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Simple Components for Blazor Projects

Note: Just as Blazor, this repo is also experimental.

If you like the idea of this repo leave your feedback as an issue or star the repo or let me know on @ma_khan

Currently, starting with a simple ChartJS implementation.


Don't know what Blazor is? Read here

Complete all Blazor dependencies.

  1. Visual Studio 2017 (15.8 or later)
  2. DotNetCore 2.1 (2.1.402 or later).


NuGet NuGet Pre Release

To Install

Install-Package BlazorComponents


dotnet add package BlazorComponents


  1. In cshtml file add this:
<div class="row">
    <button class="btn btn-primary" onclick="@UpdateChart">Update Chart </button>
<ChartJsBarChart ref="barChartJs" Chart="@blazorBarChartJS" Width="600" Height="300" />
@functions {

    public ChartJSBarChart blazorBarChartJS { get; set; } = new ChartJSBarChart();
    ChartJsBarChart barChartJs;

    protected override void OnInit()

        blazorBarChartJS = new ChartJSBarChart()
            ChartType = "bar",
            CanvasId = "myFirstBarChart",
            Options = new ChartJsOptions()
                Text = "Sample chart from Blazor",
                BorderWidth = 1,
                Display = true,
                // Title of the chart
                Title = new ChartJsTitle()
                    Display = true, // Set to false for hiding the title
                    Text = "Title",
                    FontSize = 40
                Layout = new ChartJsLayout()
                    // add some space to the chart for better rendering                    
                    Padding = new ChartJsPadding()
                        Bottom = 0,
                        Left = 0,
                        Right = 0,
                        Top = 50
                // move the legend
				Legend = new ChartJsLegend()
                    Position = "top",
                    Display = true // set to false for hiding legend
				Scales = new ChartJsScale()
					XAxes = new List<ChartJsXAxes>()
                        new ChartJsXAxes()
                            Ticks = new ChartJsTicks()
                                BeginAtZero = true,
                                FontSize = 20                                    
                            Position = "top"
					YAxes = new List<ChartJsYAxes>()
                        new ChartJsYAxes()
                            Ticks = new ChartJsTicks()
                                BeginAtZero = true,
                                FontSize = 20,
                                Max = 50 // set a maxmimum value for this axis
				Plugins = new ChartJsPlugins()
                    // if you have enabled the plugin you can use these parameters, otherwise it will be ignored
                    Datalabels = new ChartJsDataLabels()
                        Align = "end",
                        Anchor = "end",
                        Color = "black",
                        Display = true,
                        Font = new ChartJsDataLabelsFont()
                            Size = 20
            Data = new ChartJsBarData()
                Labels = new List<string>() { "Red", "Blue", "Yellow", "Green", "Purple", "Orange" },
                Datasets = new List<ChartJsBarDataset>()
                    new ChartJsBarDataset()
                        Label = "# of Votes from blazor",
                        BackgroundColor = new List<string>(){"#cc65fe" },
                        BorderColor = "#cc65fe",
                        PointHoverRadius = 2,
                        Data = new List<double>(){ 19.187,12.2253,5.5,3,3,2}
                    new ChartJsBarDataset()
                        Label = "# of Likes from blazor",
                        BackgroundColor = new List<string>() {
                            "#34495e" },
                        BorderColor = "#36a2eb",
                        PointHoverRadius = 2,
                        Data = new List<int>(){ 30,10,15,13,13,12}.Select<int,double>(i=> i).ToList()

    public async Task<bool> UpdateChart()
        //Update existing dataset
        var firstDataSet = blazorBarChartJS.Data.Datasets[0];
        //Add new dataset
        //blazorLineChartJS.Data.Datasets.Add(new ChartJsLineDataset()
        //    BackgroundColor = "#cc65fe",
        //    BorderColor = "#cc65fe",
        //    Label = "# of Votes from blazor 1",
        //    Data = new List<int> {20,21,12,3,4,4},
        //    Fill = true,
        //    BorderWidth = 2,
        //    PointRadius = 3,
        //    PointBorderWidth = 1

        return true;
  1. In index.html add:
    <script src="//"></script>
    <script type="blazor-boot">

2.1. For using the data label plugin add this, too:

	<script src="//"></script>
  1. In _ViewImports.cshtml add:
    @using BlazorComponents.ChartJS
    @using BlazorComponents.Shared
    @addTagHelper *,BlazorComponents

Sample Output

Bar Chart Example: Barchart


Simple reusable Blazor component library







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Contributors 3
