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Coding Style Conventions

Martin Roberge edited this page Jun 6, 2017 · 9 revisions


I'm trying to follow the simple workflow used by GitHub:

  • Master: this holds the latest stable version and should always be ready to deploy. Everything merges to this branch.
  • gh-pages: this is an identical copy of Master that is hosted live at
  • all other branches: Every time you want to add a new feature or fix a bug, create a new branch from Master with a descriptive name. Commit to it frequently. Once it passes all tests and is ready to go, submit a pull request to Master. I will then merge it with Master and merge it again to gh-pages to deploy. I could use gh-pages as the Master, but it is such a standard convention to have the main branch be called 'Master' that I would rather spend a minute every time I deploy rather than break with this convention.

Style Guide

  • four spaces instead of tabs.
  • remove all extra whitespace.
  • declare each variable with its own var
  • follow "Idiomatic Javascript".