Python package implementing the JSON version of the Open Charge Point Protocol (OCPP). Currently only OCPP 1.6 is supported.
You can find the documentation on rtd.
You can either the project install from Pypi:
$ pip install ocpp
Or clone the project and install it manually using:
$ pip install .
Below you can find examples on how to create a simple charge point as well as a charge point.
To run these examples the dependency websockets is required! Install it by running:
$ pip install websockets
The code snippet below creates a simple central system which is able to handle BootNotification calls. You can find a detailed explaination of the code in the Central System documentation_.
import asyncio
import websockets
from datetime import datetime
from ocpp.routing import on
from ocpp.v16 import ChargePoint as cp
from ocpp.v16.enums import Action, RegistrationStatus
from ocpp.v16 import call_result
class ChargePoint(cp):
def on_boot_notification(self, charge_point_vendor, charge_point_model, **kwargs):
return call_result.BootNotificationPayload(
def after_boot_notification(self, charge_point_vendor, charge_point_model, **kwargs):
print("ChargePoint Vendor is: %s", charge_point_vendor)
print("ChargePoint Model is: %s",charge_point_model)
async def on_connect(websocket, path):
""" For every new charge point that connects, create a ChargePoint instance
and start listening for messages.
charge_point_id = path.strip('/')
cp = ChargePoint(charge_point_id, websocket)
await cp.start()
async def main():
server = await websockets.serve(
await server.wait_closed()
if __name__ == '__main__':
import asyncio
import websockets
from ocpp.v16 import call, ChargePoint as cp
from ocpp.v16.enums import RegistrationStatus
class ChargePoint(cp):
async def send_boot_notification(self):
request = call.BootNotificationPayload(
charge_point_vendor="The Mobility House"
response = await
if response.status == RegistrationStatus.accepted:
print("Connected to central system.")
async def main():
async with websockets.connect(
) as ws:
cp = ChargePoint('CP_1', ws)
await asyncio.gather(cp.start(), cp.send_boot_notification())
if __name__ == '__main__':
Except from the documents in docs/v16/specification/ everything is licensed under MIT. © The Mobility House
The documents in docs/v16/specification/ are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Public License.