Hi! I've been doing a lot of talks, consultancy sessions, workshops lately. However, I can't say 'yes' to every invite!
So here is a bunch of companies and people you might want to ask instead. Either because I've worked with them in the past, or simply because I've met them and I think they're great people, and I know they are willing to deliver amazing content.
- 💑 These are just referrals, not guarantees. No liability shizzles here, I'm just trying to help in matchmaking.
- 📞 If you are contacted people based on this list, please let them know how you found them :).
- 🤷♂️ This list is far from complete, I've met too many great people for that in the last few years!
- 📝 If you want to add yourself to the list, feel free to open a PR. But only if we either collaborated in the past, or met IRL.
- Anushree Subramani / @imAnushree / React / Web Performance / JS
- Pavan Podila / @pavanpodila / MobX / Flutter
- Gert Hengeveld / @GHengeveld / React / React Async
- Vladimir Novick / @VladimirNovick / GraphQL, React Native, VR
- Tejas Kumar / @TejasKumar_
- Alec Larson / @alecdotbiz
- Martijn Faassen / @faassen / React + MobX, Mobx-State-Tree, mstform
- Farzad YousefZadeh / @farzad_yz / React / React Native / State machines and Statecharts
- Doron Tsur / @qbllr_ / Compilers, Modularity and Dev Tools
- Jesse Martin / @motleydev / React, GraphQL, Digital Transformations, APIs
- Jovi De Croock / @JoviDeC / https://jovidecroock.com / Performance / React / GraphQL
- Pedro Pessoa / @pedpess / Flutter / React Native / Android
- Maurice de Beijer / @mauricedb / React / TypeScript / RxJS / Best practices / Architecture
- Gabe greenberg / @gabe_g2i / https://g2i.co
- Jamon Holmgren / Gant Laborde / @jamonholmgrem / @GantLaborde / Infinite Red / https://infinite.red / React, React Native, MobX-State-Tree
- 500Tech / React, Redux, Architecture, Webpack, Performance, React Native, Projects
- Vladimir Novick / @VladimirNovick / GraphQL, React Native, VR
- Martijn Faassen / @faassen / React + MobX, Mobx-State-Tree, mstform, Python
- Maurice de Beijer / @mauricedb / React / TypeScript / RxJS / Best practices / Architecture
- Vladimir Novick / @VladimirNovick / GraphQL, React Native, VR
- Kitze / @thekitze / React, GraphQL, MobX / MobX-State-Tree
- Martijn Faassen / @faassen / React + MobX, Mobx-State-Tree, mstform, Python
- 500Tech / React, Redux, Advanced Frontend, Webpack, Testing, NodeJS
- Jesse Martin / @motleydev / React, GraphQL, Headless Content Management
- Gert Hengeveld / @GHengeveld / React / React Async
- Maurice de Beijer / @mauricedb / React / TypeScript / RxJS / Best practices / Architecture