Integrates Payline payment solution with Symfony.
- Service integration and simple semantic configuration
- Simplified API for web payments
- Automatically validates web payments
- Extensibility using events
You will of course need a valid Payline account.
Mandatory elements from you Payline account are:
- Merchant ID
- Access key, which you can generate in Payline admin
- Contract number, related to the means of payment you configured in Payline admin
- PHP 5.4+ / 7.0+
- PHP SOAP extension for Payline SDK
Symfony 2.7.10+ / 3.0.3+
This bundle is available on Packagist. You can install it using Composer.
composer require lolautruche/payline-bundle
Then add it to your application:
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = [
// ...
new Lolautruche\PaylineBundle\LolautruchePaylineBundle,
// ...
Add the routes to your routing.yml
resource: "@LolautruchePaylineBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
prefix: /
See Resources/doc/