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〶 Script to create a homebrew release of a project for a non-official tap

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mulle-homebrew provides a convenience script to tag and release your cmake based project and publish it on a homebrew tap. It has been designed, so that it can be used with multiple forks.

What the script does

  1. Checks that the repository state is clean, no modified files exist
  2. Checks that a tag with the current version does not exist
  3. Checks that the remote branches aren't ahead and push would fail
  4. Pushes the current development branch (usually master) to its origin (can be configured)
  5. Rebases your release (can be configured) branch on your current development branch
  6. Tags your repository with the current version
  7. Pushes the tagged release to origin
  8. Optionally pushes the tagged release to github
  9. Checks out the the current development branch (usually master) again (see 3.)
  10. Downloads the source archive for the created tag
  11. Calculates the sha256 for the archive
  12. Creates the homebrew formula for your project and places it into your tap
  13. Commits the tap and pushes it to its default remote

In essence making a tagged release, publishing the release branch and updating your homebrew formula, reduces to a one-liner like:

./bin/ --publisher mulle-nat --publisher-tap 'mulle-kybernetik/software'


  • you need a homebrew tap (see below)
  • mulle-build is recommended, but not required


Install it via homebrew.

brew install mulle-kybernetik/software/mulle-homebrew

Prepare your project for mulle-homebrew

1. Create scripts

Create the default configuration using:

mulle-homebrew-env install

This will create the following files

File Mode Description
bin/ Overwrite The release script
bin/ Preserve Configuration options for git as a shell script
bin/ Preserve Configuration options for homebrew as a shell script

The files are just shell scripts that are included by bin/ Within them you can define the following variables

2. Configure versioning

If you keep your version in a header file, it is assumed to be in a major.minor.patch format. The header file's name by default is src/version.h, but that can be changed with VERSIONFILE. The name of the version identifier can be changed with VERSIONNAME, if mulle-homebrew can not deduce it from the PROJECT_NAME setting.

There are various variations possible, you can use the shifted form and various unshifted forms:


#define MY_VERSION  ((1 << 20) | (7 << 8) | 10)
#define MY_VERSION  1.7.10
set MY_VERSION '1.7.10'

As an alternative you can maintain the version in a file called VERSION in your project root.



The version is under your control, mulle-homebrew will never change it.

3. Edit

Check if your version is picked up with mulle-homebrew-version. If it is, you can skip this step.

Variable Description
VERSIONFILE The filename containing the version variable
VERSIONNAME The name of the version variable

If you can use mulle-brew to build an install your project, then you are all done.

mulle-brew can build Xcode, cmake and autoconf projects. If you use cmake don't forget to specify it as a dependency.

4. Edit

If you don't want to create a homebrew formula, simply delete bin/ and skip this step.

Edit the following values, if the defaults doen't work for you (see end o)

Variable Description
BUILD_DEPENDENCIES List of brew dependencies for building
DEPENDENCIES List of brew dependencies for runnung
DESC Description of your project, used in formula
LANGUAGE Main language of your project: c,cpp, objc or anything else
PROJECT Name of your project in Camel case. Used to derive formula name amongst other things.
NAME Formula filename without .rb extension

5. Test your script

Test the script from your project root. You need to give it the publisher, which is your user name, and the homebrew tap to publish the release to (note the trailing slash character /). The can be started with -n, which performs a dry run without doing anything to your project or repository. Also you need to specify where the generate formula should be put. That is done somewhat indirectly with --taps-location and --tap.

./bin/ -v -n --taps-location ~/taps --publisher mulle-nat --tap 'mulle-kybernetik/software'


If your homebrew tap is in the parent directory of your project, you can omit the --taps-location option.

Here is an example if the taps are located elsewhere. If your taps path is /home/nat/mulle-kybernetik/taps/homebrew-software the --taps-location is the parent directory /home/nat/mulle-kybernetik/taps. and --tap is mulle-kybernetik/software

If the output looks good, then do the release:

./bin/ --taps-location ~/taps --publisher mulle-nat --tap 'mulle-kybernetik/software'

Optional: Edit to build without mulle-build

You will have to change generate_brew_formula_build so that proper build stages of formula are emitted.

Using the code from the cookbook, this is how you would modify generate_brew_formula_build (you usually leave generate_brew_formula as is):


# Generate your `def install` `test do` lines here
# if you are not using mulle-build
#   local project="$1"
#   local name="$2"
#   local version="$3"

  echo <<EOF

  def install
    # ENV.deparallelize
    system "./configure", "--disable-debug",
    # system "cmake", ".", *std_cmake_args
    system "make", "install"

  test do
    system "false"


Optional: Create to set tap information

Instead of passing in parameters, you can place the required information into It is recommended to place this file into .gitignore

Variable Description
PUBLISHER Your github name
PUBLISHER_FULLNAME Your fullname (useful for other tools)
PUBLISHER_TAP Your tap (like in brew install /project)
TAPS_LOCATION The root folder of your taps

Script Variables

Variables can be set via a commandline option. The value for the variable is the argument following the option. So for example --publisher nat is treated as PUBLISHER='nat'.

Required Variables

Variable Option Description
DESC none Description of your project, used in formula
PROJECT none Name of your project and repository.
PUBLISHER_TAP --tap The homebrew tap to use for publishing the formula. Needs trailing slash
PUBLISHER --publisher Your github user name

Optional Variables

Variable Option Description
ARCHIVE_URL --archive-url URL of the source archive.
BOOTSTRAP_TAP --bootstrap-tap Tap to use for depends_on => build in formulas
BRANCH --branch Branch to use as release branch
DEPENDENCY_TAP --dependency-tap Tap to use for depends_on in formulas
GITHUB --github Git remote github
HOMEPAGE_URL --homepage-url URL of the homepage to use for the formula.
LANGUAGE none Main language of your project: c,cpp, objc or anything else
NAME none Formula name without .rb extension. Derived from PROJECT if not specified.
ORIGIN --origin Git remote origin
TAG_PREFIX --tag-prefix Prefix to use with version to create the tag
TAG --tag Tag to use, instead of version
TAPS_LOCATION --taps-location Where your taps are stored on your filesystem.
VERSION none Version
VERSIONFILE none Location of the version file
VERSIONNAME none Name of the #define to search for

User Variables

You can specify your own variables in the same manner, with any -- option. An option --foo 'VfL Bochum 1848' will create a global variable called FOO set to the string "VfL Bochum 1848".

In that way you could also specify DESC or PROJECT. But it is generally not recommended.


How to setup a homebrew tap on

On create a repository with a "homebrew-" prefixed name. If your tap is supposed to be accessed as "software" call it "homebrew-software". If your github user name is mulle-nat, you could then access this tap with brew tap mulle-nat/software.

My typical release scenario

After I have done various commits like this:

git commit -m "* commit on master. comment prefixed by * for releasenotes"
git commit -m "boring commit"
git commit -m "* another interesting commit"

I update the version number:

mulle-homebrew-version --increment-patch --write

Then I produce updated


Then add the new version and releasenotes to last commit:

git add -u
git commit --amend --no-edit

Now release it to the world:



〶 Script to create a homebrew release of a project for a non-official tap






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