my_ip variable in nova
openstack_nova_pass: [] #Password of Compute service user nova
openstack_nova_url: 'http://{{ openstack_services_vip_fqdn }}' #http://nova.{{ pri_domain_name }}
openstack_nova_virt_type: kvm #Nova virtualization Type, set to KVM if supported and QEMU if not
openstack_rabbit_host: '{{ openstack_services_vip_fqdn }}' #Defines RabbitMQ host
openstack_rabbit_pass: [] #Password of user of RabbitMQ
openstack_rabbit_user: openstack #User of RabbitMQ
openstack_release: kilo #Defines openstack release to install
openstack_services_vip: #Define IP to configure LB VIP
openstack_services_vip_fqdn: 'openstack.{{ pri_domain_name }}' #Define FQDN for the openstack_services_vip...This should be used for all services to connect to.
openstack_services_vip_cidr: 24
openstack_services_vip_int: eth0 #defines the interface to configure Pacemaker to listen on
openstack_telementry_install: true #defines if Telemetry (Ceilometer) should be installed.
openstack_trove_dbpass: [] #Database password of Database service
openstack_trove_pass: [] #Password of Database Service user trove
pri_domain_name: #Defines primary domain name of site.
- name: 'logstash.{{ pri_domain_name }}'
proto: tcp
port: 514
# Bootstrap Hosts
- name: Bootstrapping Hosts
hosts: openstack-nodes
any_errors_fatal: true #Added this to ensure plays will stop completely in case of failure. We want to do this in order to not cause issues in remaining plays.
sudo: true
- role: ansible-bootstrap
- bootstrap
- role: ansible-users
- bootstrap
- role: ansible-manage-ssh-keys
- bootstrap
- name: Ensure Hostnames are correct and reboot if needed
hosts: openstack-nodes
any_errors_fatal: true
sudo: true
- role: ansible-change-hostname
- name: Setting Up Base Apps
hosts: openstack-nodes
any_errors_fatal: true
sudo: true
- role: ansible-base
- role: ansible-config-interfaces
- role: ansible-ntp
- role: ansible-rsyslog
- role: ansible-postfix
- role: ansible-snmpd
- role: ansible-timezone
- name: Setting up (openstack-haproxy-nodes)
hosts: openstack-haproxy-nodes
any_errors_fatal: true
sudo: true
- role: ansible-haproxy
- role: ansible-pacemaker
when: (openstack_multi_controller_setup is defined and openstack_multi_controller_setup)
- name: Setting up (openstack-controller-nodes)
hosts: openstack-controller-nodes
any_errors_fatal: true
sudo: true
- role: ansible-apache2
- role: ansible-mariadb-mysql
when: (openstack_multi_controller_setup is defined and not openstack_multi_controller_setup)
- role: ansible-mariadb-galera-cluster
when: (openstack_multi_controller_setup is defined and openstack_multi_controller_setup)
- role: ansible-memcached
- role: ansible-rabbitmq
- role: ansible-pacemaker
when: (openstack_multi_controller_setup is defined and openstack_multi_controller_setup)
- name: Setting up (openstack-compute-nodes)
hosts: openstack-compute-nodes
any_errors_fatal: true
sudo: true
- role: ansible-manage-lvm
- name: Setting up (openstack-storage-nodes)
hosts: openstack-storage-nodes
any_errors_fatal: true
sudo: true
- role: ansible-manage-lvm
- name: Builds OpenStack Environment
hosts: openstack-nodes
any_errors_fatal: true
sudo: true
- role: ansible-openstack
- openstack
- name: Local Tasks
hosts: localhost
connection: local
sudo: false
- name: creating client script(s) #creating this to source in order to create heat domain
src: "templates/{{ item }}"
dest: "./{{ item }}"
mode: 0700
- create-openstack-client-scripts
- admin
- demo
- name: manage glance images
hosts: localhost
connection: local
sudo: false
- openstack_glance_images: #define cloud images to automatically upload to Glance
- name: cirros
container_format: bare
disk_format: qcow2
installed: true
- name: Fedora-22
container_format: bare
disk_format: qcow2
installed: true
- name: Ubuntu-14.04
container_format: bare
disk_format: qcow2
installed: true
- openstack_glance_manage_images: true
- name: uploading glance images
auth_url: "{{ openstack_keystone_auth_url }}" #defined in group_vars/all/openstack_auth_urls.yml
login_username: admin
login_password: "{{ openstack_admin_pass }}" #defined in group_vars/all/accounts.yml
login_tenant_name: admin
name: "{{ }}"
container_format: "{{ item.container_format }}"
disk_format: "{{ item.disk_format }}"
state: present
copy_from: "{{ item.image_url }}"
- manage_glance_images
with_items: openstack_glance_images
when: (openstack_glance_manage_images is defined and openstack_glance_manage_images) and (item.installed is defined and item.installed)
- name: manage_glance_images | removing glance images
auth_url: "{{ openstack_keystone_auth_url }}" #defined in group_vars/all/openstack_auth_urls.yml
login_username: admin
login_password: "{{ openstack_admin_pass }}" #defined in group_vars/all/accounts.yml
login_tenant_name: admin
name: "{{ }}"
state: absent
- manage_glance_images
with_items: openstack_glance_images
when: (openstack_glance_manage_images is defined and openstack_glance_manage_images) and (item.installed is defined and not item.installed)
# generate passwords and keys using 'openssl rand -hex 10'
mysql_root_password: 61fea78e16dd73bd757a #Root password for the database
openstack_admin_pass: 29b1416692cb38014ea0 #Password of user admin
openstack_ceilometer_dbpass: 85c4ac62a58c0a25a922 #Database password for the Telemetry service
openstack_ceilometer_pass: c3e1b1db22e9b33cd7f4 #Password of Telemetry service user ceilometer
openstack_cinder_dbpass: bcb4f4279d699c12c6ea #Database password for the Block Storage service
openstack_cinder_pass: d9eb36abbb2e88356208 #Password of Block Storage service user cinder
openstack_dash_dbpass: cb77b8806e4dc8693d8e #Database password for the dashboard
openstack_demo_pass: 54a27efd264beeb7843d #Password of user demo
openstack_glance_dbpass: 295062a986b8deded530 #Database password for Image Service
openstack_glance_pass: 60278dafa015c0cc3943 #Password of Image Service user glance
openstack_heat_dbpass: d69d8f9bd2a70f0f1f5b #Database password for the Orchestration service
openstack_heat_domain_pass: 72a9474bf295fe4315bd #Password for Heat domain in Identity service
openstack_heat_pass: 9fd0ae5b48837ad34b31 #Password of Orchestration service user heat
openstack_keystone_dbpass: 8ed178efd2bef6fcabe3 #Database password of Identity service
openstack_keystone_temp_admin_token: 52f5e14ad1a9f7d54e1d #Key for initial setup of keystone
openstack_metadata_secret: 91c94f7734057cb3db6a #defines shared metadata secret for metadata services
openstack_neutron_dbpass: 7bff44471bdce25d55af #Database password for the Networking service
openstack_neutron_pass: 19440ed58e9ba153bbb5 #Password of Networking service user neutron
openstack_nova_dbpass: b544e0b6881f33c82dc8 #Database password for Compute service
openstack_nova_pass: 34e5f8990ef84cc69f91 #Password of Compute service user nova
openstack_rabbit_pass: 6bd8dbb369181e89bf3a #Password of user guest of RabbitMQ
openstack_trove_dbpass: c6c2792fa14319dbe9da #Database password of Database service
openstack_trove_pass: 892ba2ff14319c299b54 #Password of Database Service user trove
pri_domain_name: #defines primary domain name of site.
update_etc_hosts: true
config_network_interfaces: true
network_interfaces: #define interfaces and settings. (Define separately for each node in host_vars) - Anything not defined can be added to addl_settings.
- name: eth0
configure: true
comment: management interface
method: dhcp
# addl_settings:
# - bond_master bond0
- name: eth1
configure: true
comment: tunnel interface
method: static
address: '{{ openstack_instance_tunnel_ip }}'
netmask_cidr: 24
# addl_settings:
# - bond_master bond0
config_rabbitmq_ha: true
enable_rabbitmq_clustering: true
galera_cluster_name: openstack # Define the name of the cluster...define here or in group_vars/group
galera_cluster_nodes: ',,' # Define the IP addresses of the nodes which will be part of the cluster...define here or in group_vars/group
- queue_name: '^(?!amq\.).*'
durable: true
tags: 'ha-mode=all,ha-sync-mode=automatic'
config_network_interfaces: true
network_interfaces: #define interfaces and settings. (Define separately for each node in host_vars) - Anything not defined can be added to addl_settings.
- name: eth0
configure: true
comment: management interface
method: dhcp
# addl_settings:
# - bond_master bond0
- name: eth1
configure: true
comment: tunnel interface
method: static
address: '{{ openstack_instance_tunnel_ip }}'
netmask_cidr: 24
# addl_settings:
# - bond_master bond0
- name: eth2
configure: true
comment: tunnel interface
method: manual
netmask_cidr: 24
- up ip link set $IFACE promisc on
- down ip link set $IFACE promisc off
- down ifconfig $IFACE down
config_openstack_neutron_networks: true
corosync_bindnet_addr: "{{ }}" #defines the interface to use for syncing cluster..this is a /24
corosync_expected_votes: 1 #defines the number of nodes to be functional in order to avoid split-brain scenarios...ex. 2-nodes = 1, 3-nodes = 2
mysql_allow_remote_connections: true #defines if mysql should listen on loopback (default) or allow remove connections
openstack_enable_remote_syslog: true #defines if all openstack services should write to syslog which allows remote syslog functionality...
openstack_glance_verbose_logging: true #defines if glance should enable verbose logging for troubleshooting
openstack_haproxy_install: true #defines if haproxy should be installed on controller nodes....can separate out but installing on controller nodes is common practice and use corosync/pacemaker to handle the VIP.
openstack_heat_verbose_logging: true #defines if glance should enable verbose logging for troubleshooting
openstack_horizon_remove_ubuntu_theme: true #defines if the Ubuntu Horizon theme should be removed and the original Horizon theme restored
openstack_keystone_verbose_logging: true #defines if keystone should enable verbose logging for troubleshooting
openstack_multi_controller_setup: true
openstack_neutron_verbose_logging: true #defines if neutron should enable verbose logging for troubleshooting
openstack_nova_virt_type: qemu #Nova virtualization Type, set to KVM if supported and QEMU if not
rabbitmq_master: os-controller-01
openstack_instance_tunnel_ip: #define interface address for tunnel interface....ex. {{ ansible_eth2.ipv4.addres }}
openstack_instance_tunnel_ip: #define interface address for tunnel interface....ex. {{ ansible_eth2.ipv4.addres }}
mysql_master: true
pacemaker_primary_server: true
openstack_instance_tunnel_ip: #define interface address for tunnel interface....ex. {{ ansible_eth2.ipv4.addres }}
openstack_instance_tunnel_ip: #define interface address for tunnel interface....ex. {{ ansible_eth2.ipv4.addres }}
Inventory Hosts
Some things to note... In order to allow ping/ssh ingress on floating-IPs you need to create the following rules.
$ neutron security-group-rule-create --protocol icmp \
--direction ingress --remote-ip-prefix default
$ neutron security-group-rule-create --protocol tcp \
--port-range-min 22 --port-range-max 22 \
--direction ingress --remote-ip-prefix default
Larry Smith Jr.
- @mrlesmithjr
- mrlesmithjr [at]