There are only Fortran modules. There are no working programs in here as I only upload the functions/subroutines needed in order to have working methods. If you would like me to upload the actual test programs you can open a Github Issue.
Quick explanation: find x so that f(x)=0 (or f(x+Δx)≈0 as an aproximated value)
Bisection Method (NT)
False Position Method (NT)
Newton-Raphson Method (NT)(NR)
Secant Method (NT)
Quick explanation: find vector x so that A*x=b (A being a matrix and b a vector of independent terms)
Gauss Elimination
Doolitle (LU descomposition) (TBD)
Linear System solution
Quick explanation: Given a discrete set of data points, estimate f(x) so that you can have any (estimated) image
Direct Method
Lagrange Method
Newton Method
Newton-Gregory Method
Taylor derivatives
Richardson extrapolation
TBD = To Be Done || NT = Not Tested || NR = Needs a Rewrite