Extends LasIO with LASzip integration.
Uses the LASzip shared library to read compressed las files (*.laz) into the uncompressed format that LasIO reads natively.
julia> using LazIO
# Load header and all points
julia> LazIO.load("test/libLAS_1.2.laz")
(LasHeader with 497536 points.
, Vector{LasIO.LasPoint0} with 497536 points.
# Load header and range of points
julia> h, p = LazIO.load("test/libLAS_1.2.laz", range=2:10)
(LasHeader with 497536 points.
, Vector{LasIO.LasPoint0} with 9 points.
# Open file and iterate over points (streaming)
julia> ds = LazIO.open("test/libLAS_1.2.laz")
LazDataset of test/libLAS_1.2.laz with 497536 points.
julia> sum = map(Int32, (0,0,0)) # Int32, not yet scaled and offset
julia> for p in ds
global sum = sum .+ (p.X, p.Y, p.Z)
julia> sum ./ ds.header.number_of_point_records
(3497.988658107152, 3741.789882541163, -164.49942114741447)
# Or use the tables interface
julia> using DataFrames
julia> DataFrame(ds)
497536×19 DataFrame. Omitted printing of 12 columns
│ Row │ X │ Y │ Z │ intensity │ return_number
│ │ Int32 │ Int32 │ Int32 │ UInt16 │ UInt8
│ 1 │ 144013394 │ 37500023 │ 84666 │ 0x00fa │ 0x00
│ 2 │ 144012426 │ 37500049 │ 84655 │ 0x00f5 │ 0x00
│ 3 │ 144011447 │ 37500077 │ 84644 │ 0x00ef │ 0x00
│ 4 │ 144010469 │ 37500104 │ 84632 │ 0x00fb │ 0x00