This scenario shows the basic deployment ArgoCD with ApplicationSet Git Generator:Directories
Check if kubernetes is up and running(It can take some time):
kubectl cluster-info
Clone the sample App Of Apps implementation to current directory:
git clone
Install the ArgoCD application:
kubectl apply -k argoapplicationsets/managementstack/argocd
This will install ArgoCD controllers and ApplicationSet controllers to argocd namespace.
Wait until all resources up and running(It can take some time):
kubectl get pods -n argocd -w
Apply the applicationset definition:
kubectl apply -k argoapplicationsets/managementstack/argocdapplications
Check if applications installed and synchronized:
kubectl get application -n argocd -owide -w
If you want to change settings of ArgoCD and watch auto sync operations, just take this code and push to your own repository. After you follow the same steps with your own repository you can change ArgoCD setup by pushing changes. Or you can add your own applications under managementstack folder.