volcano-campsite API is the microservice restful API for volcano campsite reservation.
Please click link for detail of business requirement.
JDK 11
Maven 3.8.1+
###Git Branches (only different between branches is the database access implementation)
main branch build with pure java JDBC to access database and use JDBC transaction control -
mybatis branch build with mybatis framework for database process and use mybatis for transaction control -
jpa (//TODO) jpa branch build with JPA framework (OpenJPA) for database process.
The volcano-campsite API uses H2 database as backend repository to save user and reservation information. As the API is designed to handle one single campsite, the database structure is simple:
Table | Comments |
client | Client information including client name and client email |
reservation | Reservation detail information. This is the table hold book of records for reservation |
reserved | Reserved date. This table is used to handle concurrent requests |
By default, when the API starts, h2 will start in-memory database testdb and create tables listed above.
DriverClassName: org.h2.jdbcx.JdbcDataSource
jdbcUrl: jdbc:h2:mem:testdb;INIT=runscript from 'classpath:scripts/schema.sql';
username: sa
password: sa
maximumPoolSize: 2
connectionTimeout: 1000
The data in the database will disappear after API shutdown. In case if we need keep the data, change the url to use file base h2 database:
url: jdbc:h2:~/testdb
H2 console:
There is a startuphook defined to initial H2 DB datasource and enable H2 console
- com.networknt.server.StartupHookProvider:
- com.mservicetech.campsite.H2DatasourceStartupHook
After the API started, the console will be available on:
http://localhost:8082/ (if the port has been used, change the webPort property on h2 server property file)
Login with user: sa / password: sa
The startuphook also build DB datasource and verify DB connection. The advantage for this feature is that we can know the DB connection status on API startup instead of wait until first request coming.
Get: /api/campsite -- List available time for the campsite
POST: /api/campsite --campsite reservation
Put: /api/campsite/{orderId} -- Change reservation by Id and new reservation info
Delete: /api/campsite/{orderId} -- Delete reservation by Id
Get: /api/campsite/{orderId} -- Get reservation by Id
For the detail, please refer to the openapi spec here.
There are several ways to start API:
From IDE, run com.networknt.server.Server
Start from command line:
cd /workspace/volcano-campsite
mvn clean install
java -jar target/volcano-campsite-1.00.jar
curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:8080/api/campsite?startDate=2021-11-10&endDate=2021-12-18' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'requestId: 1' \
--header 'applicationId: 2' \
--data-raw ''
From the API root folder, run docker command:
docker build -t volcano/campsite .
docker run -p 8080:8080 volcano/campsite
Swagger ui: http://localhost:8080/specui.html
API health check: http://localhost:8080/health/com.mservicetech.api.volcano-campsite-api-1.00
API server info: http://localhost:8080/server/info
Postman could be used to send https request to test the API:
For detailed test cases, please refer the test cases document.
Jmeter could be used to verify the API performance.
From jmeter, open the jmeter file: ./jmeter/campsite-get.jmx. The test plan set 10 concurrent threads to access the GET campsite endpoint (http://localhost:8080/api/campsite).
For performance result detail, please refer to performance detail document:
- ERR30000:
statusCode: 500
code: ERR30000
message: ERROR_IN_APP
description: This is the backend error in this example application.
- ERR30001:
statusCode: 500
code: ERR30001
message: Database process error
description: The DB process has error.
- ERR30002:
statusCode: 422
code: ERR30002
message: Data cannot find error
description: Cannot find data by the request.
- ERR30003:
statusCode: 422
code: ERR30003
message: campsite is not available
description: Error on the reservation, campsite is noy available for the input period. Follow dates have been booked.
- ERR30004:
statusCode: 400
code: ERR30004
message: Cannot get resevation by Id
description: Error on getting reservation, Cannot get resevation by Id.
- ERR30005:
statusCode: 400
code: ERR30005
message: Cannot update reservation
description: Error on updating reservation, Cannot update reservation.