JNA bridge to GPhoto2 native library
The code in package x.mvmn.gphoto2.jna
was generated using JNAerator:
java -jar jnaerator-0.12-shaded.jar -library gphoto2 /usr/local/lib/libgphoto2.dylib /usr/local/include/gphoto2/gphoto2/gphoto2.h -I/usr/local/include/gphoto2/ -mode Maven -noLibBundle -package x.mvmn.gphoto2.jna -f -runtime JNA
Certain modifications were made to generated code to avoid dependencies on JNAerator types - some of the internal GPhoto2 methods that were picked up by JNAerator had to be commented out (namely the gp_file_slurp methods), some methods were added overrides with ByReference instead of Pointer parameters, some structures were made non-abstract (generated as abstract by JNAerator for no obvious reason, making them impossible to use) etc.
See gphoto2-jna-demos repo for demos.