Develop a strong MicroPython Client/Server using sockets. Meant to be the template for easy IOT development.
This initial commit has a working server and a client.
It was tested on a Wemos D1 Mini, with a 3V3 relay connected to pin 2 (labelled D4 on the board)
Added some client examples - Ruby and C++
- Install micropython on the D1 Mini See micropython documentation
- Copy the file from the server directory over to the D1 mini using
Ton of ampy tutorials - picked this at random: - Connect your D1 Mini to your network -
from the D1 Mini micropython prompt or here - Get the IP address from the D1 Mini
- Restart the D1 Mini
- Adjust the HOST address in the client script to match your D1 Mini address
- Using python3 run the client script
- Enter
to activate the LED (or relay) - Enter
to de-activate the relay - Enter
to quit the client