simple set of executables in python3 integrated with sqlite3 DB, working on an IMDb like database. (searching, ordering, grouping...)
./acting "actor's name"
This will give you the list of all the movies the actor has worked in.
./title "sub-string of a title"
This will list all the movies which have the sub-string in the title
./toprank "genre1&genre2..&genreN" k startYear endYear
./toprank k startYear endYear
This query will list the first k top-ranked movies (by IMDb rating and number of votes) belonging to the given set of genres. If the genre field is left blank then it finds the k top-ranked movies across all genres.
./similar "title" N
This query gives you N movie suggestions based on the title you provide.
It considers genres, keywords, IMdb rating, number of votes to make this decision.