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a Mutalyzer service that can provide RDF output (as well as simple JSON)

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Semantic Mutalyzer

Mutalyzer is a suite of programs, and specifically a web service, to support checks of sequence variant nomenclature according to the guidelines of the Human Genome Variation Society.

Semantic Mutalyzer (organized in this repository) takes the Mutalyzer web service and reorganizes the output using RDF to conform to semantic web standards. It is written in Node.js.

This publication was supported by the Dutch national program COMMIT.


Semantic Mutalyzer is a web service through which a running Mutalyzer web service can be queried, i.e., it acts as a proxy. The advantages this offers over querying Mutalyzer directly are as follows:

  • Semantic Mutalyzer offers a Swagger-based API, so applications that speak Swagger will automatically understand it. For example, the API documentation is generated directly from the Swagger specification, and can be used to run queries right there on the page.
  • In addition to JSON output, Semantic Mutalyzer can also generate RDF output. This output contains semantic annotations that place the output, and its relation to the input, in their proper bio-medical context. For example, when the input consists of a variant description, the output may contain that variant description again, and a link to the containing reference sequence. But the output will also be annotated with the "variant description" concept, the "reference sequence" concept, and the "containing" concept, each as a globally available URI. Any semantic-web-aware application will therefore get the interpretation of the output for free, and can leverage a certain degree of interoperability with other semantic-web-aware services.

How to Install

This package is not (yet) available on NPM or other package managers. To install it, run the following commands:

git clone
cd <directory>
npm install
npm run build

How to Use

First, you can edit config.json to change the host and port under which the new service will be available. The soap-url value refers to the WSDL description of the original Mutalyzer web service, and should probably keep the value it has.

Then the server can be started, stopped and restarted as a daemon by running:

npm start
npm restart
npm stop

Alternatively, you can also run the server in the foreground by running:

node dist/server/server.js

This version also accepts certain command line parameters that can overwrite values from config.json:

node dist/server/server.js --help

When the server is running (assuming default values in config.json) you can open http://localhost:8888/docs in the browser to read the automatically generated API documentation. You can also use that page to try out the API right there.

There will also be a Swagger description of the API available at http://localhost:8888/swagger.json, which can be used by various Swagger-aware clients.


As of this writing, the Semantic Mutalyzer service is quite unfinished. Here follows some information about the structure of the project and the code to allow any who read it to continue development.

All code for this server (in the /src directory) written in ECMAScript 6 (with some features from ECMAScript 7). Babel is used to transpile it to ECMAScript 5 (the version of Javascript supported by Node.js).

Most of the build process is managed with Webpack (see webpack.config.js), but the top-level build-commands (which you should use) are npm scripts (see package.json):

npm run build-docs    #
npm run build-server  #
npm run build         # combines the other two build scripts

Directory Structure

The structure of the root directory of this project pretty much follows the conventions of the average npm / Webpack project. Almost all development happens in the /src directory, so it is worth going over the directories and files inside it:

File / Directory Meaning
/src/docs slightly modified version of swagger-ui to generate the API documentation
/src/images all images (like favicon.ico)
/src/server the main Node script(s) for the server
/src/templates some Handlebar templates for generating Turtle RDF output
/src/test all unit-test related code
/src/tools local tools used in the build process
/src/config.es6.js module that gathers configuration options
/src/http-status-codes.es6.js intuitive names for the HTTP status codes
/src/server.es6.js module that does most of the work and exports an Express app
/src/swagger.es6.js module that builds and exports the Swagger specification as a Javascript object
/src/utility.es6.js miscellaneous utility functions

The Source Code

As stated before, the source code is mostly ES6. It also uses one feature from ES7, namely async/await, which are an intuitive and powerful way to write asynchronous code that uses promises in the background.

Furthermore, the code sometimes explicitly uses Webpack loaders, which can pre-process imported files during the build process. For example:


So as it is, the source-code expects to be processed with Webpack.


A unit-test is set up in the /src/test directory to test the server. You should run the tests after making any changes:

npm test

This command launches the Mocha test-runner. The tests are listed in /src/test/test.es6.js, and new tests should be added there to cover any new functionality introduced.

Two main libraries are used to help in writing tests. First, the supertest library can be used to succinctly formulate expectations about server calls. Inside tests, this functionality can be accessed through the api variable. For example:

it("responds with valid JSON output when requested", () => api
    .set('Accept', 'application/json')
    .query({ variant: 'AB026906.1:c.3_4insG' })
    .expect('Content-Type', /application\/json/)
    .expect(({text}) => { JSON.parse(text) }));

Second, the Mutalyzer server is not actually queried for testing purposes, as this would require an active internet connection, would put unnecessary load on their server, and would make the tests quite slow. Instead, the Mutalyzer server is mocked using the nock library. This functionality is implemented in /src/test/mock-soap-server.es6.js, and this is where cached responses are located (and new ones can be added).

How to add a new API operation

To add a new server operation, the following things should be done:

  1. In /src/swagger.es6.js, add a specification of the new operation in the paths object. If necessary, add related data-type specifications in definitions.
  2. In /src/server.es6.js, add the implementation of the new operation to the operations object. If necessary, add a new Turtle response template to the ttl object. You can add a file to /src/templates to help with this, using Handlebar template syntax.
  3. Write a set of tests for the new operation in /src/test/test.es6.js. To accommodate these tests, add some cached responses to /src/test/mock-soap-server.es6.js. To get the proper data for these cached responses, you can temporarily enable all network traffic and nock-recording in that same file: comment in/out the relevant lines of code at the top of that file.

How to augment semantic connections in existing RDF responses

The files in /src/templates contain all RDF for text/turtle server responses. This is where new triples can be added, and you can use Handlebar-based placeholders for values contained in the application/json server response, e.g., {{{referenceId}}}. If necessary, additional data can be prepared in the corresponding function in the operations object of /src/server.es6.js, that may then be recalled in the template.


a Mutalyzer service that can provide RDF output (as well as simple JSON)






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