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Dart library for go-like concurrency (goroutines, channels, and synchronous operations).


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##What is it?##

Golib is a library which implements goroutines and channels which are the main ingredients of the concurrency model used by the language Go.

Goroutines represent functions which can be executed concurrently. For instance, if you need to perform 3 independent tasks, you can create 3 goroutines each of which performs a single task.

Dart is single-threaded so different goroutines can't be executed in parallel (if we use a single isolate), but every time a goroutine blocks on an operation (for instance, a read from disk), another goroutine may run. The mechanism is similar to multitasking in operating systems with a single processor and a single core: different tasks seem to be running in parallel even if they aren't. The main difference is that multitasking is preemptive, that is the OS decides when a task must be interrupted, whereas goroutines are interrupted only when they surrender control to the system.

Channels are a mean for goroutines to communicate and synchronize. You can send values on a channel and receive values from a channel. Channels behave like queues, that is messages are sent/received in FIFO order. Since operations on channels may block, they can also be used as high-level synchronization constructs.


Let's say you want to write a web server which needs to handle many requests at once.

A first idea is to create one thread for each request. Unfortunately, threads are usually heavy so you can't create many of them. Pros: code is easy to reason about. Cons: code is inefficient

Another idea is to use a single thread with asynchronous operations. Dart employs this model. Pros: code is efficient. Cons: code is hard to reason about.

There is an alternative which gets the best of both world: goroutines with synchronous operations. Pros: code is efficient and code is easy to reason about.

##How does Golib work?##

Dart doesn't have continuations, coroutines or similar, so how can we implement goroutines in it? Well, we have to insert breaks manually. What is a break? Let me show you an example. Consider the following code:

main() {
  GoFuture v;
  go([() {
    v = goWait(funcWhichReturnsAFuture());       }, () {

That }, () { is what I call a break.

Briefly, go creates a new goroutine (which has two blocks of code), goWait waits for the future returned by funcWhichReturnsAFuture to complete, and, finally, v.value is the value the future completed with.

Here's what happens in (much) more detail:

  1. main() starts
  2. go creates a goroutine and schedules its execution
  3. main() ends
  4. the goroutine begins executing
  5. the goroutine executes the first block of code (line 4):
    1. funcWhichReturnsAFuture returns a Future f
    2. goWait asks the goroutine to wait for f
    3. goWait creates a GoFuture gf which wraps f
    4. goWait returns gf which is assigned to v
  6. the goroutine executes f.then(...) (in order to be called when f completes) and exits
  7. f completes with the value x
  8. gf is updated so that:
  • v.isCompleted is true
  • v.value is equal to x
  1. the goroutine is called again
  2. the goroutine executes the second block of code (line 5) which print x

Basically, goWait tells the goroutine that there is a future it likes to wait for. When there is a break and the goroutine regains control, the goroutine notices that there is a future to wait for, so it asks the future itself to be called when the future is completed. Once the goroutine is called again, it can execute the next block of code.

Now consider this code:

gf1 = goWait(future1);
gf2 = goWait(future2);
gf3 = goWait(future3);                       }, () {

Interestingly, three futures are signaled to the goroutine so, when the break gives control back to the goroutine, the goroutine decides to wait for all three futures at once. When all the futures complete, the execution continues with the second block of code. By now, gf1, gf2 and gf3 have been updated.

If you want to use Golib you need to understand where to insert breaks and the only way to do that reliably is to understand how Golib works.

The most important thing to keep in mind is that Golib, under the hood, uses Futures and is highly asynchronous.

Here's another example:

go([() {
  goForever([() {
    // this code is executed forever
  }]);                                }, () {

When go is executed

  1. it creates a new goroutine
  2. it adds a new execution frame, which contains the blocks of code passed to go, to the goroutine
  3. it schedules its next execution through scheduleMicrotask
  4. it returns

When the goroutine regains control, it starts executing its blocks of code. goForever is similar to go. The code in the loop is not executed when goForever is executed. When goForever is first called, this is what happens:

  1. goForever adds a new execution frame to the goroutine
  2. goForever returns

If that break were absent, print('B') would be executed immediately. But since there is a break, the goroutine regains control, notices that there is a new execution frame and starts executing the code in it. The loop is infinite, but, actually, we can break out of it with a return goBreak;. If we ask to quit the loop, the goroutine removes the execution frame of the loop and resumes the execution of the previous execution frame, that is it executes print('B').

Surprisingly enough, one can get away with way less breaks (}, () {) than one would expect. If you don't believe me, have a look at the example in the next section.

##Example 1##

This example shows a client and a server which communicate between them. This example is in the file /example/example1.dart.


Let's look at the client first. Here's the version with raw Futures and Streams (that is, without Golib).

import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:convert';

client() {
  Map jsonData = {
    'name'    : 'Han Solo',
    'job'     : 'reluctant hero',
    'BFF'     : 'Chewbacca',
    'ship'    : 'Millennium Falcon',
    'weakness': 'smuggling debts'

  new HttpClient().post(, 4049, '/file.txt')
    .then((HttpClientRequest request) {
      request.headers.contentType = ContentType.JSON;
      return request.close();
    }).then((HttpClientResponse response) {
      response.transform(UTF8.decoder).listen((contents) {

As you can see, the client sends a Post request with some JSON content and prints the response. Here's how you would rewrite that with Golib:

import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:golib/golib.dart';

client2() {
  Map jsonData = {
    'name': 'Han Solo',
    'job': 'reluctant hero',
    'BFF': 'Chewbacca',
    'ship': 'Millennium Falcon',
    'weakness': 'smuggling debts'

  go([() {
    goWait(new HttpClient().post(, 4049, '/file.txt'));      }, () {
    HttpClientRequest req = $;
    req.headers.contentType = ContentType.JSON;
    goWait(req.close());                                                                        }, () {
    HttpClientResponse res = $;
    goForIn(res.transform(UTF8.decoder), [() {

When goWait finishes waiting, it puts the value the future completed with in $, which is a special global variable. The lines

    HttpClientRequest req = $;
    HttpClientResponse res = $;

are there only to improve readability. We might have just used $ directly. goForIn takes a channel or a stream and starts reading values from them. Inside the loop, we can refer to the values as $f. Therefore, that goForIn reads and prints all the values from the Stream res.transform(UTF8.decoder).


Now let's look at the server too. First, the version with raw Futures and Streams:

import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:convert';

server() {
  HttpServer.bind(InternetAddress.LOOPBACK_IP_V4, 4049).then((server) {
    server.listen((req) {

      ContentType contentType = req.headers.contentType;
      BytesBuilder builder = new BytesBuilder();

      if (req.method == 'POST' && contentType != null &&
          contentType.mimeType == 'application/json') {
        req.listen((buffer) {
        }, onDone: () {
          // write to a file, get the file name from the URI
          String jsonString = UTF8.decode(builder.takeBytes());
          String filename = req.uri.pathSegments.last;
          new File(filename).writeAsString(jsonString, mode: FileMode.WRITE).then((_) {
            Map jsonData = JSON.decode(jsonString);
            req.response.statusCode = HttpStatus.OK;
            req.response.write('Wrote data for ${jsonData['name']}.');
      } else {
        req.response.statusCode = HttpStatus.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED;
        req.response.write("Unsupported request: ${req.method}.");

This server only accepts Post requests with JSON content. When it receives a Post request for a certain file, it creates that file, writes the received JSON content to it and then sends back a short text response. Here's how the server looks like with Golib:

import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:golib/golib.dart';

server2() {
  go([() {
    goWait(HttpServer.bind(InternetAddress.LOOPBACK_IP_V4, 4049));                      }, () {
    HttpServer server = $;
    goForIn(server, [() {
      HttpRequest req = $f;
      ContentType contentType = req.headers.contentType;
      BytesBuilder builder = new BytesBuilder();
      String jsonString;
      if (req.method == 'POST' && contentType != null &&
          contentType.mimeType == 'application/json') goDo([() {

        goForIn(req, [() {
        }]);                                                                            }, () {

        // write to a file, get the file name from the URI
        jsonString = UTF8.decode(builder.takeBytes());
        String filename = req.uri.pathSegments.last;
        goWait(new File(filename).writeAsString(jsonString, mode: FileMode.WRITE));     }, () {
        Map jsonData = JSON.decode(jsonString);
        req.response.statusCode = HttpStatus.OK;
        req.response.write('Wrote data for ${jsonData['name']}.');
      else {
        req.response.statusCode = HttpStatus.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED;
        req.response.write("Unsupported request: ${req.method}.");

Note how there are no callbacks at all!

And you've seen nothing of Golib. The fun begins when we start using channels to communicate between goroutines.

##Example 2##

Now let's look at a simple example (test/workers_test.dart) where you can see channels in action:

import 'package:golib/golib.dart';

populateChan(Channel<int> ch, int numMessages) {
  go([() {
    int i = 0;
    goWhile(() => i < numMessages, [() {
    }]);                                              }, () {

createWorker(int i, Channel<int> ch, WaitGroup w) {
  go([() {
    goForIn(ch, [() {
      goSleep(1000);                                  }, () {
      log('worker $i received ${$f}');
    }]);                                              }, () {
    log('worker $i done');

main() {
  go([() {
    const numMessages = 10;
    const numWorkers = 2;
    WaitGroup w = new WaitGroup();
    Channel<int> ch = new Channel<int>();
    populateChan(ch, numMessages);
    for (int i = 0; i < numWorkers; i++)
      createWorker(i, ch, w);

    w.wait();                                         }, () {
    log('All done!');

It prints:

worker 0 received 0
worker 1 received 1
worker 0 received 2
worker 1 received 3
worker 0 received 4
worker 1 received 5
worker 0 received 6
worker 1 received 7
worker 0 received 8
worker 0 done
worker 1 received 9
worker 1 done
All done!

The main function creates a goroutine which:

  1. creates a WaitGroup to wait for two workers to end their work
  2. creates a channel
  3. calls populateChan which creates a goroutine that sends messages on the channel
  4. creates two workers which are represented by two goroutines
  5. wait for the workers to finish their work
  6. prints All done!

WaitGroup is a sinchronization object. It has an internal counter initially equal to 0. By executing w.add(2) we increment its count by 2. Then, w.wait() waits until the count is back to 0. Each time someone executes w.done() the count is decremented by 1.

We've already seen goForIn. This time, though, it's used with a channel directly, rather than with a stream.

populateChan creates a goroutine which sends some messages on ch and then closes it. When a channel is closed, no other data can be sent to it, so all goForIn reading from that channel terminate.

##Is Golib efficient?##

Quite. Here's an example (rewritten in Dart + Golib) taken from the talk "Go Concurrency Patterns", by Rob Pike (slides + video):

import 'package:golib/golib.dart';

f(left, right) {
  var res;
  go([() {
    res = right.recv();             }, () {
    left.send(res.value + 1);

main() {
  const n = 100000;
  Channel leftmost = new Channel();
  var right;
  var left = leftmost;
  for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    right = new Channel();
    f(left, right);
    left = right;
  go([() { right.send(1); }]);
  var res;
  go([() {
    res = leftmost.recv();        }, () {

This code creates a chain g1 -> g2 -> ... -> gn of 100,000 goroutines. For all i=1, ..., n-1, there is a channel which connects g{i} to g{i+1} (and vice versa: channels are bidirectional). The number 1 is then sent to g1 and the result, which is 100001, read from gn.

As you can see by looking at f, each goroutine sends to the next goroutine in the chain the number it received incremented by 1.

This example takes 3 seconds in Dart + Golib and 1 second in Go. Not bad at all, since we're using Futures!

OK, the introduction is over and now it's time to examine Golib in detail. Let's start with its most important function: go.


The function go is used to create a goroutine. You can think of a goroutine as a unit of concurrency. You can think of them as very lightweight threads. Here's its signature:

void go(List<Function> blocks)

This function takes a list of blocks of code, schedules the execution of the goroutine (via scheduleMicrotask) and returns.

Consider the following example:

import 'package:golib/golib.dart';

main() {
  go([() {

  go([() {

  go([() {

This prints:


This is what happens:

  1. main starts.
  2. The first go executes, schedules the execution of the first goroutine and returns.
  3. The second go executes, schedules the execution of the second goroutine and returns.
  4. The third go executes, schedules the execution of the third goroutine and returns.
  5. print(4) is executed.
  6. main ends.
  7. The first goroutine executes and prints 1.
  8. The second goroutine executes and prints 2.
  9. The third goroutine executes and prints 3.

You can call go inside other goroutines:

main() {
  go([() {
    go([() {

  go([() {

  go([() {

This prints:


You can terminate a goroutine by returning goExit, like this:

main() {
  go([() {
    return goExit;

Goroutines also support the function defer. That takes a code group, that is a list of blocks of code. When the goroutine that called defer ends, the code in the code group is executed. Every goroutine may call defer more than once. In that case, the code groups are executed in LIFO order. Note that code in code groups may also call defer. defer can be used to defer the execution of cleaning code, that is code which frees resources.

Consider this pseudo-code:

import 'package:golib/golib.dart';

main() {
  go([() {
    var res1 = getResource();
    defer([() {
    var res2 = getResource();
    defer([() {

Let's assume that getResource allocates a resource and returns it. The code suggests that the second resource, res2, depends on the first one, res1. Because of this dependency, it's important that res2 is freed before res1. This is why deferred code is executed in LIFO order.


A GoFuture is a class which wraps a Future. When the Future completes, the GoFuture is updated with the value or the error the Future completed with. You create a GoFuture by passing a Future to its constructor:

GoFuture<int> gf = new GoFuture(future);

A GoFuture has the following properties:

  • isCompleted: tells whether the GoFuture has completed.
  • hasError: tells whether the GoFuture has completed with an error.
  • value: the value the GoFuture completed with.
  • error: the error the GoFuture completed with.
  • output: the value or the error the GoFuture completed with.

A GoFuture has also the following methods:

  • static GoFuture and(List<GoFuture> fs): returns a GoFuture which completes if and only if all the GoFutures in fs complete.
  • static GoFuture or(List<GoFuture> fs): returns a GoFuture which completes if and only if at least one of the GoFutures in fs completes.
  • GoFuture operator*(GoFuture that): returns GoFuture.and([this, that]). Use and directly when you want to combine more than two GoFutures (it's more efficient).
  • GoFuture operator+(GoFuture that): returns GoFuture.or([this, that]). Again, use or directly when you want to combine more than two GoFutures (it's more efficient).

##goWait, goWaitAll, and goWaitAny##

Here are the signatures:

  • GoFuture goWait(f, [bool use$ = true])
  • void goWaitAll(List<GoFuture> fs)
  • void goWaitAny(List<GoFuture> fs)

You use goWait when you want to wait for a Future/GoFuture to complete. The first parameter can be either a Future or a GoFuture. If it's a Future, it's wrapped into a GoFuture and that GoFuture is returned. If it's a GoFuture, that GoFuture is returned directly.


  • Put a break after goWait.
  • Do NOT call goWait outside of a goroutine

###How it works###

goWait adds a Future/GoFuture to the completion list of the current goroutine. When there is a break, the goroutine regains control and checks the completion list. If the list is empty, it goes on executing other blocks of code. If the list is not empty, the goroutine waits for the completion of all the Futures in the completion list. Only when all the Futures have completed, does the execution continue with the next block of code.

This implies a few things:

  1. You don't need to break immediately after a single goWait.
  2. You can break once after a series of goWait.
  3. Between a goWait(f) and, say, a print(f.value) there must be a break.

In what follows, let f be a Future. You can use goWait many ways:

GoFuture gf;
go([() {
  gf = new GoFuture(f);
  goWait(gf);                                   }, () {
  if (gf.hasError)
    print('error = ${gf.error}');
    print('value = ${gf.value}');
GoFuture gf;
go([() {
  gf = goWait(f);                               }, () {
  if (gf.hasError)
    print('error = ${gf.error}');
    print('value = ${gf.value}');
go([() {
  goWait(f);                                    }, () {
  if ($err)
    print('error = ${$}');
    print('value = ${$}');
  1. is equivalent to 2) because if you pass a Future to goWait, it returns a GoFuture which wraps the Future. If you pass goWait a GoFuture, it'll return that GoFuture.
  2. works because goWait also updates two global variables:
  • $: contains the value or the error the GoFuture completed with
  • $err: boolean which tells whether the GoFuture completed with an error

IMPORTANT: If you want gf to be visible in both blocks of code, you must declare that outside the goroutine (that's what we did in 1) and 2)).

As we said, you can call goWait multiple times and break just once at the end, or you can call goWaitAll. These two pieces of code are equivalent:

go([() {
  goWait(gf3);                                    }, () {
  print(gf1.value + gf2.value + gf3.value);
go([() {
  goWaitAll([gf1, gf2, gf3]);                     }, () {
  print(gf1.value + gf2.value + gf3.value);

While goWaitAll waits for all the GoFuture to complete, goWaitAny waits until at least one of the GoFuture completes. Consider the following code:

go[() {
  goWaitAny([b, c, d]);
  goWaitAll([e, f]);                  }, () {

After the break, the goroutine waits for the goFuture GoFuture.and([a, GoFuture.or([b, c, d]), e, f]) to complete. Note that when that GoFuture will have completed, a, e and f will have also completed, but b, c and d might not have all completed. If you access the properties value and error of an uncompleted GoFuture, a UsageException is thrown. You must check isCompleted.

##Control Flow##

Golib defines the following Control Flow constructs:

  • goWhile
  • goForever
  • goDo
  • goBody
  • goForIn
  • goSelect

goDo and goBody are not real control flow constructs, as we'll see in a moment.

IMPORTANT: All these functions can only be used inside goroutines.

I'll describe them one by one.


goWhile is a function with the following signature:

void goWhile(bool cond(), List<Function> blocks, [List<Function> incBlocks = null])

Here's an example:

import 'package:golib/golib.dart';

main() {
  go([() {
    int i = 0;
    goWhile(() => i < 3, [() {
      int j = 0;
      goWhile(() => j < 2, [() {
        print('i: $i, j: $j');
      }]);                             }, () {

This prints:

i: 0, j: 0
i: 0, j: 1
i: 1, j: 0
i: 1, j: 1
i: 2, j: 0
i: 2, j: 1

The example above is not a good example because there's no need to use goWhile! If you don't need breaks inside the loop, you don't need goWhile. This is perfectly OK:

main() {
  go([() {
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
      for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
        print('i: $i, j: $j');

Let's modify the example so that the two goWhile are needed:

import 'package:golib/golib.dart';

main() {
  go([() {
    int i = 0;
    goWhile(() => i < 3, [() {
      int j = 0;
      goWhile(() => j < 2, [() {
        print('i: $i, j: $j');
      }]);                             }, () {

Now, each iteration has a half-second delay.

goSleep is implemented as follows:

void goSleep(int milliseconds) {
  if (!_insideGo)
    throw new UsageException("You can't use goSleep outside of a goroutine!");

  goWait(new Future.delayed(new Duration(milliseconds: milliseconds)),
         false);        // false = doesn't modify $

As you can see, it pauses execution for a specified number of milliseconds. Of course, for it to work, you need to put a break after goSleep.

As I mentioned in the introduction, goWhile doesn't execute the code of blocks when it's called. What happens is that goWhile adds an execution context to the current goroutine and then returns. At this point, the goroutine must regain control. For this to happen, there must be a break right after the goWhile.

If we removed the break from the code above, i++ would be executed before the code inside the inner goWhile. In fact, goWhile just tells the goroutine that there is a new execution context and returns. It's only after a break that the goroutine regains control, notices the new execution context and starts executing code blocks in it.

Why isn't there any break after the outer goWhile? Because there's an implicit break: the code block of the goroutine ends. The same can be said for goSleep: the block of the inner goWhile ends so there is an implicit break. This is why the inner loop must be a goWhile and not simply a regular while loop: we need a break, implicit or explicit, after goSleep.

Let's see in detail how the entire code executes:

  1. main starts.
  2. go creates a goroutine with a single block of code and returns.
  3. main ends.
  4. The goroutine gains control and starts executing its block of code.
  5. goWhile adds another execution context with two blocks of code and returns.
  6. The goroutine regains control, sees the new execution context and starts executing its first block of code.
  7. The inner goWhile adds another execution context with just one block of code and returns.
  8. The current block of code ends (thanks to the break).
  9. The goroutine regains control, sees the new execution context and starts executing its block of code.
  10. goSleep tells the goroutine to wait for a Future which will complete in half a second.
  11. The block of code (containing goSleep) ends.
  12. The goroutine regains control, notices there is a Future to wait for, so schedules a new execution for when the Future has completed, and exits.
  13. (... other goroutines execute if any...)
  14. The Future completes.
  15. The goroutine regains control and starts another iteration of the inner loop...
  16. etc...

I hope you get the idea of how all this process works.

goWhile also takes an optional parameter. You can use it when you need to execute some blocks of code (like the increment statement in a regular for loop) at the end of each iteration of the loop.

goWhile supports break and continue like regular while loops, but you need to use a return statement. That's needed because you must return the right value back to the goroutine which is executing the current block of code.

Here's a variation of the previous example:

import 'package:golib/golib.dart';

main() {
  go([() {
    int i = 0;
    goWhile(() => i < 3, [() {
      int j = 0;
      goWhile(() => j < 2, [() {
        if (i + j > 2)
          return goBreak;
        print('i: $i, j: $j');
      }]);                             }, () {

Now the code prints:

i: 0, j: 0
i: 0, j: 1
i: 1, j: 0
i: 1, j: 1
i: 2, j: 0

Note that it prints one line less than the previous code.

To skip to the next iteration, just return goContinue rather than goBreak.


goForever is a function with the following signature:

void goForever(List<Function> blocks, [List<Function> incBlocks = null])

goForever is just a goWhile whose cond is always true. The same rules apply so remember to insert a break just after the goForever, if there isn't already an implicit one.


goDo is used with if-else statements. For example:

import 'package:golib/golib.dart';

main() {
  go([() {
    int i = 4;
    if (i > 3) goDo([() {
      goSleep(1000);                }, () {
      print('i > 3');
    else if (i < 3)
      print('i < 3');
    else goDo([() {
      print('i = 3');
    }]);                            }, () {

As with goWhile, you use goDo only when you need a break inside an if branch. For instance, the else if in the middle doesn't use a goDo because it isn't necessary. What about the last else? Well, it doesn't need a goDo because there is no explicit break, so we could just write:

import 'package:golib/golib.dart';

main() {
  go([() {
    int i = 4;
    if (i > 3) goDo([() {
      goSleep(1000);                }, () {
      print('i > 3');
    else if (i < 3)
      print('i < 3');
    else {
      print('i = 3');
    }                               }, () {

IMPORTANT: Here we said that the last goDo is not needed because there is no explicit break, but we said before that goWhile is needed even when there is no explicit break. Why is that? The problem is that the code in a loop is executed multiple times and if we call, for instance, goSleep at the end of the cycle, we still need a break before the next cycle begins. If we used a regular while loop, all cycles would be executed without a single break between them. With goDo the situation is different because its code is executed just once and after goDo there is a break, so there is no need to put a break also inside the code passed to goDo. Anyway, remember that adding extra breaks never hurts. It's just a little less efficient.

As always, the break after the entire if ... else if ... else ... is needed. This is what happens if we don't put it:

  1. i > 3 so the first branch is taken.
  2. goDo is called, it creates a new execution frame with two blocks of code, and returns.
  3. print('end') is executed!
  4. The goroutine regains control, notices a new execution frame and executes its first block of code.
  5. etc...

If there is a break before print('end') as in the example above, the goroutine regains control before print('end') is executed, notices the execution frame added by goDo and executes its first block of code. print('end') will be executed at the end, since it's the second block of code of the goroutine.

Before you ask, no, you can't use goDo with normal while and for loops. It just can't work! The loop would execute goDo multiple times creating multiple execution frames, but the code passed to goDo would only be executed at the end of the loop, after a break! Even worse, the condition of the loop might depend on the code passed to goDo and thus the loop might never end.


If you need a function whose code has one or more breaks, you need to define a special function. Here's an example:

// void function (goReturn is optional).
void go_func1(int x) {
  int i = 1;
  int j = 2;
  goBody([() {
    return goReturn;

// non-void function (goReturn is mandatory).
ReturnValue<String> go_func2(int x) {
  int i = 3;
  int j = 4;
  return goBody([() {
    return goReturn("$i, $j");

var ret;
go([() {
  go_func1(1);                        }, () {     // must break!
  ret = go_func2(2);                  }, () {     // must break!

Here are the important points to remember:

  • You can declare variables before goBody.
  • If you're writing a void function, return goReturn is optional (like in normal functions).
  • If you're writing a non-void function, you need to use return goReturn(...) to return a value.
  • In non-void functions, you must return the value returned by goBody (return goBody([() { ...).
  • non-void functions must return instances of ReturnValue.
  • You must break after you call this kind of function.
  • You can access the return value through the property value.

###goForIn and goSelect###

I prefer to talk about these two control flow functions after I've introduced channels.


A WaitGroup is a simple synchronization class which has the following methods:

  • void add(int delta) Increments the counter by delta (Note: delta may be negative).
  • void done() Decrements the counter by 1.
  • void wait() Waits until the counter is 0.

A WaitGroup has a counter which is initially 0. This counter can never become negative or a UsageException will be thrown. wait waits until the counter is 0. As always, you must put a break after you call wait.

Consider this example:

import 'package:golib/golib.dart';

main() {
  WaitGroup w = new WaitGroup();
  go([() {
    goSleep(1000);          }, () {

  go([() {
    goSleep(1000);          }, () {

  go([() {
    w.wait();               }, () {
    print('All done!');

It prints:

All done!

The two numbers are printed immediately, while 'All done!' is printed after one second. Initially, the counter of w is 0. We increment it by 2 with w.add(2). Note that the counter must be incremented before w.done() is called. That's why we call add in the main function and not at the beginning of the third goroutine. After main returns, the three goroutines start running and the third one waits for the first two to finish their work.


Channels are the most complex objects in Golib. Think of a Channel as a FIFO queue. You can send a value on a channel and recv (receive) a value from it. These operations can block. Here, blocking means that a request of waiting is sent to the goroutine. The wait is honored only after a break, as always.

Basically, a blocking send or recv behaves like a goWait. Also note that breaks after non-blocking sends and recvs are ignored. This means that the goroutine goes on executing the next block of code immediately. If you're sure that an operation doesn't block, you don't need any break. If an operation can block, you need a break.

You create a channel with

Channel ch = new Channel(dim);

The signature of the constructor is:

Channel([int dim = 0])

where dim is the dimension of the channel. A channel has an internal queue of length dim. If dim is Channel.infinite, the channel has infinite length.

###send and recv###

Here are the signatures of send and recv operations:

bool send(E newVal, [bool doNotBlock = false])
GoFuture<E> recv([bool doNotBlock = false])

Both operations may block. An operation blocks when it cannot proceed until something else happens.

Here are the rules for send:

  • If the channel is full (it contains dim elements) and there are no recv operations pending, send blocks.
  • If there are recv operations pending, send unblocks the oldest pending recv operation and returns without blocking.
  • If the channel is closed, send throws a UsageException (I'll talk about closing channels later).
  • If send needs to block and doNotBlock is true, it returns false without blocking and doing anything.

Note that if dim is 0 and there are no recv pending, send always blocks. Channels with dim equal to 0 are usually called unbuffered.

Of course, if you call send with doNotBlock equal to true, the operation won't block no matter what. If the operation needs to block, it simply fails and returns false.

Here are the rules for recv:

  • If the channel is empty (it contains 0 elements) and there are no send operations pending, recv blocks.
  • If the channel is not empty, recv returns the first value on the internal queue. If there are send operations pending, it means that the queue was full. Now that the queue has one free spot, the oldest send operation is unblocked and its valued added to the queue.
  • If the channel is empty but there are send operations pending, recv unblocks the oldest pending send operation and returns its value.
  • If the channel is closed, recv returns channelClosed without blocking.
  • If recv needs to block and doNotblock is true, it returns null without blocking and doing anything.

recv always returns a GoFuture (or null). If recv blocks then the returned GoFuture will complete only after a break. If recv doesn't block, you can use the GoFuture immediately. Anyway, you can always check whether the GoFuture has completed by reading the property isCompleted of the GoFuture.


import 'package:golib/golib.dart';

main() {
  Channel<int> c = new Channel();     // unbuffered channel

    go([() {
        c.send(2);                      }, () {
        c.send(3);                      }, () {

    GoFuture v1, v2, v3;

    go([() {
        v1 = c.recv();
        v2 = c.recv();                  }, () {
        v3 = c.recv();                  }, () {

This prints


In this example, the first goroutine starts first because it gets scheduled before the other one, but it's better not to depend on this implementation details because they might change in the future. Anyway, this is what happens:

  1. The first goroutine is scheduled.
  2. The second goroutine is scheduled.
  3. main ends.
  4. The first goroutine starts.
  5. print('A1') is executed.
  6. c.send(1): needs to block because c is full (dim is 0).
  7. c.send(2): needs to block.
  8. First break.
  9. The first goroutine starts waiting for the two send.
  10. The second goroutine starts.
  11. print('B1') is executed.
  12. v1 = c.recv(): reads v1, unblocks the first send and returns without blocking.
  13. v2 = c.recv(): reads v2, unblocks the second send and returns without blocking.
  14. Break.
  15. The second goroutine sees that there is nothing to wait for, so goes on executing the next block of code.
  16. print('B2') is executed.
  17. v3 = c.recv(): needs to block because c is empty.
  18. Break.
  19. The second goroutine starts waiting for the pending recv operation.
  20. The first goroutine resumes execution.
  21. print('A2') is executed.
  22. c.send(3): unblocks the recv operation pending and returns without blocking.
  23. Break.
  24. The first goroutine sees that there is nothing to wait for, so goes on executing the next block of code.
  25. print('A3') is executed.
  26. The first goroutine ends.
  27. The second goroutine resumes execution.
  28. print('B3') is executed.
  29. print(v1.value): prints 1.
  30. print(v2.value): prints 2.
  31. print(v3.value): prints 3.
  32. The second goroutine ends.

###Closing a channel###

A channel can be closed by calling the method close. When a channel is closed, no more values can be sent on it (if you try, a UsageException is thrown) and any recv operation will return channelClosed. Note that close unblocks any pending recv operations on the same channel. No recv operation can block on a closed channel. It just returns channelClosed immediately without blocking (you still need to read the value property of the GoFuture).

###ROChannel and WOChannel###

ROChannel is a read-only channel, whereas WOChannel is a write-only channel. Channel implements both ROChannel and WOChannel so you can pass an instance of Channel to a function which requires a ROChannel or a WOChannel. This is useful when you want that the compiler checks for you that only read (or write) operations are performed on a channel.


nil is a special channel. Every operation on nil blocks indefinitely. Look at the section about goSelect for an example of its usage.

###Streams and channels###

Streams can be attached to a channel. Attached streams send values on a channel but always without blocking. This means that if a channel is full, values will be lost. There are two solutions to this problem:

  1. Create an infinite channel.
  2. Recv data frequently so that the channel doesn't fill up.

You can attach streams to channels and detach them by using the following constructors and methods:

  1. Channel.attached(Stream stream, {int dim: infinite, bool detachOnError: false, bool reportErrors: false}) Creates a channel and attaches stream to it (see attach for the other parameters).

  2. Channel.attachedAll(List<Stream> streams, {int dim: infinite, bool detachOnError: false, bool reportErrors: false}) Creates a channel and attaches all the stream in streams to it (see attach for the other parameters).

  3. void attach(Stream stream, {bool detachOnError: false, bool reportErrors: false}) Attaches stream to the channel. If detachOnError is true, if and when stream sends an error, stream is detached from the channel. If reportErrors is false, the errors sent by stream are ignored and not sent on the channel. Errors are wrapped in the object StreamError so that you can spot them.

  4. void attachAll(List<Stream> streams, {bool detachOnError: false, bool reportErrors: false}) Attaches all the streams in streams to the channel (see attach for the parameters).

  5. void detach(Stream stream) Detaches stream from the channel.

  6. void detachAll() Detaches all the streams currently attached to the channel.


  • When you close a channel, all streams are detached.
  • When a stream is closed, it's automatically detached from the channel.
  • If closeWhenStreamsDone (a property you can modify) is true, when the last attached stream is closed, the channel is automatically closed.
  • closeWhenStreamsDone is initially true.

For an example, look at the next section.


goForIn is a for-in loop which works with channels. The syntax is simple:

goForIn(ch, [() {

goForIn reads elements from ch one by one and, for each value read, assigns that value to the variable $f and executes the blocks of code provided by the user. goForIn stops when ch is closed.

goForIn can also read from streams. Just pass it the stream instead of the channel. Internally, goForIn creates a channel and attaches the stream to it, but that's just an implementation detail.

IMPORTANT: as always, put a break after goForIn.

Here's an example:

import 'dart:async';
import 'package:golib/golib.dart';

// Taken from "Creating Streams in Dart"
// (
Stream<int> timedCounter(Duration interval, [int maxCount]) {
  StreamController<int> controller;
  Timer timer;
  int counter = 0;
  void tick(_) {
    controller.add(counter); // Ask stream to send counter values as event.
    if (maxCount != null && counter >= maxCount) {
      controller.close();    // Ask stream to shut down and tell listeners.
  void startTimer() {
    timer = new Timer.periodic(interval, tick);

  void stopTimer() {
    if (timer != null) {
      timer = null;

  controller = new StreamController<int>(
      onListen: startTimer,
      onPause: stopTimer,
      onResume: startTimer,
      onCancel: stopTimer);


main() {
  Stream s1 = timedCounter(const Duration(milliseconds: 200), 5);
  Stream s2 = timedCounter(const Duration(milliseconds: 100), 10);
  Stream s3 = timedCounter(const Duration(milliseconds: 50), 20);
  Channel ch = new Channel.attachedAll([s1, s2, s3]);
  go([() {
    goForIn(ch, [() {

timedCounter(duration, max) returns a stream that produces the sequence 1, 2, ..., max, where duration is the amount of time between the generation of successive elements.


goSelect is similar to a switch statement, but works with channels and GoFuture. You use goSelect to choose between a series of channel operations and futures.

Here's the general syntax:

goSelect(() {
  var v;
  if (goCase(v = ch1.recv())) goDo([() {
  else if (goCase(v = ch1.recv(), future, ch3.send(v))) {
  else if (goCase(v = ch1.recv(), sendOn(ch4))) {
    <some non-blocking computation>
    ch4.send(123);              // non-blocking
  else if (goDefault()) {
}                     // <---------- remember to put a break here!!!

Let's say a branch is non-blocking when all its channel operations are non-blocking and all its GoFuture are already completed.

If no branches are non-blocking,

  1. if there is a default case (goDefault), that branch is taken;
  2. if there isn't a default case, goSelect blocks.

If one branch is non-blocking, goSelect takes that branch. If more than one branch is non-blocking, goSelect selects one at random.

If goSelect is blocked, it unblocks when at least a branch can be taken.

Note that:

  • You may declare variables at the beginning of a goSelect.
  • You MUST use goCase to wrap operations.
  • You can use goDo to introduce a branch with breaks.
  • goDefault is optional.
  • You can specify both futures (instances of GoFuture) and channel operations.
  • You can specify multiple operations in a single goCase.
  • Operations of the form v = ch1.recv() and ch3.send(v), are executed right before the corresponding branch is taken (when both are non-blocking, of course).
  • Operations of the form sendOn(ch) and recvFrom(ch) are indicated but not executed. If the corresponding branch is taken, they can be used (once) without blocking. If, however, you put a break before you use them, all bets are off (that is, they can block). Look at the example above: a send is indicated through sendOn(ch4) and it's executed in the code of the corresponding branch (ch4.send(123)). On the contrary, v = ch1.recv() is executed right before the code in the corresponding branch is executed.
  • Operations in a single goCase are executed from left to right. For instance, in goCase(v = ch1.recv(), future, ch3.send(v)), v is received from ch1 and sent on ch3.
  • A goCase can't have repeated operations or GoFuture (note that sendOn(ch4) and ch4.send(1) are the same operation!).
  • A branch is taken when all its operations are non-blocking and all its GoFuture are completed. The operations are considered individually, that is, ch1.send(1) and ch1.recv() will still block even if together they would proceed because one would unblock the other.

###Example 1###

import 'package:golib/golib.dart';

main() {
  Channel<int> ch1 = new Channel<int>();
  Channel<int> ch2 = new Channel<int>();
  go([() {
    int i = 0;
    goWhile(() => i++ < 2, [() {
      goSelect(() {
        var x;
        if (goCase(x = ch1.recv())) {
          ch1 = nil;
          print('ch1 is now nil');
        else if (goCase(x = ch2.recv())) {
          ch2 = nil;
          print('ch2 is now nil');
    }]);                                }, () {
    print('The wait is over!');
  go([() {
    goSleep(1000);                      }, () {
    goSleep(1000);                      }, () {

It prints

ch1 is now nil
ch2 is now nil
The wait is over!

Initially, goSelect blocks because both x = ch1.recv() and x = ch2.recv() are blocking and there is no default case. When, after a pause of 1 second, ch1 is closed, the first branch of goSelect is taken, ch1 = nil is executed and "ch1 is now nil" is printed. Since any operation on nil blocks, the first branch is virtually removed from goSelect. If we removed ch1 = nil, on the next iteration the first branch would be immediately taken because a recv on a closed channel never blocks (it reads the value channelClosed).

###Example 2###

import 'dart:async';
import 'package:golib/golib.dart';

// Taken from "Creating Streams in Dart"
// (
Stream<int> timedCounter(Duration interval, [int maxCount]) {
  StreamController<int> controller;
  Timer timer;
  int counter = 0;
  void tick(_) {
    controller.add(counter); // Ask stream to send counter values as event.
    if (maxCount != null && counter >= maxCount) {
      controller.close();    // Ask stream to shut down and tell listeners.
  void startTimer() {
    timer = new Timer.periodic(interval, tick);

  void stopTimer() {
    if (timer != null) {
      timer = null;

  controller = new StreamController<int>(
      onListen: startTimer,
      onPause: stopTimer,
      onResume: startTimer,
      onCancel: stopTimer);


main() {
  Stream s1 = timedCounter(const Duration(milliseconds: 200), 5);
  Stream s2 = timedCounter(const Duration(milliseconds: 100), 10);
  Stream s3 = timedCounter(const Duration(milliseconds: 50), 20);
  Channel ch1 = new Channel.attached(s1);
  Channel ch2 = new Channel.attached(s2);
  Channel ch3 = new Channel.attached(s3);
  go([() {
    goWhile(() => ch1 != nil || ch2 != nil || ch3 != nil, [() {
      goSelect(() {
        var v;
        if (goCase(v = ch1.recv())) {
          if (v.value != channelClosed)
            print('ch1: ${v.value}');
            ch1 = nil;
        else if (goCase(v = ch2.recv())) {
          if (v.value != channelClosed)
            print('ch2: ${v.value}');
            ch2 = nil;
        else if (goCase(v = ch3.recv())) {
          if (v.value != channelClosed)
            print('ch3: ${v.value}');
            ch3 = nil;
    }]);                                            }, () {

This example is more involved. As you can see, three streams are attached to three channels and a goSelect is used to read from them. Here are the key points:

  • The loop ends only when ch1, ch2 and ch3 are all nil.
  • When a v = chX.recv() is non-blocking, the operation is performed and the code in the corresponding branch:
    • prints a message if chX is not closed or
    • executes chX = nil if chX is closed.

Basically, when a channel is closed, the branch related to it is virtually removed from goSelect with the nil trick.

##That's all for now!##


Dart library for go-like concurrency (goroutines, channels, and synchronous operations).







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