Tues 16th - Fri 19th, May 2017.
Lars Andersen Bratholm (LAB), Mike O'Connor (MOC), Silvia Amabilino (SA), David Glowacki (DRG)
Tuesday 29th May (DRG)
10:00 Introduction and Overview
10:15 Getting Started with Python
10:45 A simple live demo for debugging in PyCharm (DRG)
11:00 Learning more about Python
- A Python Framework for Simple Game Mechanics
- Basic Python features
- Basic Principles of Object-Oriented Programming
- Other Potentially useful stuff
- Python tutorial (use as a reference, not an actual tutorial)
- Already a python expert? Try some Project Euler challenges.
11:30 coffee
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Scipy and NumPy
15:15 Coffee
15:30 Experiment & Play: Use what you've learned to hack-your-own game mechanics
17:30 Finish
Wednesday 30th May (LAB, MOC, SA, DRG)
- 10:00 Experiment & Play: Use what you've learned to hack-your-own game mechanics
- 11:15 coffee
- 11:30 Version Control
- 12:30 Lunch
- 13:30 Version Control
- Part 2: Remote repos & GIT GUIs - LAB
- live code example: how to upload your game projects onto github using gitkraken
- 14:30 coffee
- 14:45 Testing software and catching errors (slides) - LAB/DRG
- 15:15 A REALLY Quick overview of machine learning & data science (DRG)
- 15:45 coffee
- 16:00 Overview of the three hackathon projects
- LAB - Learning with TensorFlow - slides
- SA - Machine learning potential energy surfaces
- MOC - Machine learning hand pose for interactive molecular simulation in VR
- 16:30 coffee
- 16:45 The data science pipeline slides - LAB
- 17:45 Pub. Students should take this opportunity to organize themselves into their project groups
Thursday 31st May (LAB, MOC, SA, DRG)
- 10:00 - 18:00 hackathon
- 12:00 - 13:00 guest lecture: Clare Macrae (developer @Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre)
- 18:00 - 19:00 pizza/wine party!
Friday 1st Jun (LAB, MOC, SA, DRG)
- 11:00 - 16:00 hackathon
- 16:00 - 17:00 show and tell
Hints and tips on common Bash and editor commands.
Beginners guide to using the shell
We recommend that you bring your own laptop to work on (so that you can easily continue to use the same tools for the hackathon!).
You should test your installation using our testing scripts. To access these start a shell and run the commands:
git clone https://github.com/larsbratholm/boot-camps.git
cd boot-camps/setup
before following these instructions.
You also need to create a free individual account on GitHub. Make sure you know your username and password when you arrive
We recommend that you to work through this short tutorial on Beginning Python to refresh yourself on Python.
Much of this workshop borrows from the great resource that is Software Carpentry.